The Big $6,500.00 Adventure UnderCurrent 8XL13 under 7000w


Well-Known Member
Will I pulled the plug on the miserable plant my bad trying to go from soil to hydro. Lesson learned. Now I will have a empty pod, what a noob mistake. I'm still wondering about how much light to put on them keep it at 4ooo or go to 7000 or 8000?? I'll post pics tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
If your currently using PbP I would suggest to do 25/75 of bloom/grow nutes the first week of the flip. Pbp is a little lacking in the nitrogen dept. I go full bloom on the second week and double up the calmag to keep N levels up.

I would keep them around 40,00 lux till the flowers really start to pop. Then jump up to around 80k if they can handle it. Really strain dependent


Well-Known Member
I'm using the full Canna Aqua line recommended by their online calculator, not using the Boost. Using Cal- mag also. I use PBP in my organic grow love the stuff and also use Liquid Karma


Fucking such a set up woodsman 1 of the best ive seen yet so jealous!!!!

2 questions;
1.where did u get ur machine for cooling the room and how much? (im havin problems with heat at the min)
2. R u not worried about posting pics of such a big set up and cops tracking your IP or sumfin??


Well-Known Member
Fucking such a set up woodsman 1 of the best ive seen yet so jealous!!!!

thanks for stopping by

2 questions;
1.where did u get ur machine for cooling the room and how much? (im havin problems with heat at the min) I got it from an aquarium supply place, you can find them at Sunlight Supply there called chillers and the one I have is 1/2 hp that's how they rate them. I have a 800gpm Magdrive pump attached to the chiller. Chillers are far more efficent than air conditioners. I pain 900 CDN for my chiller and as soon as I mentioned I found a 1 hp for $799 he said he would match it. Great deal but I just bought the 1/2 for 900$ WTF anyhow he gives me great deals now.

2. R u not worried about posting pics of such a big set up and cops tracking your IP or sumfin??
No I'm a legal med card carrying allowed to grow 50 plants soon to be more, working with some people to be the designated grower for them.

Feel free to ask anything, I also grow in dirt 99% Organic.


Well-Known Member
So tomorrow I will flip to flower and get the net up took me a few days to figger out what I want to do. Will post pics some time tomorrow before and after, I'm thinking about keeping 3 of my 1000w MH in there with my 4 1000w HPS???

so here we go with flowering and the roots are just insane


Active Member
So tomorrow I will flip to flower and get the net up took me a few days to figger out what I want to do. Will post pics some time tomorrow before and after, I'm thinking about keeping 3 of my 1000w MH in there with my 4 1000w HPS???

so here we go with flowering and the roots are just insane
I sure hope they are, if they are going to be able to fuel 7000w!


Well-Known Member
Any idea why the yellowing leaves? Little nitrogen starved perhaps or is that just light?

Are you going to do any trimming or training during the stretch? Man, I would totally fucking SCROG those bastards. Open up the canopy and let all those top shoots get nice and spread out. BOOM!!! Mega buds.

I'm sure you have your technique on lock down, I'm just curious.


Well-Known Member
Any idea why the yellowing leaves? Little nitrogen starved perhaps or is that just light?

Are you going to do any trimming or training during the stretch? Man, I would totally fucking SCROG those bastards. Open up the canopy and let all those top shoots get nice and spread out. BOOM!!! Mega buds.

I'm sure you have your technique on lock down, I'm just curious.
I think maybe over fert and light to close.

I trimmed them a few days ago and my trim a bit more.

I am going to put the net up and than start to train, there getting big.


Well-Known Member
I have to say I am so Fuc-ing happy right now I thought I might have an issue with the roots browing but turns out it's because I droped the water level, hahah I'm such a noob at this. So we back down from DevCon 3 These are pics of my RO system with booster pump and my holding tanks and my res hooked to the UnderCurrent and it also feeds the humitifier. I have a Dual in-line TDS meter for the RO system it is installed at the start and at the end and will let me know in a flash if any filters need changing. Water going in is around 380 ppm and comes out at 22 ppm. I added the dual DI filters, there the ones on the left that look brown.



Well-Known Member
Nice Yo! (someone lives in a location were buds are still high priced :) ) Pimp RO system although damn that is some dirty water! MY tap water comes out at 26 PPM :) But alas, there are chloramines in it so I still have to run it through dual KDF carbon filters.


Well-Known Member
Nice Yo! (someone lives in a location were buds are still high priced :) ) Pimp RO system although damn that is some dirty water! MY tap water comes out at 26 PPM :) But alas, there are chloramines in it so I still have to run it through dual KDF carbon filters.
Have you tried it with out the filters for the chloramines, they use it in one of the water treatment products that everyone uses in their hydro systems water to prevent algae dam will look for that post.

Funny you mention high bud prices, the market here in Ontario is flushed, can't give outdoor away and hydro 1500# if your lucky. I just believe in doing things as best as I can with the best tool for the job or some bullshit like that. LOL

I did have an issue pop up and one plant looks limp and not sure what caused it. Making me nervous, but onward


Well-Known Member
the roots look brown on this plant from the net pot and halfway down until there is new root growth that is white, are you using a nutrient that is dying the roots or is this the start a root disease? maybe just a shadow.



Well-Known Member
the roots look brown on this plant from the net pot and halfway down until there is new root growth that is white, are you using a nutrient that is dying the roots or is this the start a root disease? maybe just a shadow.

I dropped the water level and that is just browning from that. Thanks for noticing I thought I had an issue but my coach said no.


Well-Known Member
OK here is the latest, I have a couple plants that are dieing and have been for the last 3 days and could not figger it out so after getting some coaching from MM I replaced half the res with increased nuts my idea as I'm flowering tomorrow. But added some H2O2 as advised and made some changes in the environment and bang their coming back I have pics and you can see the changes. Taking pics every hour or so.

So I don't know why but humidity was 20 to 30 % so added another humidifier turned 2 lights out and raised the other 2 anothe 6 inches and turned the auto fan to 85 and bang in 1 hour a big change. But I think it will cost me another plant as payment for my noob screw-up

I got my microscopes and checked the roots out here are the pics.

Roots April 2.jpgRoots April 2 5.jpgRoots April 2 6.jpgRoots April 2 4.jpgRoots April 2 1.jpgRoots April 2 7.jpgRoots April 2 3.jpgRoots April 2 2.jpg


Well-Known Member
Nice looking buds. I hear you on the price of buds. In oregon every other house has a fucking grow op. You shold see some of the schwag they turn out though...ugggh.

Anywho, your roots do look a little ill. Maybe it would be best to nuc your beni's and do the hydrogen peroxide route. I always seem to panic mid way through the grow and just throw the h2o2 in. I'm quite certain that would brighten your roots up and kill anything that is bugging them.