The 12-12 From Seed Thread


    Here are shots from yesterday.
    here are all four
    here is the blue widow from above
    here she is at an angle so you can see here three healthy tops. I have to brag a bit about this one, guys.
    this is fastbud1 from above
    and at an angle; here you can see that she did not respond as well to topping as the other two did. She has a few deformed fan leaves that are growing at odd angles, and there has been some undesirable stretching and formation among the preflowers. HOWEVER, I have noticed recovery since yesterday.

    here is fastbud two from above.
    she displays diesel-dominant phenotypes and has responded very well to topping
    here she is close-up. notice the nice, healthy tops
    this is fastbud 3, who has remained un-topped as a control of sorts.
    here you can see how she exhibits nice, prolific budding.

    I attribute most of my plants' fast, expansive growth to my nutrient profile. BUD IGNITOR, by Advanced nutrients will maximize budding sites, therefore directly increasing your yield. Check it out here:

    Even if used stand-alone, this wonderful supplement will make very happy puppies out of your girls.
    I recommend BUD IGNITOR to all growers, period.
    a strain's genetics by growing this way. For example, I've observed:
    -how plants recover from stress while simultaneously entering the flowering phase
    -how plants react to nutrients while young
    -how plant tissue develops while forced to flower early
    *the stalk hardens up pretty quick, even if it's been stretched
    -How and where pre-flowers tend to form on photoperiod-governed strains vs autoflowering(ruderalis-derived) strains when started in 12/12

    ALL IN ALL, I'd say this has proven to be a very, very educational grow, and I will take what I've learned and apply it in the future to maximize harvests and minimize wait time.

Looking good!!
not a good idea............

I concur with this, however, the beauty of this thread and especially the whole process of 12/12 from seed is that you learn the key times for all the strains you grow. For instance, my rule is to top once I see the basic structures of internodal branches begin to form. Luckily for me, that was about ten days before I saw pre-flowers. The blue widow, however, flowered about five days later than the fastbuds. THEREFORE, I now know to top fastbuds on day 14. And since the blue venom develops fast but flowers later, it can be topped on day 14 also to ensure multiple healthy tops!
I concur with this, however, the beauty of this thread and especially the whole process of 12/12 from seed is that you learn the key times for all the strains you grow. For instance, my rule is to top once I see the basic structures of internodal branches begin to form. Luckily for me, that was about ten days before I saw pre-flowers. The blue widow, however, flowered about five days later than the fastbuds. THEREFORE, I now know to top fastbuds on day 14. And since the blue venom develops fast but flowers later, it can be topped on day 14 also to ensure multiple healthy tops!

Yes but does it increase yield?
with 12/12(from seed or not from seed) the clock is ticking and you don't want to be stressing your plants. Your limited veg window with 12/12 from seed means you want to squeeze in as much vegging as possible before the plant begins to flower. Anything that slows down growth sounds like a bad idea to me. But we will see perhaps the lower more even canopy will enable more thorough lighting which could influence the yield positively
Yes but does it increase yield?
with 12/12(from seed or not from seed) the clock is ticking and you don't want to be stressing your plants. Your limited veg window with 12/12 from seed means you want to squeeze in as much vegging as possible before the plant begins to flower. Anything that slows down growth sounds like a bad idea to me. But we will see perhaps the lower more even canopy will enable more thorough lighting which could influence the yield positively

I'm going to take this as an opportunity to clear the fog around this topic for everyone :)

-Topping ALWAYS increases yield IF AND ONLY IF you excecute the procedure 1-7 days before your plant begins its flowering stage.
*The reason for this is simple. Prior to flowering, your plants prioritize their ATP(adenosine triphosphate) {ENERGY STORES} in a way that favors vegetative growth. Topping now will simply cause your plants to adjust to the injury by growing out the nearest internodal structures as new tops.

HOWEVER:: Topping once flowering begins can adversely affect your yield because NOW, ATP priority has been given to forming flowers rather than to grow more branches and to grow taller. This is a survival mechanism hardwired into your plants' DNA. Topping now causes your plant to react to the injury by temporarily halting the production of flowers in order to heal; the injury caused by topping threatens the plant's health during any phase of growth.

***in vegetation it is easier to recover from, but in flowering, the plant is stretching its ATP very thinly in order to continue to grow and produce flowers. When you top in this phase, the plant first takes ATP from the growth process, then from the flower-production process in order to recover from being topped. THIS CAN PROLONG YOUR FLOWERING PHASE BY 1-2 WEEKS AND EVEN STUNT YOUR ULTIMATE YIELD.
I'm going to take this as an opportunity to clear the fog around this topic for everyone :)

-Topping ALWAYS increases yield IF AND ONLY IF you excecute the procedure 1-7 days before your plant begins its flowering stage.
*The reason for this is simple. Prior to flowering, your plants prioritize their ATP(adenosine triphosphate) {ENERGY STORES} in a way that favors vegetative growth. Topping now will simply cause your plants to adjust to the injury by growing out the nearest internodal structures as new tops.

HOWEVER:: Topping once flowering begins can adversely affect your yield because NOW, ATP priority has been given to forming flowers rather than to grow more branches and to grow taller. This is a survival mechanism hardwired into your plants' DNA. Topping now causes your plant to react to the injury by temporarily halting the production of flowers in order to heal; the injury caused by topping threatens the plant's health during any phase of growth.

***in vegetation it is easier to recover from, but in flowering, the plant is stretching its ATP very thinly in order to continue to grow and produce flowers. When you top in this phase, the plant first takes ATP from the growth process, then from the flower-production process in order to recover from being topped. THIS CAN PROLONG YOUR FLOWERING PHASE BY 1-2 WEEKS AND EVEN STUNT YOUR ULTIMATE YIELD.

Biology 201 (botany)! Well put!:clap:
The simple fact that the plants from 12/12 are starting to bud at only around 4" tall in the beginning, topping them would be removing half the plant. So yeah I'd see that as a bad idea :)

And yeah I'm exaggerating on the half the plant thing. If you wanted a bush though you wouldn't be going 12/12 to begin with.
I mean no offense, but you are mistaken. I remove only half a centimeter of my plants tops with a nail clipper. Doing this allows the lower nodes to be exposed without sacrificing new growth. I will include a diagram here:

topping right.jpg
the reason for this is that your plant requires less recovery, while still prioritizing growth to the internodes, allowing for a great bush, EVEN in 12/12. I will prove this in my grow thread on saturday, when I post my LST shots after only 4 weeks from seed ;-)
Let me rephrase that. With "my" cabinet, lights, pot sizes, etc. a bush isn't what "I" will ever be going for 12/12 from seed. I'm squeezing 6 plants into 3sq ft.