the cfls were too close right? pics included.


Active Member
In my opinion I would go ahead and wait until they were a bit more stable before flowering so there is no ill effects of light change due to instability in the plant(s). I would give it another 4days - 1week before switching lights. Just my opinion though. This is your grow not mine and your decision is the 1 that matters most. As far as seeds are concerned they could make 20 they could make 2000 it all depends on the plants. As far as breeding (another opinion) I personally wouldn't breed anything I didn't know what it was. I'm growing Ogre and Early Girl and have 1 Ogre male in veg as I know it can't impregnate the ladies in flower. Once I see how the females all turn out and if I so decide to breed I can take a female and reflower her after regeneration and breed the strongest strains I have for seeds (I hand chose which male to breed). Check out my journal when you get a chance it's in my sig on the right. If I decide to breed I will probably make another journal that will show you how to breed and how to select the perfect plants to breed for some great quality seeds. Hope this helps.

i was gonna leave them in veg till the 30th. or at least thats been the plan.

the reason i keep asking opinions or the "what would you do" questions is just because i'd rather follow the advice of someone who has gotten results before. haha. as im pretty new to MJ in this sense.

i will check out the journal...and keep this 1 updated.


Well-Known Member
You can check out my journal in my sig (bottom right) and you could also pick up some books offline if you have the resources (Utorrent + isohunt) for example :D