some impressive shit eza,
look forward to some pics and a smoke report..
if only you could post me some!lol
almost finished !!!

i hope it
Just brought :
UVB Reptile Fluorescent Light Tubes x2
  • [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Zoo Med Reptisun 10.0 UVB
  • [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] (1.5inch diameter x 2 tubes)[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]S[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]pecified
  • [SIZE=-1] output: up to 15% UVA : 10% UVB[/SIZE][/FONT] [/SIZE][/FONT]
Size: 58cm or 2'

  • Wattage: 20W
  • $15 from ebay
full guide on these tubes:

Some tests out of link above...ON DECAY OF UVA UVB SPECTRUM OVER TIME.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]We were interested to find that the initial output of individual tubes of the same type from the same manufacturer may vary somewhat. Individual tubes then seem to vary slightly in their rate of decay, as well. We have several tubes on long-term measurement and whereas all have decayed somewhere around 15 - 20% over the first three months, some lamps have decayed steadily throughout, whereas others appear to have lost most of this in the first 150 hours and thereafter have decayed more slowly. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]We have found considerable variation in the output of older tubes submitted for testing after many months of use. With some brands, tubes that had been in use for a year were found to be emitting as much, or more UVB than others of the same type that were only five or six months old. We do not know whether this is due mainly to a difference in output from the beginning, or to different rates of decay[/FONT]​

:clap: You've done your homework. Well done.
Getting there ! - such a complex subject when you throw the plants hormones and ability to create THC through chemical make up ......

thanx for dropping in guys !
i just got 2 more uvb snake lights in my grow room it says their 15watts but it says it equals 50watts but now i got two above my plants and one in a lamp that i move around so the bottom and middle of the plants get hit with all the uvb they can..its been a week now and the plants r covered with crystals where the uvb is hitting doubt it works i hear it helps prevent disease, helps plants eat their nutes, helps with trich's, and helps the plant use it's nitrogen faster which isnt always a good thing tho, could make ur plant yellow faster but i dont notice any yellowing on mine..
How would these do? They come in 48" Bi-pin 40 watt.:bigjoint:
It won't let me attach it. I will have to scan it to get it in jpeg.
I think they should work fine though they are medical grade UVB. They fit standard 48" shop ligjt fixtures and I can get 3 for $242.00 shipped. I was thinking I would mount one on each side of my air cooled hood with 1000 HPS on a light mover. It covers a 4X10 area really well and I think I could have it run all the time the light is on without harming them with the movement. I could just turn them off when I am in there. I could always upgrade to multi-tube and/or timers. What do you guys think?
sup Eza, im currently flowering now, finally haha, tomorrow will be day one, so the last 2 weeks how many hours should i run my light? its the 60 watt blue bulb one
well mate,

you must be pretty close to being finished....maybe you've finished, the weed is really awesome and you're in a haze, yet to land back into
Maybe this has been touched on before earlier in the thread but the title says THC – CBD, CBN – Make More etc.

Who would really want to make more CBN? That is the result of THC degrading. As THC ages and breaks down, this process is known as oxidization. High levels of CBN tend to make the user feel messed up rather than high.

Cannabinol - CBN is not produced by the plant per se. It is the degradation (oxidative) product of THC. Fresh samples of marijuana contain very little CBN but curing, poor storage, or processing such as when making hashish, can cause much of the THC to be oxidized to CBN. Pure forms of CBN have at most 10 percent of the psychoactivity of THC.

Like CBD, it is suspected of potentiating certain aspects of the high, although so far these effects appear to be slight. CBN seems to potentiate THC's disorienting qualities. One may feel more dizzy or drugged or generally messed up but not necessarily higher.

So why purposely increase CBN levels?

I tend to believe that people mistake such "messed up" feelings for higher potency when that is not the case. That fits with the misperception that when a plant reaches the amber trichomes stage it is more potent, that it has a higher level of THC than when it has milky white trichomes. The effects are different because of the chemical alteration of THC making the smoker feel more "messed up" so they mistake that for being more potent, higher in THC.
Maybe this has been touched on before earlier in the thread but the title says THC – CBD, CBN – Make More etc.

Who would really want to make more CBN? That is the result of THC degrading. As THC ages and breaks down, this process is known as oxidization. High levels of CBN tend to make the user feel messed up rather than high.

Cannabinol - CBN is not produced by the plant per se. It is the degradation (oxidative) product of THC. Fresh samples of marijuana contain very little CBN but curing, poor storage, or processing such as when making hashish, can cause much of the THC to be oxidized to CBN. Pure forms of CBN have at most 10 percent of the psychoactivity of THC.

Like CBD, it is suspected of potentiating certain aspects of the high, although so far these effects appear to be slight. CBN seems to potentiate THC's disorienting qualities. One may feel more dizzy or drugged or generally messed up but not necessarily higher.

So why purposely increase CBN levels?

