The Art of The Auto


Well-Known Member
I haven't tried it myself...
but I was reading about it recently.

First thing to say is...I cannot see it doing them any harm..
(It takes about 4 days to hermie them from low light..)

so cheers for volunteering to Test it out for us...........:clap:

What I was reading was the 24 hour terpine fluctuation chart.

Morning/dawn..after a dark period has the strongest concentration of terps..
so you smell them more.
During the day the terps dissipate into the surounding air..
(to deter predators..they think..)
Evening is the lowest level of terps.

Knowing that..
I would say that if you give your girls a 24 hour dark period..
the terps are gonna be at their Most concentrated..
so the girls are certain to Smell strongest.

Whether it improves strength is debatable
if you can maintain the strong terps..
it will improve the taste of the smoke..

and as taste is a big part of the Experience..
it has to be worth giving it a go eh...?
Thank you mossy. I knew on some level that it was supposed to help quality. I have smoked bud that tasted funky and got me high but it does end up being the taste a person remembers.


this is my second grow first was a disaster i got two plants on the go they are 10 days old i got then under 400W MH going to switch to HPS when blooming i'am using pro-mix with alaska fish fert.

any feedback or comments would be great..




Posted some pics on page 185 of my plants that are flowering. People have said maybe a week longer till there ready. Should I start flushing them now?(no nutes and just water)
Also any tips on harvesting/drying?


Active Member
I have smoked bud that tasted funky and got me high but it does end up being the taste a person remembers.
Yep..Taste is a very strong sense...
and on all the girls we the all boils down to Taste and Effect...
so if we can improve either..especially so's gotta be worth doing.

Terps are simply the essential oils of the plant..
heat and light make essential oils deteriorate so keep them as dark and cool for best chance of preserving them.

I Think you will have a LOT Worth preserving..
wish I could come round for the harvest.............:bigjoint:

Devilmatic from MOC named her Delilah
Lampey S..I love Delilah...little ice maiden..

Intensive Care Unit..followed by a number denoting the particular cross...medical cross line.


Well-Known Member
JM..I grow my way for my conditions..
FullD grows his way for his..

During his grows he has developed his treatments to get the best from his girls on his conditions.
He grows girls in Tiny conditions that yield like big girls.

I haven't seen anyone that can beat him in a small pot over 8-10 weeks.

They are just solid bud lumps..on a small stick..
why thank you my friend i appreciate it BIG time
like you said i had to get it right for the space that i have
Then over time i expanded my searches to make it better and better

And they are little bud sticks :weed:

We are not trying to confuse you...
we just both use different methods......:leaf:
exactly tailored to our own needs and wants
and like you said JM if you can combine all of them
it would have some nice results :)

John Mondello

Active Member

this tip is invaluable to me thank you!

(It takes about 4 days to hermie them from low light..)

also... the terps stuff you discussed.... wow! I never thought through that whole chain.. again... invaluable info.... thank you so much for sharing... and that goes for everyone in here... wow... we are all learning so fast! this is great!

I think of you guys as my "TEAM" now... :)

Good vibes.... good karma to all


Well-Known Member
Posted some pics on page 185 of my plants that are flowering. People have said maybe a week longer till there ready. Should I start flushing them now?(no nutes and just water)
Also any tips on harvesting/drying?
Get us some updated pics, i remember seeing the last ones and from what i saw you had longer than a week.
You want to make sure that 90% or better of the hairs are red/brown before you harvest. At that point you need to take a look at the trics and see what they are doing and what state they are in.

Once you have made it this far its worth the extra wait to make sure they finish
you dont want to disappoint your self with a mediocre harvest
in both weight and effect


Well-Known Member
i just got done reading a thread asking for general advice, they were looking for info that would assist them in their grows.
One of the posters said that the best thing that happened to them was getting the right info instead of tons and tons of info that was misleading or pointed them in the wrong direction.

then i started thinking about this thread and all the info in it. then realized how important it can be to have the right info at the right time in our hobby. This thread HAS done just that. It has become a place where people who enjoy autos can come and get the info they need and depend on it to work for them. rather than just some useless info that has no backing other than "google said so." You can see the results here, good or bad and you can ask a question anytime and you can bet there are at least 3 people who HAVE done just that. This is what makes the thread valuable. The fact that the info is the truth and that its here to help.

This could not be done with out all of you. All of the auto guys that have come out of the closet and shared what has happened and what they do through out the grow. Sure i have shared a good bit about my practices, but yet there is so much more that i dont do that others do. Thats what makes the thread epic!

basically this is me thanking all of you for the info you have brought forward as well as all the help you have provided. Lets keep the ball rolling and AF's will soon have a place to shine



Well-Known Member
I say we all smoke one for the cause :joint:
im about to enjoy one on the car ride

ill catch you guys later tonight with some updated pics :)

John Mondello

Active Member
FD... have safe and good trip.... am def smoking one one that!
teflon... typically you lose 50-65% water weight... though my guess is FD loses a little less than 50 :)

so 30 wet... your looking at 15 -20 max dry probably



Here you go FullD
As you an see I have 2 auto's and one non-auto. The non-auto has gone crazy and is taking over so need to finish the Auto's sonner rather than later.
The auto's stems feel really heavy and the buds seem very very dense :)
Was trying to get at least 1 - 2 ounces off the auto's. Do you think looking at the photo's thats realistic?
Any tips would be greatly appeciated.
One pic is off my grow area showing the out of control non auto
The others of of my 2 auto's. he main bud I have pictured is getting very large and extremely solid and dense!