The BubbleHead Gang

I can't say much because I use the GH Flora nutes and Rose uses the SH nutes except for a little Liquid Karma here and there. I do like the GH Flora nutes. Seems really middle ot the road stuff but that makes it very controllable for a grower. I use Liquid Karma, cal-mag, cannazyme and Super thrive so you can see I'm not a slave to a particular supplier. LOL! I think you work from a base plant nute and add and play around with different nutes until you find a combo that works for you.
Gotcha crazy ;-) .

Well those nutes seem like a good best-of-combo to start with. Foxfarm is always good and- dutch masters is there too we think? Well it seems pretty legit and for 19.99 for the whole pack is a steal. Unless you guys can recommend a better deal somewhere??
Does anyone know anything about advanced nutrients? Are they worth the high price. I read about them in high times but i want some real people opinions not the companies!
Does anyone know anything about advanced nutrients? Are they worth the high price. I read about them in high times but i want some real people opinions not the companies!

last year I bought two new books that discussed CATALYST and Supplements.
I like Liquid Karma as a catalyst added the last two weeks...and its cheap
Does anyone know anything about advanced nutrients? Are they worth the high price. I read about them in high times but i want some real people opinions not the companies!

I have used them. They were great. The price is ouch to say the least. But my logic is the stuff I like isn't cheap either, it does work. Not everything is required!! The 3 part set is great! The two parts I really like. The nutes I have used are very clean. Haven't used them all, been no need what soever!!!! have used anywhere between 1/8 to 3/4 dose on various plants. They all have responded very well. Can run through just about anything. Blend nicely. IMO, not what everyone calls marketing.
last year I bought two new books that discussed CATALYST and Supplements.
I like Liquid Karma as a catalyst added the last two weeks...and its cheap

Hey Roseman, if you don't mind sharing, what books? I was reading an article in a new mag and it was about supplements and additives.
I'm going to throw the bubbleheads picture into my avatar, as I'm switching over very soon and have my tank just about there. Everything that I learned about putting one together was from the DIY thread and I had no problems putting it all together and figuring out how it works. It's not too difficult, but I sometimes I would just do research before I tackle stuff. I read the forums for a good month before I put money into equipment.

In terms of rockwool, I found something pretty sweet at the local hydro store for starting seedlings or going from clone. These cubes are made out of fiber like cotton. The top has a little bowl like opening that you can use to drop in your seed for germination so you don't have to worry about the vegetation popping through the rockwool to get started. The bottom side of the cubes have a cut out X that you can use to plug your cuttings into for for cloning. These things are pretty badass and I can't wait to start using them. I either have to wait til I can clone off my current girls, or get some seeds from a seed bank which is probably what I will end up doing. I want to grow some White Widow but I haven't been able to find a local grower with clones of that particular strain. Plus it will give me a chance to see how well these cubes do. If they suck, no big loss and I can go with that I know works. This hydro store I go to is full of nice people and the good kind of tree huggers, their roof of the building is lined with solar panels, and they run their shop on the solar power. They are all about organic and keeping it real and Earthy, so these cubes might be a really nice touch too with how they are designed. I'll take some pictures soon, but it is late and I am headed to bed for the time being.

Viva La Bubbles!

Welcome to the Bubbleheads! Glad to see you did your prep work with us. Show us those cubes when you have a chance. Peace!
Hey Roseman, if you don't mind sharing, what books? I was reading an article in a new mag and it was about supplements and additives.

Marijuana Indoor Bible by Jorge Cervantes
Growing Canabis by Greg Green
I think are the names.

I am not at home now to look and check, but those names are close.
I have two books by Jorge and two by Green Green.

Here is an old free book:

Cannabis Grow Book

and a free guide:Growing Guide
what up gang.. just wanted to post pics on the first full day of 12-12, the bagseed (the largest one) didnt change but the sativa in the back left cup actually grew 1 inch.... kinda anyways heres some pics and one with a gallon jug for size reference!!


