The "But I refused" Thread


Well-Known Member
I always thought flavored condoms were for "straight" guys. Because it's not gay if you don't actually touch it, and there's another reason to enjoy it.

Of course, the gay guys use cum flavored condoms


Active Member
the refuse man refused to take my refuse, so i stole his refuse truck, which I refused to return until the refuse man reversed his decision to refuse to collect my refuse.


Well-Known Member
This thread is funny as fk at times and a little scary... They asked if they could search and I refused has happened a few times... They once were gunna let me go and were walking away and came back and asked to search and I replied no he said Oh well I am detecting the scent of marijuana so I need you to step out and ended arrest me and my homie on some BS planted joint they found... SMH they always get mad when I refuse...


Well-Known Member
Back in college, we had Hunter Thompson do a performance. I was on the committee that sponsored the event (it was my idea) so I was working the event. At some point, I saw the curtain jiggling, looked up, and saw a hippy up on top of the curtain rigging. He clearly did not belong there (snuck in the day before it turns out) and saw me see him. So he slides down the curtain onto the stage, walks over and gives Thompson a half a grapefruit. I had to go up on stage and lead the guy off. Led him to the back door and let him out. Told him to I would leave quickly if I were him. Came back inside and our advisor is screaming her head off "don't just stand there! Go get him". So I went outside the door and the hippy is still there of course. All I said was "Run". And he did. I lit a cigarette and watched him amble off. Thirty seconds later four metro cops burst through the door in hot pursuit.

So I kinda refused. Gave him a head start anyway. Thought it might be a good read.


Well-Known Member
This one qualifies better. Got locked up in DC jail one night. Led to a big holding cell with seven other new arrivals. Shortly after, a Marshall rolls up with a stainless steel cart full of cups (juice? I wondered?). All the other new guys go over, whip it out and piss in cups. The marshal looks at me and says "come take your piss test." I said no. He asks, official like, "are you refusing to take your drug test?" I said "yeah". He shrugged and said "ok". Nothing occurred as a result. Well, I got more respect in the jail - which is nice.


Well-Known Member
Cops said to step out of the vehicle I refused.. Got charged with DUI and resisting arrest. Saw said cop at courthouse and wanted to speak to me like he knew me I refused. He's just my Uncle Tom