the 200 sit up challenge


Well-Known Member
so there are these sites the 200 sit up challenge and the 100 push up challenge. I started both about 7 weeks ago and just completed the 200 sit up one. I'm still about 4 weeks from getting to 100 push ups they are harder but what do you think of the transformation. Pretty dramatic. Lost about 1 stone.

this is the difference between week 1 and week 7


  • week 21.jpg
    week 21.jpg
    111.2 KB · Views: 60
  • 71.jpg
    1.5 MB · Views: 57
Fuck it I'll give it a go. Only 7 weeks?
Is there a pull up category? I have good shoulder/ back muscle and can hammer them pull ups out.

Maybe move this to excercise health being section
Fuck it I'll give it a go. Only 7 weeks?
Is there a pull up category? I have good shoulder/ back muscle and can hammer them pull ups out.

Maybe move this to excercise health being section

yes I should have put it in that section , was pretty wasted last night. And yes just 7 weeks. But there was also 30 mins of cardio 5 nights week in there as well.

my routine was/is

day1 - sit ups/ cardio
day 2 - push ups/ cardio
day3 - off
day 4- situps/cardio
day 5- push ups /cardio
day 6- off
day 7 - sit ups.....
etc etc

just posting this to show how quickly you can see some results if you find the right programme and a bit of willpower..

they don't have a pull up one yet. But I just ordered a pull up bar on amazon and will just use the 100 push u format for those.

(can a mod move this to the right section please)