The Big $6,500.00 Adventure UnderCurrent 8XL13 under 7000w


Well-Known Member
yeah I don't fuck with PH until it gets below 5.8or above 6.4 or so. Sounds like you have it handled. You will see that as the plants start cranking (especially during flower) that AFTER you top off with tap water (or is there an automatic top off?) that your ppm will drop almost everyday. I don't typically sweat that unless they are dropping like 200-300 ppm. Then I either add balanced nutes to bring it up or just decide to change my rez early. What nutes are you using? People have been really pleased with my product using the botanicare pure blend pro line. Organics apparently really help with hydro taste. They are pretty damn stable, produce good results, and are not that expensive but in the end I guess you can judge for yourself.

I'm quite certain you will do much better than you did 10 years ok. If not, maybe their is no hope :)

I'm running Canna Aqua line at 1/2 recommended. First time using them and so far very stable. I have a 50 gal top off res with auto fill for sure.

I used botanicare pure blend pro line with Cal-mag for years and recommend it to everyone. Great stuff and there is a more complex taste to the end product.


Well-Known Member
Yes I'm very happy with the pure blend line up as well. I haven't even used anything else to compare it to but I see no need to really.

Some othr stuff is so damn expensive.


Well-Known Member
Yes I'm very happy with the pure blend line up as well. I haven't even used anything else to compare it to but I see no need to really.

Some othr stuff is so damn expensive.
when I worked out the cost I was a little pissed than I remembered I only need half the recommended so that was nice $400.00 for food for 3 weeks veg and 9 weeks flower if they go that far.


Well-Known Member
Got tired of filling the rain maker up 4 times a day so said fuck it and hooked it up to it's own 50 gal res with an auto fill, my #3 plant that I took out of dirt sucks, will never do that again. Dumb fucking move, but it's the first of a new sexed Dr. Atomic Shiva I wanted to try, next time in rockwool. :joint::bigjoint::blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
nice move on the top off REZ. I have a 25 gallon top off tank for 12 plants and they will soak that shit up in 3 days when in flower. The top off set up is money because you can add 1/4 strength or less nutes and PH it so that your main rez stays stable. I had my top off at 4.0 PH a couple weeks back and my main rez stayed at 6 for the whole week. Probably not ideal as I like to see a little swing but at least it didn't get out of whack.

Plants look nice and uber dense. I would add a dash of superthrive or other b1 in the mix to help that transplanted guy out. I'm pretty confident he will snap back. Maybe cover him up with some cheese cloth or at least shade him to reduce transpiration stress until her roots get settled in again. Plants can take a fair amount of beating. I ripped a 3 week old plant out of my flood table once and set him on the ground cause he was a little scrawny. Came back an our later and decided what the fuck, she will produce something and placed her back in the table. After a week she bounced back and I probably pulled 3oz of her.


Well-Known Member
Just rockin the place, the plants looked like they needed some more food, leaves were showing some loss of color and some chlorosis. (Yellow leaves and green veins are often the result of a common problem called iron chlorosis. This is the result of either an iron deficiency or iron unavailable for plant uptake.) Happens when using RO water so I upped the ppm by about 70ppm with 50ml cal-mag and 50 ml of all the rest of the stuff. I just added to the epic center and just read that's a no no. I watched and the ph dropped to 5.3 and started working it's way back up to 5.8 in about 1 hour.




Nice healthy roots, lookin' good! I think Canna makes good stuff, although I also use PBP mainly, except when experimenting. My well water comes out at 15 to 20 ppm's, so I'm always adding Ca, Mg, and other micro's. I like CalMag+ during veg and first 2 weeks of flower(uses calcium nitrate), then use seperate calcium carbonate and magnesium sulfate products after that.


Well-Known Member
Nice healthy roots, lookin' good! I think Canna makes good stuff, although I also use PBP mainly, except when experimenting. My well water comes out at 15 to 20 ppm's, so I'm always adding Ca, Mg, and other micro's. I like CalMag+ during veg and first 2 weeks of flower(uses calcium nitrate), then use seperate calcium carbonate and magnesium sulfate products after that.
Interested to know why the switch out on micos when in flower? I'm using PBP right now.


Well-Known Member
Just rockin the place, the plants looked like they needed some more food, leaves were showing some loss of color and some chlorosis. (Yellow leaves and green veins are often the result of a common problem called iron chlorosis. This is the result of either an iron deficiency or iron unavailable for plant uptake.) Happens when using RO water so I upped the ppm by about 70ppm with 50ml cal-mag and 50 ml of all the rest of the stuff. I just added to the epic center and just read that's a no no. I watched and the ph dropped to 5.3 and started working it's way back up to 5.8 in about 1 hour.


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What is your secret to keeping white roots? cannazyme? RO Water? Cal Mag? That looks amazing man


Well-Known Member
Well can't say what the secret is as this is my first RDWC grow but the Canna Aqua, Cannazyme and Resotonic and cal-mag are what I am using. My well water is 390ppm so I have a ro system that spits it out at 12ppm so I need the cal-mag. I trimmed them back today and will flip to flower in a few days.



Active Member
nice setup mate!

how is that transplant 1 going? hope its ok im sure u would have taken a couple of clones off her just incase something happened to her!

keep the pics comming!


Well-Known Member
Number 1 is not doing good at all it has a couple of roots showing but it is so far behind when I flip to flower in a few days I will likely pull it out just so it does not mess up the others, not worth the risk. I have the mom for her so no big deal. I have some that I will chop tomorrow, their in my organic grow. I have 10 1000w over soil which I am phasing out 6 1000w over the next month and hope the undercurrent will let me grow more with less plants. I'll post some pics of the chop tomorrow.

Thank for stopping in phear I will post a pic of #1 so you can see why not to take a plant out of dirt and try to put it in hydro. I read where a guy did it with 8 plants and it worked out for him. O well won't need to do that again.


Nice job cleaning out the leaf. Looked like alot of compact growth going on, they'll want to strectch their wings now I'll bet! Are you planning on some kind of caging?/training?

LF-Its just to eliminate a source of Nitrogen during bloom. I transition thru PBP hydro grow, to hydro bloom, to soil bloom, and from CalMag+ to Organicares' calplex and huvega. Calmag is cal/nitrate, calplex is cal/carbonate (btw, beenies like the carbon:clap:)


Well-Known Member
Compact as hell. Two questions: how old are they in the pics and did you just topp or fim?

My plants are hella compact until they get about 3-4 weeks old then they jsut start growing and stretching like a som-bitch. Could be they are just a little too bunched up and start competing for light. 15 plants in a 3 x 5 space. soemthign has to give.


Well-Known Member
Compact as hell. Two questions: how old are they in the pics and did you just topp or fim?

My plants are hella compact until they get about 3-4 weeks old then they jsut start growing and stretching like a som-bitch. Could be they are just a little too bunched up and start competing for light. 15 plants in a 3 x 5 space. soemthign has to give.
They are 3 weeks old and have not been top just fim.


Well-Known Member
Nice job cleaning out the leaf. Looked like alot of compact growth going on, they'll want to strectch their wings now I'll bet! Are you planning on some kind of caging?/training?

LF-Its just to eliminate a source of Nitrogen during bloom. I transition thru PBP hydro grow, to hydro bloom, to soil bloom, and from CalMag+ to Organicares' calplex and huvega. Calmag is cal/nitrate, calplex is cal/carbonate (btw, beenies like the carbon:clap:)
Still thinking what I am going to use but need to get it up in the next few days as going to flop to flower soon.