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what's going on guys im in the process of starting my first grow, and I just want to say that you guys are by far the most impressive bunch of geniuses I've ever read about, there's so much information that it's overwhelming, from this day forward I pledge to be one of you (that's if you'll have me) I was going to purchase a supercloset deluxe, but changed my mind after seeing all the threads, any information to a beginner is welcome, I was looking to get HID lighting with ventilation, but I think I'm going to read up on the cfl's and see how I do since it's my first grow. (gotta crawl b4 you can run right?) but all of your input is deeply appreciated, I'll be asking plenty of questions here in the future so don't worry. Just for your info, I planned on getting the dual spectrum combo kit, (not sure how many lights but I wana do like 5 plants) I read that it's good to go with a 2:1 ratio, so I'll probably try that, also a 2x4x6' grow tent. (I was thinking about the 4x4x7 though for future grows) and I'm really not sure what to use for odor control since I'll be using the cfl's any suggestions?:-P
what's going on guys im in the process of starting my first grow, and I just want to say that you guys are by far the most impressive bunch of geniuses I've ever read about, there's so much information that it's overwhelming, from this day forward I pledge to be one of you (that's if you'll have me) I was going to purchase a supercloset deluxe, but changed my mind after seeing all the threads, any information to a beginner is welcome, I was looking to get HID lighting with ventilation, but I think I'm going to read up on the cfl's and see how I do since it's my first grow. (gotta crawl b4 you can run right?) but all of your input is deeply appreciated, I'll be asking plenty of questions here in the future so don't worry. Just for your info, I planned on getting the dual spectrum combo kit, (not sure how many lights but I wana do like 5 plants) I read that it's good to go with a 2:1 ratio, so I'll probably try that, also a 2x4x6' grow tent. (I was thinking about the 4x4x7 though for future grows) and I'm really not sure what to use for odor control since I'll be using the cfl's any suggestions?:-P

Well welcome grownavy there is a wealth of knowledge here as you definitly have noticed... i came here knowing nothing but how to smoke it.. lol and everyday as you can see from my recent posts i learn something new... i am using the dual spectrum from stealth hydro along with 3 additional flowering lights from home depot to grow one bag seed and three sativas....the more cfls the better but its doing me just fine....and for you I would suggest the same... test it out and add as you go. I highly suggest that you check out rosemans newest closet grow thread for everything you need to know on how to setup the best possible grow room... its late for me and I just got done adding some water and nutes to my setup so im bout to hit the sack.. but I suggest (and this is comming just from me) going with a liquid nutrient if you want the easiest way to supplement your grow... the powder is cheaper and lasts longer but if you like me and have trouble mixing and measuring aint nothing easier than a teaspoon here and a table spoon anyways I wish you the best of luck and will stop blah blahing so that the smarter people can give you more precise advice..... lata!!:weed:
what's going on guys im in the process of starting my first grow, and I just want to say that you guys are by far the most impressive bunch of geniuses I've ever read about, there's so much information that it's overwhelming, from this day forward I pledge to be one of you (that's if you'll have me) I was going to purchase a supercloset deluxe, but changed my mind after seeing all the threads, any information to a beginner is welcome, I was looking to get HID lighting with ventilation, but I think I'm going to read up on the cfl's and see how I do since it's my first grow. (gotta crawl b4 you can run right?) but all of your input is deeply appreciated, I'll be asking plenty of questions here in the future so don't worry. Just for your info, I planned on getting the dual spectrum combo kit, (not sure how many lights but I wana do like 5 plants) I read that it's good to go with a 2:1 ratio, so I'll probably try that, also a 2x4x6' grow tent. (I was thinking about the 4x4x7 though for future grows) and I'm really not sure what to use for odor control since I'll be using the cfl's any suggestions?:-P

Welcome brother! For odor I would get either an can filter or an ozone generator like the ozone jr. Good luck!