Hey Happy Thanksgiving Everyone....
(I told you I felt rubbish this morning..an I forgot..)
FullD..Fang....ah man..gone but not forgotten...
Wowsers..I didn't know everyone grew chillies too...
some absolute Beauts there.
Looks like we have a Chilli growing master class going to.
FullD..that delicate little black one looks so much like deadly nightshade it is scarey.
It looks very dangerous..and very enticing.
JM..that is the first time I have seen the big peppers that colour.
FullD is right..that system set-up made my jaw drop...woof....
hope you don't mind if I join the Project Eden Team... PET
No PET..you are fine...
(FullD...I think we were just mugged for a team badge there...in broad daylight..

So it could be a couple things, but IF it was the mango i dont think you should do another test.....
I'll take a bit less next time m8..since the effect is real bad for me..
honestly..within 10 mins I fel the onset.and I could feel it developing..and worsening...
I was gutted.
More gutted today with the hang-over effects..my nerves have been singing all day..
and my legs would hardly carry me on the dog walks..weak as a kitten.
I'd love to have had a drug test before and after..
coz I swear blind it flat-lined my THC levels.
Comes back to the theory of "once roots hit bottom time to show my fun parts ."
I always used to think it was when the root pooled..
But observing the cup girls..
it looked more like when they bottomed...
I might just have a look at their root-ball tomorrow..
if they will slip out of the pot easily.
My head say that they may be girls..and are ready to pop..
especially after seein that male show..
But..I don'tlike to get me hopes up...
I have been conned like that before...
I say if you get a female there i would transplant as well as she may have something special for you.
as in ultra..ultra indy..with the hollow stem...
I forgot to tell you..
go back and look at the two main stems..
remember me saying that the hollows were distinct because of the heavily ribbed appearance.
see the difference.
And you recognised the DC lookee likey..you are getting better and better.
actually..the f3's in the big pot are holding some too..
but because they are so bushy..and close together they are hard to spot..
teflondummy..they make me smile...bet the room smells lush now..
BH..totally off the wall..
I'm using white wine vinegar to buffer my water..
just wondering if the extra tannins in the red wine variety might feed the soil better..
any thoughts...?