Thai stick

Yes, I see that now. I guess I was confused by the thread title. So, if the discussion is about Thai weed strains that are easiest to grow indoors, then I don't know enough about that to make any more statements. But if the subject is Thai sticks, then I will stand on what I have already said.
There were Thai Sticks around that were undipped too though. It was good stuff too. Kind of leafy but potent af.
There were Thai Sticks around that were undipped too though. It was good stuff too. Kind of leafy but potent af.

well i ''stick ''my face back in here for a second

if you found a seed in a lb of thai i was responsible for you were happy...because we all tried to grow it...did ok...took 2nd in one of those SO Cal smoke offs...

first time kush was seen...and it took first prize.....old school hash #!

there are number of crosses with thai strains as i said before the gazes are a good choice...

i just came from cutting down a couple of pants..from Dinafem one of there new autos....
called haze xxx

nevilles haze is kinda the base for all the others......

these guys are good

the difficulty is autos are still erratic wide range of pheno.......

but they in my opinion are the best at auto's
i have dealt with them many years....

if you want some seed

have a holiday and get

mail them back do not carry.....
if you want Laotian

go to Vientiane and go north bit to Luang Prabang

partway there is the backpackers hangout and easy to get mj there and you can smoke the shit ....

always best and more fun to get your own
Gentlemen...gentlemen...this is supposed to be a happy occasion.

I am a little too young to have ben in country, but very grateful to those who were for several reasons. Soldiers returning from Vietnam to the US (often the SF bay area) with weed birthed modern cannabis cultivation.

Pure sativa can be grown successfully indoors by growers of modest experience as long as you don't expect high yield. But it's nothing like Thai stick without the opium dip. Good thing too or I'd never get anything done
If what you smoked was "opiated" it really didn't matter what strain it was.

Real Thai stick was just that, not laced with anything, just kick ass herb.
Smoked enough opiated(!) shit in my time, I'd rather have the kick ass weed. I'd bite your hand off for any weed at all right now.... I've had Thai temple ball hash, supposedly, and it was very, very nice, I was off my head but it definitely hadn't met any opium.
If what you smoked was "opiated" it really didn't matter what strain it was.

Real Thai stick was just that, not laced with anything, just kick ass herb.

well by that measure the "stick" and the "Thai" had nothing to do with each other. there is no reason for the symbiotic product. by your terms it just could been good herb, without the stick/wrap.

so why the song and dance? there has been a dozen examples of why and how in this thread.

if you want to bring this down to the chicken of egg level, its going to be the same song of, who,what,when 98 bubba mysteries that never really get solved.

anthropologicly : speaking thai land race was wrapped( on the natural branch) to write prayer epithets on, and held in hand in prayer. x(#) monks one 10x10 burning XXL(not smoking) cannabis insense burning helped mediation surely. later they were taken/stolen/adapted by other entrepreneurs: who did, whatever they wanted to make DONG$.

what happen to products in a free market: they exploded in to a thousand types and flavors, anything to get an edge on the comp.

to insist on a "real" thai stick is anything more then a moniker is, your own beguiled righteousness. there is simply no way to define the truth, in anthropologie its called a theory
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That's great that you've been able to do that. I always thought that a clinic would be a good idea. Education and replacement therapy with Mj.
That's what I want to do, that's so weird you said that. I want to run a rehab combining CBT with cannabis, I think it'd work really well as long you were careful about substituting crutches, it'd have to be proper therapy but I really think it'd work!
My roomate is in his 60s and recalls smoming thai sticks and says it was dipped in opium. I didnt mention anything about this thread just rendom convo about weed
when i arrived ''in country''in Laos i sent one of the fellows..local..out to buy some weed for smoke as i was very excited to see some...gave him 5 bucks US he came back with what they sold in the market..a couple bundles of flower tops just tied at the bottom ...and a 'stick' about a foot long and wrapped..each bundle about 2 oz and log about the same..he tried to give me change..ahahahahha

this was the way it was presented to me and it was not dipped ....

but later as i hear they did

happy to say i never saw any of that....
when i arrived ''in country''in Laos i sent one of the fellows..local..out to buy some weed for smoke as i was very excited to see some...gave him 5 bucks US he came back with what they sold in the market..a couple bundles of flower tops just tied at the bottom ...and a 'stick' about a foot long and wrapped..each bundle about 2 oz and log about the same..he tried to give me change..ahahahahha

this was the way it was presented to me and it was not dipped ....

but later as i hear they did

happy to say i never saw any of that....

why not? opiates are great, I don't think I have ever meet a person who didn't like the meds from the hospital. heroin is amazing, if you could keep it in check.

everyone loves opiates/types(from codeine-fentanyl) they are almost 20% of the pharm market right now world wide.
why not? opiates are great, I don't think I have ever meet a person who didn't like the meds from the hospital. heroin is amazing, if you could keep it in check.

everyone loves opiates/types(from codeine-fentanyl) they are almost 20% of the pharm market right now world wide.

hahha some do some do not..long term usage cause's many physical issues...maybe if free and people were smarter it would be ok..i am of the believe that no-one has the right to tell me what i can and cannot do to my go for if you like...

i have had many friends die from using these drugs...over 1 million year world wide i think..not a problem many people on the planet anyway....

but present circumstances the opiates cause to many problems ....and honestly can be replaced with MJ...with not even the potential of death and you can make your own...
not what Pharma wants

it is easy to grow opium if you want.....
That's what I want to do, that's so weird you said that. I want to run a rehab combining CBT with cannabis, I think it'd work really well as long you were careful about substituting crutches, it'd have to be proper therapy but I really think it'd work!
Ya, I'm with you there. Been thinking of how I could do it for last year or so, friends like the idea. Hard for me to even begin to do it simply because of my location. I am willing to move out west though, that's part of my master plan if things Dont change here.
Growing some Thai s skunks that I got as freebies. They're super sensitive and get nute burn easily. Don't like them at all...
to bad just a weak cross maybe

i have one looks very interesting thai...malawai...kush cross hahahah bunch variables there but plants..5.... look the same and are flowering nicely....

malawi has the cbv compounds not found in other strains ..thats why i wanted it

Hey Akuma,

I just registered as a member here, but have been reading your posts for a year. Based on them, I got a pack of seeds advertised as “landrace from Bokeo.”

I have 3 that are 8 feet tall now, and one that maxed out at 6 feet - all are in week 8 of flowering (indoor grow). They’re lightly seeded due to hermaphrodite flowering that I caught too late. I figure I’ll be harvesting in two weeks or so.

I’m wondering if you have information you’re willing to share about how and when your Laotian MJ (“Thai” sticks) were harvested / dried / cured? … even any small details.

I’m interested in re-creating as closely as possible the flavor and smoking experience that I remember from back then. It was damn good stuff.

I’d really appreciate any info you could share. Thanx in advance.