The 12-12 From Seed Thread


Well-Known Member
You had to go there didn't you old luck? Well I'd say your in luck cuz there will probably be a diagram to follow! :o


Well-Known Member
Just my two cents but, I am currently growing 12/12 from seed for the first time and could not be happier with the results so far! I see no loss in yield (from looking at pictures from previous grows) and will grow 12/12 from now on.


Well-Known Member
I mean no offense, but you are mistaken. I remove only half a centimeter of my plants tops with a nail clipper. Doing this allows the lower nodes to be exposed without sacrificing new growth. I will include a diagram here:

View attachment 2063782
the reason for this is that your plant requires less recovery, while still prioritizing growth to the internodes, allowing for a great bush, EVEN in 12/12. I will prove this in my grow thread on saturday, when I post my LST shots after only 4 weeks from seed ;-)
I've topped a few plants removing only the uppermost growth on a number of colas in my grow and will be using them as a comparisson. I topped them 2 days into 12/12 and they are a long flowering sativa strain
I will be able to prove or disprove the idea in about 3 months time. They however are not 12/12 from seed and I will not be topping my 12ers.

I can see how it would work, given that 3 buds will cover more surface area than one. All theory aside, the final weight will be what determines if this technique works or doesn't


Well-Known Member
Just for shits and giggles what do you guys run your lights at? I'm on from 6am-6pm Works well for me as long as the wife doesn't get too froggy in the closet after 6. I'm pretty light proof but I still gotta get on her about not turning the light on in there after nighty night.


Well-Known Member
Since I have turned 12 I am gonna need seedzzzzzzzzzz .... whos been making their own seeds?.... or feminized seeds?..... if so are you using Colloidal silver?...... any tips from anyone?..... cheers Twelvers! :)


Well-Known Member
I run from 5pm-4:45am

Saves me some money on electricity with the time of use thing

Also It means I have all the time I need to water or do cleaning in the room. If I ran during the day I would have very little time before It's time to go to work and won't be able to spend the time needed with the plants

I do 11:45 but I think I could cut it down even further as my strain is 90% sativa, but they look like they are starting to flower a bit so I'll just leave it be


Well-Known Member
12/12ers growing indica dominant strains may benefit from a 13/11 day/night photoperiod. I've read that indicas will eventually flower under that timing but it just takes a little longer... longer vegging phase is probably not such a bad thing when doing 12/12

Just a thought... i mean... I guess this isn't the right thread for that afterall lol... gotta have a seperate thread for the 13/11from seed lol


Well-Known Member
i read that some indicas can flower with as much as 14 hours of light. most plants dont need 12 hours. outdoors in most areas never gets 12 hours of darkness especially for the full flowering period. i think your right though pickle, it would def. be beneficial, if i were doing it i would at least do it until it showed its first pistils then switch to 12/12


Well-Known Member
i gave my buddy a clone and he keeps it in his window , we only get 8 hours of light here in the winter and the damn thing still wont flower .... kinda weird