I tend to believe that people mistake such "messed up" feelings for higher potency when that is not the case. That fits with the misperception that when a plant reaches the amber trichomes stage it is more potent, that it has a higher level of THC than when it has milky white trichomes. The effects are different because of the chemical alteration of THC making the smoker feel more "messed up" so they mistake that for being more potent, higher in THC.

that's an interesting comment....

it is definitely important to realise what it is we want from our weed and then of course, how we can best get it....
how do you go about rating/describing potency?
that's an interesting comment....

it is definitely important to realise what it is we want from our weed and then of course, how we can best get it....
how do you go about rating/describing potency?

Of course the main psychoactive agent in marijuana is THC so to me that has to be the number one way to rate it. But it does get somewhat confusing when you start factoring in other cannabinoids and that is due to personal taste/preference mainly.

Someone like myself who much prefers a pure sativa high will look for something with a low CBD percentage because higher CBD will dull the clear soaring cerebral high. I will also look for strains with THCV, which is found in landrace equatorial strains. So if looking for a sativa/indica cross I look for one with an equatorial sativa used in the cross.

Some chemical agents in marijuana are psychoactive and others are not and some that are not can work with or against THC, as does CBD, depending on the percentages of the different chemical agents.

The thing is that most people rate/rank potency by their senses and not by any actual scale. Even using THC levels is only at best a comparative since there is no way to actually explain THC levels as they are claimed. Such a tiny amount of a plant is actual THC the claims of THC levels seem to be impossible to me. Some trichomes do not have resin balls and of those that do not all are THC producing and of those that are something like only 1% of each is actual THC so I just do not understand where percentages like 23% etc. come from. It is impossible to be by volume so where does it actually come from? It is not the actual potency of the THC itself like octane ratings for gasoline. Personally I think it is mainly marketing hype and nothing more.

Check out the videos using the links below and then think about it a while and see what you come up with.
basically the brighter the light dureing flowering the more thc production?

Part of the reason for THC production is that THC is like sunscreen for the trichomes. As light hits the resin balls, mainly UV light, the THC breaks down and then during the hours of darkness it is replenished and there is an exponential increase over time.

That is why people harvest just before daybreak or before their lights come on, because light degrades THC so avoiding any degradation give you higher levels of THC.

It is also why keeping your plants in darkness for 72 hours before harvest will increase the level of THC, because THC is continually produced for that period of time without any THC degradation occurring.
cheers mate.

just checked out the videos..
I think ranking potency is too is in constant flux. variables as far ranging from the bud (different areas of the same bud), your context, your tolerance, how you are smoking it etc etc....that said, there is definitely good weed and better weed:)
I have only ever had the chance to smoke bud that was available to me...i've never been able to chose a strain..The best weed i have smoked has always depended on the context...i'm sure for medicinal purposes and for those with the luxury of space to grow and money to use for growing with, it is possible to get deep into the science of smoking...i just enjoy smoking a joint here and there....As the video says "THE BEST POT IS THE POT YOU'VE GOT"
cheers mate.

just checked out the videos..
I think ranking potency is too is in constant flux. variables as far ranging from the bud (different areas of the same bud), your context, your tolerance, how you are smoking it etc etc....that said, there is definitely good weed and better weed:)
I have only ever had the chance to smoke bud that was available to me...i've never been able to chose a strain..The best weed i have smoked has always depended on the context...i'm sure for medicinal purposes and for those with the luxury of space to grow and money to use for growing with, it is possible to get deep into the science of smoking...i just enjoy smoking a joint here and there....As the video says "THE BEST POT IS THE POT YOU'VE GOT"

Most every drug, pharmaceuticals included, will effect a certain percentage of people in different ways. I know people who when they take Vicoden of Percoset will turn to limp dishrags and fall asleep in about a half hour or so but when I take them it is like I took speed and I will be up for many hours and you can’t get me to shut my yap the entire time.

Because of that, like beauty, potency is in the eye of the beholder and not in any actual accurate rating.

Anyone call tell you what is to them the most potent marijuana, and it might very well be the most potent marijuana to them, but if you smoke it you might not experience similar effects.

To me by far the most potent marijuana I ever smoked was real true landrace Dalat that was shipped home from Vietnam by my brother in law MANY years ago. I know very experienced tokers that found that it was to potent for them to handle but you might smoke the very same pot and say its good but it is not better than strain ‘X’ or strain ‘Y.’

Also since some people are indica lovers and others are sativa lovers what one person believes to be the most potent will be a major disappointment to someone else.

If you like to soar like an eagle and you grow a major couch-lock indica you will not be impressed and if you like to be confused and to have your butt to be glued to the couch and have a major case of the munchies where you eat an entire cow and then follow that up with six burrito supremes and wash it all down with four Big Gulps Dalat will not impress you in the least.

So since there is no standardized scale or rating system for potency it is all in fact subjective.