the cfls were too close right? pics included.


Active Member
a little background info first:
mystery strain and fem. purple wreck started from seed on feb. 9th 2010. the pics are from yesterday (saturday march 20th 2010).

They have been under 10 23w cfls. 7 of them are 6500K and 3 of them are 2700K. they are both over 6inches tall.

the ph levels are around about 6.5 on both plants. the "fertility" level (measures levels of fertilizers in the soil) is "ideal" according to my ph meter i bought at homedepot for $10.

they were just recently transplanted from 1.5 gallon pots to 6 gallon pots (long story) on friday.

they drooped initially from the move but have since recovered and perked up.

ONLY 1 tip from the fem purple wreck plant has turned yellow (see pics). its the ONLY leaf...and those are the ONLY two spots...on the entire plant. so i concluded it must be the cfl being too close to that leaf (as it hangs over the pot and could have been too close to the lights as i rotate them daily).

this is my opinion but was hoping to get an expert's opinion. they are in a mix of fox farm ocean forest soil and an all natural/organic soil from "kellogg" which is mixed with bat guano, chicken manure, worm castings, bone meal and other i forget.

i visited my grow today and the very tip of the leaf seems to be reverting (but i could be wrong) back to its green color.

both plants otherwise are in good shape.

any and all opinions welcome.


Its kinda hard to see the middles section but cfls can get really close to the plant as my last grow of some rocklock were pretty close. Yours don't look that close a matter of fact the two out side lights could actually be closer and not hurt it. The plant to the right looks either a little over or under watered. But thats my opinion and your setup is pretty nice.


Well-Known Member
Nothing to worry about. I dont think its anything to do with the CFL's being too close. Burnt tips is almost always nute related and the soil your using has nutes in it...once again, i dont think its anything to worry about.


Active Member
thanks guys.

i forgot to mention that in addition to the soils ive used i also have given (in total...period) 1 and a half teaspoons of ff's grow big. one teaspoon between both plants 2 weeks ago and a half dose yesterday when they were transplanted.

i listened to the fertility gauge on the ph meter. maybe its not ideal for what were growing?

whats weird about the purple wreck being over/under watered is i've tried both extremes (giving it more water...and giving it less) and either way the plant always seems to look the same...ever since like week 3 its always looked that way.

its confused me as the ph is stable...the watering schedule is pretty stable (watered every 2-3 days) i usually just give enough that water makes its way into the draining trays but not till 10-15 min after watering...i always dump the excess right away.

how much water do you think a 5-6 gallon pot would take every two to three days?

when they were each in 1.5 gallon pots they each took in a half gallon of water every 2-3 days.

im not sure how much for this size pot.

any ideas?

note: i dont know what the mystery strain is but it seems to be much more easier to grow than the wreck. i wish i knew the strain as i'd love to get fem. version of the seeds and grow those (ive had like literally NO problems with the mystery strain...and tons growth compared to the wreck...) anyway to figure it out?


Well-Known Member
Well I'm no "expert" but have grown for years and that looks like a nutrient burn, I would recommending backing off on feeding unless you want to flush the soil a couple times. If you're using FFOF then you don't really need any nutrients because that shit is gold to plants. The meters are usually not 100% and could be the cause of the problem also. As far as nutrients are concerned your plants look a little "overly green" and I am betting they aren't growing as quick as they should. First I would check the Ph manually by running water through the soil and catching the water when it comes out the bottom and test that. Secondly I would stop watering your plants so much and allow the soil to dry enough to pull itself away from the edges of the pot (this is the best way to tell when to water) before watering (water til it drains out the bottom and then water just a little more) to allow the soil to completely dry out and give O2 to the roots which will help with growing speeds. Lastly I would make sure to get that Purple Wreck through to harvest because that is some good shit there. Get your soil to right around 6.0-6.5 and you wont go wrong there. I just had a slight laugh at the second picture because you have the same honeywell fan as I do in my veg room lol. Good luck man, hope things turn out for you.


Active Member
From what Im told and everything I read, cfl's can never be too close. Some people put them about a inch away from their plants and are safe because they dont put out much heat at all.


