The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

man the wind of change is blowing, youll be right as rain in a few weeks powdery mildew bollox be gone!

nice bit of porn man, never get tired of lookin at the cheese n sis.
i have one psycho flowering at 6 weeks 12 today and a querkle and deep purple 2 weeks in 12 and a couple of boys of the same names lol. I got a cheese and a co and a jack the ripper all gagging for 12/12 treatment but im gonna wait for a week so i can get the co out cuz shes poorly with a powder problem lol. So there aint much to see so i did a clip show like on the tv lol. 4 headbands potted into 6" pots in coco. If u wanna see them i dont mind showing em lol brb with a pic .............




Cheese n co waiting for 12.


the sad sorry tent a former shadow of its former self for sure lol. Fuking powdery mildew bollocks:joint:

Page bump cuz i didnt realise it was last post of the page lol.
Hey Westy, the little HB babies are looking kool and the g. And that cheese certainly does look like it's itchin for some equator sunshine. Glad the spray is working out for ya bru, it certainly saved my OG's in the last grow. Have a good weekend in blighty folks....back to typisch NL weather, been pi$$in doon for the last 2 days....back to having Tidal wave dreams again, lol. better get the rubber dingy ready.

I saw a Rab C episode last night on the box, didn't realise he had gone t-total!!! Still a cunny funt though.
cheers guys, its feels like my tent is on the up now. Just need to pack it with rare and wonderfull things now lol
oh by the way i turn 37 in 5 hours lol, I was born on a tuesday morning at 5.45 am on the 30th peace and calm times for all my buddies >>>>>>>>>>>:joint::mrgreen:
Happy birthday Fred. I hope you get all you want but I doubt you will coz no one is gonna give you a bin bag full o weed lmao

hope LGP took care of your every need lol ;). its was your birthday after all, she should have pulled out all the stops.
Happy birthday Fred. I hope you get all you want but I doubt you will coz no one is gonna give you a bin bag full o weed lmao

Its cool i was given a big bag of weed last weekend yay my friends are GRRReaTTT!!! jus bout to make my wake and bake lol>>>>>>>>>>:joint:
happy birthday dudee.
Roll That Shit, Light That Shit, Smoke It! (name the film that's from :P)
I googled "Roll That Shit, Light That Shit, Smoke It!" and got method man lyrics lol, I give up wot film????

I had a happy birthday thanks peeps gona have one more rolled by lgp then hit the sack as im up in the mornings lol cheers>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint::weed: