The age old question HPS, MH vs LED

CRI is based on incandescent light. Not the best light.
I'm sorry hillbill, but you only have that one half right.

"Color Rendering Index (CRI) is a way to measure a light source's distinctive attributes. It is an assessment of how the light source shows object colors "naturally" when compared to a familiar basis of reference, either incandescent light or daylight."


I've always used the CRI rating as a direct comparison to sunlight, and with my CMH grows, it hasn't let me down yet.
One thing that perhaps hasn't been explained is the difference between infra-red and visible light. Both are forms of electromagnetic radiation. But visible light and infrared transfer their energy to mass differently depending on how the mass absorbs that energy.

This is especially true of water, which is what most living things including ourselves and plants are made up of.

Water absorbs infrared light at a faster rate than PAR (photosynthetically active radiation, which is mostly visible light from 400-700nm). That means the water heats up quicker. A similar principle applies to microwaves.

Here is the water absorption rate spectra. See how low it is in the visible light (and PAR) spectra compared to others?


This explains why infrared is "hotter" than visible spectra – even though visible light actually carries more energy. It has to do with the way that energy is imparted on different molecules.
Hello, that was very detailed explained. The above diagram is very interesting to read out because it's an example of how various EM radiation interacts with matter.
Visible light has this ability to either be deflected by most solids but surpass many fluidic forms. So basically it does refrain from interaction alot (thus it transfers less heat if not meeting with black), so it makes alot of sense that in our biological evolution eyes became sensitive to this wavelength.
If light is deflected a fraction of it is left behind as heat but the rest can then be captured by eyes with the loss of energy giving information to the beholder of the deflector (color).

If the EM wave is smaller it's much more suitable to be absorbed/completely absorbed by matter, and because this radiation holds more energy per photon it'll transfer more much more energy and that may change the target matter (ionization)

And to the opposite corner of the spectrum where the amplitude is greater these waves are increasingly more able to dive in/ surpass matter, like radiowaves.

I think the visible light spectrum is a very special band of EM radiation because of its interaction with matter and its ability to disperse information. There are animals which can other frequencies as us, but these are mostly creatures having to adopt to the night etc
I dunno man, I haven’t smoked an outdoor grown plant that’s been anywhere near an indoor.. But I also live in Canada.
I also live in Canada (BC) and have smoked some really good outdoor pot...even some good stuff from Edmonton, so no excuses that you live in Alberta.......don't knock it until you try to grow some yourself
After running the 1000HPS a while i cut it down to 750 for heat (i am running boards too).

If in doubt just get a 600 HPS...They grow fire. Yes the new LED do it more efficently and work great but for the money up front an HPS is impossible to beat for the coverage.

My favorite light is still my 240 watt 3k strip board with 770NM far reds from True Northern Lighting. It so far has flowered for trich coverage better than any light i have used thus far.

But the 315 CMH is pretty close.

The heat is a pita....i use an air cooled hood and its warm...probably because its twice the wattage in that area :D

If you use an air cooled 6 or 8 inch hood the HPS heat you are worried about does not are left with radiant heat on your plants.

I am having trouble with keeping it cooler..LED like more warmth (Cobs Strips Boards like a warmer room).
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I also live in Canada (BC) and have smoked some really good outdoor pot...even some good stuff from Edmonton, so no excuses that you live in Alberta.......don't knock it until you try to grow some yourself
So the dozens of outdoor strains I’ve smoked are all bunk and weak and fluffy because I wasnt growing it? Ok got it, thanks for the endorsement.
Not true, granted it’s your opinion but outdoor done properly can and will trump indoor weed. The amount of uv is great it’s why cmh does so well due to the uv content they put off. it’s all the grower.
Not true, granted it’s your opinion but outdoor done properly can and will trump indoor weed. The amount of uv is great it’s why cmh does so well due to the uv content they put off. it’s all the grower.

Sorry but some dude telling me he’s smoked outdoor from Edmonton better than anything he’s every lit up is straight bull imo.

Look I’m not doubting there’s some fire outdoor grown stuff from the right places, but in my experience all outdoor is bunk comparatively.

edit: Again, not trying to bash anyone’s green, I’m sure it’s all fire.
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I just placed my order for a new LED (930 watts at the wall) to replace my 1000 watt HID. I loved my HID (Phantom ballast, Sun System Blockbuster hood, 5x5 tent), but it’s a little underpowered for a 5x5 on the edges (40 watts per square foot) and it puts off more heat than I can manage here. Unfortunately, I have to vent into my house which works fine in winter. My tent runs 10-12 degrees warmer than the ambient air temperature with a 435 cubic inch fan running full speed.