Active Member
Well I'm no "expert" but have grown for years and that looks like a nutrient burn, I would recommending backing off on feeding unless you want to flush the soil a couple times. If you're using FFOF then you don't really need any nutrients because that shit is gold to plants. The meters are usually not 100% and could be the cause of the problem also. As far as nutrients are concerned your plants look a little "overly green" and I am betting they aren't growing as quick as they should. First I would check the Ph manually by running water through the soil and catching the water when it comes out the bottom and test that. Secondly I would stop watering your plants so much and allow the soil to dry enough to pull itself away from the edges of the pot (this is the best way to tell when to water) before watering (water til it drains out the bottom and then water just a little more) to allow the soil to completely dry out and give O2 to the roots which will help with growing speeds. Lastly I would make sure to get that Purple Wreck through to harvest because that is some good shit there. Get your soil to right around 6.0-6.5 and you wont go wrong there. I just had a slight laugh at the second picture because you have the same honeywell fan as I do in my veg room lol. Good luck man, hope things turn out for you.
i see. i suppose im going to have to let it dry out then. that is something i havent done yet.

i will have to wait to check the run off as the ph meter i have is soil only.

so back off the water till it pulls from the sides. ok. how long do think that would take in such a size pot?

im sure they should get watered once a week. how much water (in gallons) would a 5-6 gallon pot of soil take in every week?

whats weird is the wreck seems so much harder to grow...the mystery is thriving great and its been getting the same treatment as the purple wreck.

this is only my first grow so it will take awhile to get the hang of it...

i got some big bang seeds on deck for when these two finish. are they difficult to grow?

thanks for the help +rep 4 u


Well-Known Member
From what Im told and everything I read, cfl's can never be too close. Some people put them about a inch away from their plants and are safe because they dont put out much heat at all.
depends on the wattage, The 42 watts get pretty hot i cant put mine more than a 1 1/2in without burning, I also have 13 watt and 23 watt CFL's i can keep literally touching my plants with no ill effects, i keep them about a cm away tho


Active Member
depends on the wattage, The 42 watts get pretty hot i cant put mine more than a 1 1/2in without burning, I also have 13 watt and 23 watt CFL's i can keep literally touching my plants with no ill effects, i keep them about a cm away tho
see all im using is 23watters...

however this isnt the first time they were supposedly (i only say supposedly cuz im not too sure) burned. this is the first time i got a mark on the plant...

the last time the leaves just felt really dry and brittle...i rotated them so the light wasnt as close and within a day they were soft i was assuming they were too close...

the tip could be from a burn because it was close to the fixture...i think the actual leaf was touching the edge of the power strip. so idk.

the problem (as of today) still hasnt spread.

my real concern is the purple wreck its just not growing very fast and im totally lost as the ph is correct and it gets the same treatment as the mystery strain.

im backing off on watering because its the only complaint i've heard that i havent followed up on yet.

i hope it solves my problem otherwise this grow might be a waste (as im counting on the mystery plant to be a male so i dont get my hopes up).

the mystery strain popped above ground 4 days after the wreck and it has since then surpassed it in size so i know something isnt right.


Well-Known Member
With larger pots it's really hard to tell but I would say they "might" not even need 5 gallons / week. I would say probably every 12 days. I grow in 2.5 gallon pots right now and they take 12-16 days to have the soil pull from the side but my room is also 80*F almost constant. Temps change with the growers, lights, rooms, and ventilation so the time frames will differ. Hope this helps.. I'm subbed now so I will be able to watch for your posts to help further if I can. Not sure how I let this 1 slip away.


Active Member
Ok now im confident i have nuteburn. :(

this sucks. they have only been given a teaspoon and a half ever of grow big.

the soil is mainly fox farm ocean forest with a light mixture of a soil containing bone meal, bat guano, chicken manure, worm castings, etc.

many tips on the purple wreck have yellowed. and even a spot on the mystery strain.

Im like 95% sure this is the problem but this is my first go-around with growing so i felt a second opinion was need.

pics included.

if this is the problem how much water do they need to be flushed? its 5 gallon pots but they arent filled to the top so i'd guess about 4 gallons of dirt in each pot.




Well-Known Member
Set the pot up on something (waterproof) and run water until the water comes out near clear and it should rinse some of the nutes out of the soil so you could start using nutes again if you want. Hope this helps.


Active Member
Set the pot up on something (waterproof) and run water until the water comes out near clear and it should put some of the problem out of the pot. Hope this helps.
thanks i can give that a shot.

i had another thread up about this problem and so far have gotten conflicting answers.

some said flush some said just wait it out (ie. no water or nutes).

im still not 100% as to what to do. im just worried about losing the purple wreck. that one has given me the most problems since seed...the mystery 1 has a spot on it now too...but this is the first issue with it. (i wish i knew the strain...its been great up until this point).

so is it overwatering? and would flushing just add to the problem?

other than use a little bit of this kellogg soil with bone meal, worm castings, bat/chicken shit etc. (just to fill in the pot where i ran out of its not more than 25% of the mixture) all it got was half a teaspoon of grow big and thats it.

ph is still stable at 6.8.


Switch ur light to t5 and test your nitrogen level to see if its perhaps low the plant looks good it just seems a lilttle under feed u have big eaters so feed them properly


Well-Known Member
Sorry to sound like a dick but, momog that wouldn't help at all. These plants have been OVER FEED rather than under. Shouldn't go looking for rep on things you don't know the answers to. Sorry.

