the bigest uk plant ever 64 oz can eny one beet that

yeh thats fucking big, especially for a UK outdoor..(altho its under HPS lighting too no?)there lowsrder u lemon under the red bulb
64oz DRY big?? No way José!
peace bongsmilie
nah 7 to 8 on the skinnny one m8 im lerning how to put pics on still have to scan the tree pics yere t bro
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hers a few more pics to be geting on with cant scan photo ahhhhhhhthou so this is wat il do il have to walk seven miles to a deseted shack lol ware me keeps the stalk of the mithical monster wich is the size of my ankle biger than fdd s and grown without boosers or feeds total bio except chicken shit wich is bio lol i cant believe im gana walk to get this mother eny wase its the pistols 2 night and im going so here u go im off to walk ??//me thinks im gona here creaking as u doubters tip toe awy but really folks eny won cant grow a 64 oz plant wel yea but its having the will and the stelf in da uk ware a grow like this is 5 years inside so 2 the prik who sed it no problem ware do u live and wares your pics on this thread havnt seen eny one elses monser except fdd s who ever that might be a man on a mission me thinks bit comeon the wether they get there is perfct 4 bud but here in uk uts a hole difernt bal game ive grown all around the world yielding ten t30 oz a plant but yea i got lucky so the next pic i put on will be the monster uk plant lol :mrgreen::joint:stil smug erazerhedd:peace:peace love :confused:


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It does help to be legal.......I have gotten braver since Ive became legal:hump:
ahhh the truth comes out yea spouting your mouth of about how easy it is lol ya u can grow the stuff in yer gardens legally we get 5 years come here and try then tell me its easy i used to regulary get 40 50 oz plants in india and affrca that wasnt the thread m8 your definatly 100 per cent fuu of xxxx :hump::hump::spew:u make me:spew::spew:lol put some pics of your bigest plant ??????stil waighting errrrrrrrtik tok stilll waighting lolerazerhed:peace::mrgreen: tik tok tik tok come on then ware are your monter uk pics then bro tik tok tik tok lol lool lolol bell end ceesy dipstik
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:blsmoke:this is the stalk of my 64oz its 6 years old now thou eny ideas what we could make with it eny way here it is ive got more but cant scan them 2 day it was easiers 2 walk and photo it ???2 day well now you can all say that not a 64 oz plant never was or its the stalk of a yuka or i i made it with plastacine well i gues cant prove it but we know and so do meny happy smokers so il no doubt you wil here from therm cos i one a cup with that strain 27 years of grow that me best so feel free to abuse me no one here has been helpful polite or complemtery but wat do i exspect on a grow chat room nice frendly stoned people no h8ers ?????????and doubters u know who u are im gona aproach this sight with noo more h8ers or dobters i will not reply so peace :peace:and good lk with ure grows love luk erazerhedd:blsmoke:


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heres the pics of the 64 oz stalk 6 to 7 years old not in the ground and we know 80 per cent water so not bad for a liar lol stil good laugh lol
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here you are the pics of a stalk of a 64 oz plant dont 4get fdd s is still wet mine lost 8o percent of its weight and is 7 years old i think????well now you can all say how small it looks and how i made it with chewing gum or what ever the fuck you want lol lol its all good love peace erazerhedd:peace:


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:spew::hump:on one line ypou call me a liar the next eny one can do it me thinks your a ass liking time waster thats a wana be did you nick ure pics from photo bucket ???if u even have eny ????u sound stupid one minuiute saying im a liar the next eny one cn do it your a bellend wankstain of the highest order m8 erazerhedd prepare to eat shit ass suker love:peace::hump::blsmoke:

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you people kill me.......:hump:
:spew::hump:on one line ypou call me a liar the next eny one can do it me thinks your a ass liking time waster thats a wana be did you nick ure pics from photo bucket ???if u even have eny ????u sound stupid one minuiute saying im a liar the next eny one cn do it your a bellend wankstain of the highest order m8 erazerhedd prepare to eat shit ass suker love:peace::hump::blsmoke:

get your shit together before you talk to me, you are confusing me with other people stinkfuck:hump: Please show me where I said you were lying? I never doubted you for the simple fact that "what is so hard about it? Please tell me how you grew your plant that big, its fucking amazing dude, Ive never seen anything like that:hump:

P.S English might help also:hump:
pretty much the most atrocious thing i have ever read...

pics look real, but your defense of them, is overly protective, and misspelled and childish...

Otherwise, sweet! would be awesome if you had pics of it living, Cant imagine anyone could grow a 64 oz plant and not take pics... but maybe in the 6 years its been you've lost them...

You should make that stem into a lil pipe- it would be sweet to smoke outta a stem of the same shit ur smoking.
:blsmoke:this is the stalk of my 64oz its 6 years old now thou eny ideas what we could make with it eny way here it is ive got more but cant scan them 2 day it was easiers 2 walk and photo it ???2 day well now you can all say that not a 64 oz plant never was or its the stalk of a yuka or i i made it with plastacine well i gues cant prove it but we know and so do meny happy smokers so il no doubt you wil here from therm cos i one a cup with that strain 27 years of grow that me best so feel free to abuse me no one here has been helpful polite or complemtery but wat do i exspect on a grow chat room nice frendly stoned people no h8ers ?????????and doubters u know who u are im gona aproach this sight with noo more h8ers or dobters i will not reply so peace :peace:and good lk with ure grows love luk erazerhedd:blsmoke:

so you've won a cup with this strain....and there are no pictures nor proof....and you have yet to master the basic skills of written communication??:roll:
pretty much the most atrocious thing i have ever read...

pics look real, but your defense of them, is overly protective, and misspelled and childish...

Otherwise, sweet! would be awesome if you had pics of it living, Cant imagine anyone could grow a 64 oz plant and not take pics... but maybe in the 6 years its been you've lost them...

You should make that stem into a lil pipe- it would be sweet to smoke outta a stem of the same shit ur smoking.
:peace:thanks man the troble is digital cameras havent been aroun for long we was para about taking photos as the police have used them in a bust once against me but i took some eny way and as soon as i can scan the bloody pics on eny way thanks for your positve feed back and a chillam is a wiked idea man :peace:erazerhedd
every one bow to this god of bud and he will show us the way to the promise land were all trees are marijuana and all yeild is ten pounds a plant. haha