If my math is correct and using the info from above, I should be able to match the output of my 1000 watt by only running at 670 watts which is a much more manageable heat level. And when I need more light, this should put out the equivalent light of running more than 1300 watts in that space.

So for my situation.....LED appears to be the answer. YMMV
I think indoor is superior to outdoor because you can control the conditions.. 1 rainy shitty year makes it true.
obviously. then up north in autumn its too cold and not much light.
good solution here is to veg automatics in spring indoors and set them to flower into the summer sun.

Not true, granted it’s your opinion but outdoor done properly can and will trump indoor weed. The amount of uv is great it’s why cmh does so well due to the uv content they put offo. it’s all the grower.
but indoors can have UV, too and IR, FR or DR as well.
Ive grown more outdoors than indoors and indoors the plants are more full & ripe. However, outdoor plants are bigger and more healthy.
Sorry but some dude telling me he’s smoked outdoor from Edmonton better than anything he’s every lit up is straight bull imo.

I did not say that....quote "I have smoked some really good outdoor pot...even some good stuff from Edmonton"

I am not saying outdoors is better than indoors, I am saying outdoors can be very good if grown properly....obviously you have not smoked decent outdoor pot.

I just suggested you try to grow some outdoor pot yourself considering you are such an expert grower, rather than basing your opinion on pot grown by someone lacking the skills/technique to grow decent outdoor pot.
I did not say that....quote "I have smoked some really good outdoor pot...even some good stuff from Edmonton"

I am not saying outdoors is better than indoors, I am saying outdoors can be very good if grown properly....obviously you have not smoked decent outdoor pot.

I just suggested you try to grow some outdoor pot yourself considering you are such an expert grower, rather than basing your opinion on pot grown by someone lacking the skills/technique to grow decent outdoor pot.

I’m just going to leave this backhanded whatever it’s supposed to be alone. Peace.

PS I am trying an outdoor this summer, expecting solid yields and an average smoke.
obviously. then up north in autumn its too cold and not much light.
good solution here is to veg automatics in spring indoors and set them to flower into the summer sun.

but indoors can have UV, too and IR, FR or DR as well.
Ive grown more outdoors than indoors and indoors the plants are more full & ripe. However, outdoor plants are bigger and more healthy.
Of course it’s why i love my cmh lights
Oh a very valid point was mentioned...I am running the HPS because it is cold as fuck outside and my room is 5 feet underground.

Come spring the boards and cobs will replace it until fall. The heat is a pita.

But for keeps my room maxing out at 26 C and the dehuey is keeping it at 55% RH and 21 at night.

I currently use a 315 CMH with a 4200 Phillps bulb in my veg space and its GREAT !!!

I love them all....I grow for me. I am curious to actually compare buds from that HPS to the last 3 years of cobs and boards i have grown under. Holy fuck batman the buds are tight under that HPS.

In Canada for real you can get a 240 watt board (2 panel) to your door...1 week or less for 270 CDN with duty.

True Northern Lighting will build you a 240 watt 3 strip board made here for 300...for 30 more add a samsung far red strip or build to suit.

Timber is a bit more but a great warranty and cobs are the shit as far as i am concerned...they penetrate about midway between what i can see from HPS and boards...but that makes sense if you look at the intensity of light per bulb.

For boards and strips lollipop and you will yield great

Cobs are about 6 inches more foregiving and HID busts a nut right to the depths of the stalk...

A 600 HID would rock a 4 x 4 or 3 x 3 if you can dissipate the air cooled hood. Otherwise a 315 CMH rocks a 3 x 3 and so many boards do the same.

Grab one of them and rock the shit out of it. Trust me those lights DO IT...the rest is on you have them

Youtube the shit out of growing

Read every damned thing on groweedeasy

Dump the crap seeds and get good genetics.

Suck it up and get good soil or cooc coir and DOOO EEET

it aint rocket surgery but it sure aint get good you must hone yours skills like a samurai...

I also remove all negativity and remember...not so long ago it was 250 for an oz of shit i would not give to someone today...OOOHHHHMMMMM

Thank God for producing this fine plant.. And for Football GO PACKERS
I also live in Canada (BC) and have smoked some really good outdoor pot...even some good stuff from Edmonton, so no excuses that you live in Alberta.......don't knock it until you try to grow some yourself

Lakeside on Shuswap Lake myself, where abouts are you?

I lived in Alberta (Calgary) for nearly eight years (time was mostly spent in the mountains), and I have to agree. I met some great growers in AB, and was fortunate to have been given some fantastic outdoor bud while I was there.
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