Just brought :
UVB Reptile Fluorescent Light Tubes x2
- [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Zoo Med Reptisun 10.0 UVB
- [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] (1.5inch diameter x 2 tubes)[/FONT]
- [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]S[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]pecified
- [SIZE=-1] output: up to 15% UVA : 10% UVB[/SIZE][/FONT] [/SIZE][/FONT]
Size: 58cm or 2'
Wattage: 20W $15 from ebayfull guide on these tubes:
Some tests out of link above...ON DECAY OF UVA UVB SPECTRUM OVER TIME.
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]We were interested to find that the initial output of individual tubes of the same type from the same manufacturer may vary somewhat. Individual tubes then seem to vary slightly in their rate of decay, as well. We have several tubes on long-term measurement and whereas all have decayed somewhere around 15 - 20% over the first three months, some lamps have decayed steadily throughout, whereas others appear to have lost most of this in the first 150 hours and thereafter have decayed more slowly. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]We have found considerable variation in the output of older tubes submitted for testing after many months of use. With some brands, tubes that had been in use for a year were found to be emitting as much, or more UVB than others of the same type that were only five or six months old. We do not know whether this is due mainly to a difference in output from the beginning, or to different rates of decay[/FONT]
those buds have to be dry by now. was the potency increased?almost finished !!!![]()
i hope it!!!![]()
Maybe this has been touched on before earlier in the thread but the title says THC CBD, CBN Make More etc.
Who would really want to make more CBN? That is the result of THC degrading. As THC ages and breaks down, this process is known as oxidization. High levels of CBN tend to make the user feel messed up rather than high.
Cannabinol - CBN is not produced by the plant per se. It is the degradation (oxidative) product of THC. Fresh samples of marijuana contain very little CBN but curing, poor storage, or processing such as when making hashish, can cause much of the THC to be oxidized to CBN. Pure forms of CBN have at most 10 percent of the psychoactivity of THC.
Like CBD, it is suspected of potentiating certain aspects of the high, although so far these effects appear to be slight. CBN seems to potentiate THC's disorienting qualities. One may feel more dizzy or drugged or generally messed up but not necessarily higher.
So why purposely increase CBN levels?
I tend to believe that people mistake such "messed up" feelings for higher potency when that is not the case. That fits with the misperception that when a plant reaches the amber trichomes stage it is more potent, that it has a higher level of THC than when it has milky white trichomes. The effects are different because of the chemical alteration of THC making the smoker feel more "messed up" so they mistake that for being more potent, higher in THC.
that's an interesting comment....
it is definitely important to realise what it is we want from our weed and then of course, how we can best get it....
how do you go about rating/describing potency?
basically the brighter the light dureing flowering the more thc production?
cheers mate.
just checked out the videos..
I think ranking potency is too unreliable...it is in constant flux. variables as far ranging from the bud (different areas of the same bud), your context, your tolerance, how you are smoking it etc etc....that said, there is definitely good weed and better weed
I have only ever had the chance to smoke bud that was available to me...i've never been able to chose a strain..The best weed i have smoked has always depended on the context...i'm sure for medicinal purposes and for those with the luxury of space to grow and money to use for growing with, it is possible to get deep into the science of smoking...i just enjoy smoking a joint here and there....As the video says "THE BEST POT IS THE POT YOU'VE GOT"