this is the stalk of my 64oz its 6 years old now thou eny ideas what we could make with it eny way here it is ive got more but cant scan them 2 day it was easiers 2 walk and photo it ???2 day well now you can all say that not a 64 oz plant never was or its the stalk of a yuka or i i made it with plastacine
well i gues cant prove it but we know and so do meny happy smokers so il no doubt you wil here from therm cos i one a cup with that strain 27 years of grow that me best so feel free to abuse me no one here has been helpful polite or complemtery but wat do i exspect on a grow chat room nice frendly stoned people no h8ers ?????????and doubters u know who u are im gona aproach this sight with noo more h8ers or dobters i will not reply so peace

and good lk with ure grows love luk erazerhedd