The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

its been known willy ;)[/QUote}

the man took a single plant and handed out a few cuttings here and there and before you know it is spread nationwide, now everyone who knows anything about weed has heard of if i handed out say 5 cutting's of the w/rhino pheno i have but called it something else how long would it be till someone mentions that strain back to me...if that makes sense:bigjoint:
it all depends on the strength and its traits. and weather its a smoke that every1 is gunna wanna have, coz the clone only stains that are around now adays have both of theose things and another plus is weather its easy to clone.

well that ma 2 pence worth lol
i agree and thats why i think this strain would do well, it stinks like musky citrus and at 9 weeks the trics were all milky no amber ones at all and it was still couchlock, if you let it go till the trics are amber it could get nasty lol
well send some this way and i'll tell you whether you shold be posting me a clone :lol: the thing about the cheese that attracts me a lot is the total inability to hermie the thing. both a good and a bad thing i guess :P not to mention it just seems to be a perfectly behaved girl, no hissy fits yet
well send some this way and i'll tell you whether you shold be posting me a clone :lol: the thing about the cheese that attracts me a lot is the total inability to hermie the thing. both a good and a bad thing i guess :P not to mention it just seems to be a perfectly behaved girl, no hissy fits yet

i agree if u treat her right she will live up to her name.
Afternoon gents (and lady lurkers), only letter from the bank for me today...but my birthdays not for at least few years, decided at my age it's time to change my birthday to the 29th of Feb, then it'll be a good while before I hit 40, lol
Just been oot in the shed dae'in some re-pottin of barbagseed.

What's your opinions on sativa varieties taking longer to start flowering? Mangos at 12 days and I'll be damned if I can see a fekkin bollock or a minge around anywhere???
lol. 12 days aint that long mate
the og's and headbands et al were like a bunch of girls in puberty within a few days, mango fekkin girls, they aint even playing with barbies yet!!!
god knows, but I got an ounce of mango when i went back to scotland at xmas, it had been delivered wet and my mate had about a day to get it in a dry shape so it wisnae the best ken, the mangos are not exactly giving me the horn.

Thinking of taking a journey donw the yellow cheese road soon. What do you reckon to an outside cheese? Can stick it in a tomato-kast (not sure of the english word) Veg inside, put into 12/12, then stick it outside for the whole summer, start end may/june (i,e instead of finishing end of sept/oct, you can finish them end of july since they are flowering already! or mid August. Depends in what state you put them outside in I guess. Whatcha think?

I have seen a monster cheese grown out doors its some were in this thread, ill try and dig it out for u mate hold tight brb.....
taken from Here
its a beute aint it. Theres quite a bit of info on the ppl who kept thee original cut on that site i linked lol
hehe i think i posted that pic.

from what i gather the people say it was a mutant cutting or something. id love to be smoking that, it looks primo lol.

kinda like this shit i got at one stage.

you could drop an ounce of bud on the bench a few times and you would get a shitload of resin glands to smoke. (pollen i think you call it) and the best bit was there was vbasicallyy no green plant material as the miniscule amount that dropped off was easy enough to seperate hehe.
that pic was taken from thc farmer dunno who found it b4 then but that threads on thc has been around bout 18 months i think.
hehe makes ya dream of importing a cutting or starting deep tisssue culture lmfao.

then realism kicks in and you realise that customs would have to be stupid to let a cutting through. though you could get lucky and the guard be a smoker an just pass it through lol.

one can dream i suppose hehe.. one day this may all be possible aaah the possibilities hehe. though tbth im a bit against legalisation though not medicated use ;)
i like the fact that nnot only big companies can have acess to this medicin what i hate is the thought of the lost proffits to the battlers and going strait to the fucking black coates who already get enough money.. meaning the government.