Ok call em masters call em gods, but read my words- "he does it like a cali god"- not that he is... But you do have a history of writing and presumably reading deficiency... And dont get to cocky "everything i do is better than what these fdd worshipers do..." thats fucking brazen boy... First you make a false assumption by twisting my words, then you put yourself on a pedestal... Sounds like you need to be taken down a notch or two... read the thred m8 i never sedd i was the greatist grower read it m8 i give fdds all his dews i never made eny claim about my plants being bigger or beter but i do claim that i grew a 64 oz plant that was my claim and asked and was pleased fdds had put his pics up really pleased ???that was the aim of the strain ill put the pics of the 64 oz plant i did put the stalk on thou u all thought id made it out of plastacine lol why do i need taking down lol thats it ???ahhh sussed you like star trek lol maybe your daft vader

The only pics that have flown on this thread were Fdd2blk's and thats because his were hands down bigger and better than what you were claiming!!! He pulled a guarenteed 100oz off a single plant, your CLAIMING to have pulled 64, and all we have to prove that claim, is a pic with your hand on a piece of root stem that is certainly big enough, but was chopped 6 years ago and has no other photo to show the corresponding plant, kind of hard to believe... Now you attach some photo's of the top cola's on what are your plants... Ok, where is the rest of this 64 oz plant, i see at most an oz in the cola shots... not 64... and if you noticed FDD's plants and pics, he has the entire head to toe shot- and it looms over him like a monster...
I am by no means religious, nor do i worship FDD, but his plants and pics are head over heals better than yours, and i by no means believe your hype about a 64 oz plant...
My question from earlier remains unanswered. Why would you grow such a large plant and not take pictures that put it into scale... you took the time to put a lighter by your buds, put a ruler by your plant!