thc sucking ants!!


Well-Known Member
ok so i had to relocate my one remaining plant due to rippers and losing all my other. but im over that now. heres the problem. i went to go water my girl (the pure -skunk one) and i realized that my buds were getting all white. then i looked near the top and saw it covered in ants and i freaked out. thers tons of ant mounds all around it thats probably why of course. what can i do for this or is it something i shouldnt worry about??


Well-Known Member
I would try reasoning with them. Maybe offer the clipping in exchange for monitoring the plants. I had some ants in VT and they never harmed my plants. I figured they aerated the roots. Never saw them on the plants. Wish I could be more of a help.


Well-Known Member
i have them on my outdoor plants theres a big ass ant mound like right beside them..
I see them on the pants never like a bunch of them maybe a dozen on 6 plants and they never seem to hurt anything