The Art of The Auto


Well-Known Member
Aw FullD...I want BOTH of them...Bro...SO CUTE.
Thanks, there some cute little buggers and yeah they are still on the bottle. Its gonna be hard to break the habit lol

Loads of spare karma sent for them m8...
Appreciated my friend

I Love the anticipation of something New to the world........:clap:...
and this is what i cant wait for when these seeds on the ICU are done. Took a look today and i can see seed pods forming :twisted:

Thats AF Love....:mrgreen:
And it is its more like a disease to be honest. Every time i go for a smoke i have to take a peek at them. Its habit now and i really enjoy it because there is a change every day.

Can't help thinking that the way she pulls all her buds up on the level..that she would be Great for lights.
:hump::hump: SCROG with out the need for the screen.

But I was telling FullD...
there is an Ultra Indy..Ultra Stench pheno there that I will work forward.
when you do cut them down..check to see if the are Hollow stems or not.
Im hoping that when i cut this ICU i see a hollow stem, as she is ultra indy, and stretchy. Fingers crossed for the third part

BTW..11 out of 12 of my ALFie babies are above soil in the Air-pot...
and 8 out of 8 JEM.
Oh and 12 I think Whores.
Great cant wait to watch this. You said one stone correct in the pot? I cant remember

FullD...WATER...I can't grow good girls in small pots......water......:clap:
Wish you could smell these Bitches first thing in the morning...
Thanks my friend and i wish i could to i bet the smell is amazing. Would be like walking through the gates of heaven

FullD..11 fingers....
I told you i knew who had it.

think you'll be back befre christmas? lol

Def a big cojoined smoke for the day... in honor of mini-christmas-trees everywhere!
Oh yeah i am back now just trying to dig my way through the last 10 pages that ripped through here.


Well-Known Member

I have to agree with the guys on this. Let it set and dry out and then add a little nutes. I couldnt quiet tell from the pics what you hand till you or BH mentioned the spots.

I had this happen to me on the cup challenge last year. It turned out to be me UNDER feeding my gals. So i figure once you hit her with some nutes shell turn around for you


Active Member
Hello guys, i found your thread and is wonderful. i am also fan of autos.this is my first grow.They are 5 lowryders 1 ,is soil grow, with 2 led lights ufo 90watt and 50 plus one halogen 200 watts, temperature is around 20, fertilizer is iguana grow organic from advanced nutrients,ph 7,at the moment soon i will add the bloom they have 37 days and they started to flower.the tallest is 30 cm and the shorter going good my grow ?how much wield i must expect from this plants?i am beginner so any advice will be apreciated.thnaks
Hello mate. Welcome to the thread. They look healthy.
Stretched out a but though. You might try getting the LED closer to them, like that one in the back (in the group shot), the nodes are nice and tight. The halogen light is pretty much useless. It will just make more heat than it is worth. CFL's HPS MH CMH LED's are all good for indoor cultivation.

Yeild is a hard thing to give advice about. How you grow them will affect this in a large way.

Keep us posted.

John Mondello

Active Member
The Ususual Slutspects:

nutes / adjustments added Today (thnx FD n mossy):

(3) 1.5 gal units used and for each:

5 ml H202 / 1.5 gal water
10 ml Vinegar / 1.5 gal water (ph 8.3 adjusted to ph 6.25)
10 ml FF Tiger Bloom / 1.5 gal water
1/4 tsp high phoso bat guano / 1.5 gal water
24 ml FF Big Bloom / 1.5 gal water

no adj water measurements:

ph @ 8.3
ppm @ 225

post adjustments:

ph @ 6.25
ppm @ 1248

ph: 2.5
ppm: 1023




Well-Known Member
has anybody notice the trichomes maturing slowly?
for instance the pistils would suggest its time to harvest now...the triches tell another story


Active Member
Morning m8's.........:bigjoint:

JM..just seen a bit swathe of girls..going back for a Drool......:hump:

Look at can I resist such temptation in the morning.....

no..not the girls...the PEAS.......

oh get thee behind me satan...the temptation is Too Much....

Snack Attak....:twisted:

John Mondello

Active Member
Mornin Mr mosser... you cant resist, you just cant... and neither could I

and may i say, you are a lucky man this time of year to be able to see that... I'll have to snap you a photo of my garden...... dismal at best



Active Member
:bigjoint:Morning Bro.....
I'd love a couple of kilos of field fresh peas more than christmas dinner.
Quick before it goes out my head...
photo #4 for the length of her fingers...
#8 for the overhead
#27 and #34 I think.....

They are My Faves....ATM...

go by the TRICS Joker...that is the business end.....


Active Member
WOW...MISSED IT...FULLD..................................................

you got you christmas pressie early...............



:o :o :o :weed: :weed: :weed: :hug: :hug: :hug: :clap: :clap: :clap: :fire: :hump: :hump: :hump: bongsmilie bongsmilie bongsmilie:bigjoint: :bigjoint: :bigjoint: :cool: :cool: :cool: 8) 8) 8)



Active Member
Here come the Girls..girls..girls.....

3 variations on a theme...all DC..
on the left the most pheno stable f3's...
middle Me Beauty..the BX1...
the dark green at the back Roxi..F1...

All the same girls on Paper...
But..different dominances.

When I looked at me beauty I was thinkin she has the Elegance of an Afghan Hound...
then I realised..she is one....Afghan Hound that is...:mrgreen:


Active Member

The RedHead in the f3's...
I Think this one will stay red..
but there is a Creeping purple in the she could purple over.

JM..take a 1ltr bottle with you next time you visit the grow room and stand it in the pots when you photo...
I can see you have Tall girls as well...seeing the bottle gives perspective.