I´m making some caps today sometime from badkits recipe as well I´m just tweeking it a bit for I am using herb and bho(well my BHO is more like wax and not oil.) This will be my first time trying the pills so we´ll see how it goes. Also I have never decarbed my product before making budder or glycerine tincture and my patients say my stuff is great, so I wasnt to sure of the decarbing thing either tell I read qwiz´s statement. Anyways, I´l post some pics as well once finished.
Man i'm pretty sure you need to decarb if making caps.
Found plenity of different ways of decarb on internet, most of them are "220F for 20min", but I decided to follow this:

BadKit didn't said, but on his tutorial he made decarb for 20min, and also do many heats and freeze on the final oil product, i'm assuming it's for decarbing, counting those 20min + the another 60-80 at 220F is the same of that decarb graphic,
on another forum that I'm also member, ppl say to use 27min 252F. (and no heat more after this)
I went for the BK's way, just chaning the decarb to post-qwet extraction and not before.
I'm messing with the cap recipes as well and am definitely interested to hear your results. I"ve been expirementing with doing teh extractions with just bud and oil but it's challenging to get the potency I need for some reason, but I'll continue to expirement before I get some high proof ethanol.
Here are the pictures:

Sorry for the bad quality, my camera sux.
It's much darker than my previous try (this is my second caps try), the last one was very clear, I think this one is much more potent, i'll try now and post report later.
Used n. 1 caps (500mg) because i cant find 00 (1g) here where I live.
Used ratios: 20g weed and 1 tbsp of coconut oil
Edit: Not That strong after all... maybe because used commercial brick weed, not sure