Hey CV.
Got a q for you. I noticed you said mix your light between 2700k and 6500k. Is there a scientific reason behind this? And what ratio of yellow / blue do you use?
Like you I tend to stick with feminised seeds and I recently had a thought that may also be of use to you. You know how you get the odd runt in a micro grow? I usually grow them out anyway, but in future I think I will put a humidity dome over them and force them to turn hermie by farcking with the light schedule. This should still give me a bit of bud, but it would also cover my seed requirements for zero extra effort. Just a thought.
Hi mate, thanks for the comments
Probably like yourself I have read so many CFL grow threads and you get so many different ideas. The biggest influence for me though over the last couple of years has been the thread by 'DrBudGreengenes' the original thread was amazing, 4 fixed CFL's (all 2700K's) a boxfull of clones and seedplants all grown on a constant 12/12 cycle producing solid results! The guys harvesting 2 or 3 plants a week, averaging just between 10 to 20grams each but with dense frosty buds, he just keeps on turning them over, as 3 come out, 3 more go back in etc so he keeps his box full all the time, he also reveges for 3 just weeks then bangs them back into flower again, all his plants go through 3 'cycles' before being 'retired'

So hes got a mix of seedplants, reveg and clones running through at all times. I just dont know how he does it but the pics speak for themsleves. Have you seen his thread?
Good idea with the forced hermie. I always grow out any odd seeds I find in my grows, it happens, and never have any trouble with that hermie trait carrying through. Have you found that too?
Re light spectrum I just decided on another growers advice to put in 3 x 6400 'daylight' spirals to sort of balance the spectrum I guess, again some do and others don't!
I'm ordering a few more fems from 'pick & Mix seeds' today

, I like being able to just buy a couple of each rather than whole packs, they split the packs and don't charge any more for single seeds which I think is pretty good. You always get a portion of the original packaging so you know what you're getting. I'm going to try the good old skunk#1 from Sensi and a couple of White Widows.
vandewalle, thanks for looking in: the CFL's are clustered a round the main buds about 2" max away, the lower buds are a few inches away. I have 16 CFL's wired in there, some fixed some hanging etc, all are adjustable to where I want them.