Whats the point of fighting over this? It is obvious that some people live and breathe TGA while some people don't. To each their own. There is no point to bash on someone for simply expressing their opinion. Bluntmassa1 obviously is one of the people who do not dig on TGA and the rest of you bashing him for answering my questions with his opinions do dig on TGA...Now whether Subcool is a "pollen chucker" or a "breeder" is besides the point...i could care less if he was a mythical unicorn with rainbows shooting out of his ass..
.i was asking about his strains and only his strains. I simply wanted to know what people thought about the strains and if the hermie and pheno variations i have heard and read about were true or if they are just over exaggerated. Now their seems to be enough people that are in love with TGA strains for me to consider them legit...and there are also enough people complaining about nanners and pheno hunting for those complaints to also be legit. Regardless of what anyone says here, i'm gonna make up my own mind about TGA after i try a strain or two (im thinking JTR

) so if you want to bash on someone simply for expressing their opinion, please go measure your dick elsewhere.
Chadster152, with all due respect, look at what I underlined and tell me how bluntmassa could have a opinion on these matters if he has never grown out one TGA strain? My point was not to bash bluntmassa, it was to let you know that his opinion is based off absolutely zero results of his own. He is going off of what he has heard/read somebody else tell him. Go look at his previous post/s history and a good majority of them are giving bad opinions on TGA.
He does hate on TGA and I thought it would be relevant to let the person asking know that he doesn't have personal experience growing TGA and doesn't truly have a opinion b/c what good's a opinion if it's based on zero experience. It's like me trying to tell you about how shitty a product is without ever even seeing/trying it myself. I personally would only want to hear/value opinions from people that have actually used/experienced the said product.
If you notice there have been plenty of people who have experience with TGA that claim hermie's and such (for example the guy's response directly under my first statement). You will/do not hear me say that they are wrong or that they are just bashing TGA and all that. I respect and value the people's opinion who have taken the time to grow TGA.
I am not sitting here trying to claim that with TGA you won't get a herm/mutant, b/c yes it is possible that you could (as it is with any genetics).
What am I saying? I am saying if your running new gear(popping seeds) from
anybody you should be looking for herms/nanners IMO b/c only a rookie would take a chance at letting something never before in seen in their garden seed their grow. I am saying that if you get a 10 pack of TGA and get some ladies in the mix that you will more than likely find something that is dank/frosty. It's just like popping any seeds....selection is the key.
If it was as easy as just popping 10 seeds (even from Mr Nice, Sensi, Serious...ect) and getting elites then wouldn't everyone just have the super dank and not want to buy more?
TGA is not for everyone and I understand that, but I would never ever go into a thread about any breeders seeds that I haven't grown and give a opinion on their company/seeds without ever even growing a single bean. That's asinine to say the least. Bluntmassa is constantly in TGA threads throwing out his 2 cents when he doesn't have a fucking clue and after a while it starts to become annoying.
Now here's some of MY frost Chernobyl from TGA grown from seed (plus plenty more in my albums/profile/threads). She was a freebie from the tude'.
And here's a explanation of what started me on using TGA.