I would say to flush and I have had this problem with the same thing just not with the Purple Wreck. I had it with my WW back when I was doing the breeding thing using the kellogg soil. Some soils tend to carry "too much" nutes for these "soft tissued" plants. Flushing will drastically help the problem if you can get your nutes figured out(really easy to get the hang of) After flushing my plants always look droopy but usually come around by the next day or the day after. Hope this helps.


Active Member
Sorry to sound like a dick but, momog that wouldn't help at all. These plants have been OVER FEED rather than under. Shouldn't go looking for rep on things you don't know the answers to. Sorry.

I would say to flush and I have had this problem with the same thing just not with the Purple Wreck. I had it with my WW back when I was doing the breeding thing using the kellogg soil. Some soils tend to carry "too much" nutes for these "soft tissued" plants. Flushing will drastically help the problem if you can get your nutes figured out(really easy to get the hang of) After flushing my plants always look droopy but usually come around by the next day or the day after. Hope this helps.
thanks. i will be sure to flush. im going to wait till tomorrow though most likely to see if the problem starts getting worse (since they have been overwatered).

i dont want to flush until they get a chance to recover so i guess im going with that.

thank you once again for saving the day w/ my grow.

i hope i dont encounter this type of issue when i plant the big bang seeds (are this harvest...should i make it there). the mystery one is a beast though...just the lone spot. im very impressed with it and how it doesnt need too much special care. just give water and step back. haha.

it also seems to handle overwatering better as to this day it still isnt drooping...just a spot (nute burn)...all my probs up until last night have been just the purple wreck so i'd have to say im not too sure about getting more purple wrecks (seems to be too sensitive to everything)


Well-Known Member
I don't mean to get you down (if I do) but most of the time the stronger quicker larger growing plants tend to be male and if you got it free then there may be a decent chance of it being male. I will wish you luck and hope for a female out of that 1 though. Good luck and hope it all turns out well. I will help where I can.


Active Member
I don't mean to get you down (if I do) but most of the time the stronger quicker larger growing plants tend to be male and if you got it free then there may be a decent chance of it being male. I will wish you luck and hope for a female out of that 1 though. Good luck and hope it all turns out well. I will help where I can.

haha yea i know its probably a male. i originally started with 3 mystery seeds and the purpwreck. that one was the only mystery seed that sprouted. others wouldnt...probably not good ones to begin with.

i found those seeds in a 8th of some good shit i got from some dealer like a year ago that i held onto.

they were stored in a room temp dark and dry place. i stored my wreck from a few months before using it.

if my wreck is in bad shape still and appeared unable to make it to harvest (in your opinion) would it be wise (assuming the mystery turns out male) to let them both go in 12/12 and make seeds?

cuz im hoping to salvage this grow anyway i can if it looks ugly down the stretch.

how many do you think they could possibly make? and i dont know alot about that area at all...they'd be regular seeds correct? not fem ones? just makin sure.

i'd settle for a big batch of seeds if i knew a harvest wasnt possible (so at least my good-hearted effort doesnt go at all rewarded lol)

and quick update.

this morning they were perked up more (not as much leaf curling) but the yellow tips got darker. one leaf extra on the wreck turned yellow...and one on the mystery turned yellow...

so i figured they needed to be flushed now for sure (before anything else goes wrong)

so they were flushed with about 4 times (water) the amount of soil in the pot...which is the to the point where the water came out clear.

the water they were flushed with was tap that had not been sitting out for 24 was directly out of the tap. (i didnt have a way to set out that many gallons of water).

the small little fan is turned all the way up blowing on both plants (to aid in the drying process).

hopefully in a day to a week they recover.

will keep this thread posted ;)


Well-Known Member
In my opinion I would go ahead and wait until they were a bit more stable before flowering so there is no ill effects of light change due to instability in the plant(s). I would give it another 4days - 1week before switching lights. Just my opinion though. This is your grow not mine and your decision is the 1 that matters most. As far as seeds are concerned they could make 20 they could make 2000 it all depends on the plants. As far as breeding (another opinion) I personally wouldn't breed anything I didn't know what it was. I'm growing Ogre and Early Girl and have 1 Ogre male in veg as I know it can't impregnate the ladies in flower. Once I see how the females all turn out and if I so decide to breed I can take a female and reflower her after regeneration and breed the strongest strains I have for seeds (I hand chose which male to breed). Check out my journal when you get a chance it's in my sig on the right. If I decide to breed I will probably make another journal that will show you how to breed and how to select the perfect plants to breed for some great quality seeds. Hope this helps.