The Beard Thread

Is beards cool?

  • Yerp

    Votes: 36 47.4%
  • Nerp

    Votes: 7 9.2%
  • Shuttup

    Votes: 6 7.9%
  • I have most best beards

    Votes: 24 31.6%
  • My wiener is small

    Votes: 14 18.4%
  • I can't make a beards

    Votes: 6 7.9%
  • Penis

    Votes: 14 18.4%
  • Bagina

    Votes: 10 13.2%
  • Wicked Chopsticks

    Votes: 9 11.8%
  • Antagonist

    Votes: 8 10.5%

  • Total voters
WE dont have walmart here , nor do i know who or what lynyrd skynyrd is lol but still facial hair is disgusting , why would anyone want that shit on there face ? unless some god told them they musnt shave it off ....fuckin rediculous

Lynrd skynyrd:


Why would anyone want that shit on their face? Beats me, I'm a girl but I sure love bearded guys…If you knew chicks dug it, would you grow one then?

yeah im jealous of a pubic bush on my fuckin face

Are you fair skinned and fair haired then?

The theme song....again. for posterity.

Mustache? No.
Sideburns? No.
Goatee? Maybe.
Beard? BEARD!

Do you feel alone?
Do you feel neglected?
Not doin' too well with the ladies?
Well I got the solution for you!

Low self esteem? GROW A BEARD!
Afraid to follow your dreams? GROW A BEARD!
Are you lonely and sad? GROW A BEARD!
Wanna look good in plad? GROW A BEARD!

Are you workin' out? GROW A BEARD!
Did your car break down? GROW A BEARD!
Ice caps melting? GROW A BEARD!
Are you stuck in the middle of nowhere and you need to make an important phone call
but the battery's dead and you can't find an outlet to plug in your charger?

Grow the beard!
Feed the beard!
Brush the beard!
Manscape the beard!
Stroke the beard!
Love the beard!
Fear the beard!
Obey the beard!
Obey the beard!

(Obey the beard!)
Behold the beard! (Obey the beard!)
Accept the beard! (Obey the beard!)
Respect the beard! (Obey the beard!)

"Oh my god, Becky, look at his beard! It's just so... beard!"

Impress your date, WITH YOUR BEARD!
Eat a steak, WITH A BEARD!
Chop down trees, WITH A BEARD!
Crush your enemies, WITH A BEARD!

Catch a fish, WITH A BEARD!
Roundhouse kick, WITH A BEARD!
Troll the net, WITH A BEARD!
Chia pet? Ch-ch-ch-chia, BEARD!

Drive a truck, WITH A BEARD!
Try your luck, WITH A BEARD!
Arm wrestle, WITH A BEARD!
Teenage Mutant Ninja BEARD!

Pet your doggie, WITH A BEARD!
I pledge allegiance to the beard!
Can't grow a beard? Then buy a beard!
Do you have a beard? Then GROW MORE BEARD!

"You need to shave this thing!"

Defend the beard!
Drink to the beard!
'Cause beards are good...

(Obey the beard!)
Behold the beard! (Obey the beard!)
Accept the beard! (Obey the beard!)
Respect the beard! (Obey the beard!)

I was so empty and lost inside
'til I grew you ('til I grew you)
I put my faith in my facial hair
to get me through

Well I can defy the odds again and again
with you on my chin (you on my chin)
With every moment you grow closer and closer
to my heart

"Sigh... I love you beard."
"If you love it so much, why don't you just marry it?"

"Do you take this beard to be your lawfully wedded beard, for bearder or for worse, in scruffiness and in beard, 'til shave do you part?"
"I beard!"

(Beard! Beard! Beard! Beard! Beard! Beard! Beard!)

Abe Lincoln had a beard
ZZ Top, epic beards!
Dimebag Darrell, metal beard!
Chuck Norris, kick ass beard!

Number one, make it beard!
Chewbacca, is a beard!
Santa Claus, Jesus Christ

Obey the beard!
Obey the beard!
Obey the beard!

(Are you mad? get pissed here -
I was just getting to the point of PMs and debauchery on other fora when he left...

I'm curious as to how his organic shit show of a garden is doing as well...

Thoughts out to the pinmeister
I have plans to get a haircut today.

I have like a 2 inch beard right now, its pretty long.

I will take before and after pictures: a picture with a long beard, and a picture with a goatee.

I am getting sick of My beard, and I think I look better with a goatee.

Thats if I get a haircut today.

Only two types of people aren't supposed to have beards...
Women and children.

I havent shaved in 2 1/2 yrs. cant imagine not having this long beard now
Cant do that man
Its long trust me.
Im halfway to a full duck dynasty beard. Its crazy enough that i cant go to bass pro shops or even a regular mall or grocery store without someone commenting or some kid asking why i shoot animals lol
Cant do that man
Its long trust me.
Im halfway to a full duck dynasty beard. Its crazy enough that i cant go to bass pro shops or even a regular mall or grocery store without someone commenting or some kid asking why i shoot animals lol

Haha, are you a hunter?

And if you hunt: what do you hunt?

(I have hunted deer, squirrels, turkey, and I killed a duck once with My shotgun.)

Moose deer blk bear turkey
U name it.
Im cheap so anything to fill the freezer.
Ive even tried crossbow fishing lol

Very cool!

You must live up north, because you don't really find moose and black bear in southern country.

I have seen moose in Maine, where My house is. But, I have never seen a black bear in the wild, yet.

I live in the middle of the city.
I do however drive up north a couple weekends a yr with a group of buddies and get our fair share.
Im hoping to buy a place up north by next summer
I just got a haircut earlier.

I look like a terrorist with this long beard, hah.

When I go home, I plan on taking some pictures with this long beard, and then I am going to shave the sides, so I will be left with a goatee.

I plan on posting these pictures in a few threads.
