TGA Subcool Vortex Questions!!!

Brewer and I were having a discussion, the information was relevant. It was civil and informative to your cause if your willing to interpret it that way. My .02 is that tga beans are better than good and are as stable or more so than many. You won't likely be disappointed if you like fruity and frosty sativa effect buds.
Just to be clear, I meant no disrespect to homebrewer he is a cool cat and has a lot to offer here.
Brewer and I were having a discussion, the information was relevant. It was civil and informative to your cause if your willing to interpret it that way. My .02 is that tga beans are better than good and are as stable or more so than many. You won't likely be disappointed if you like fruity and frosty sativa effect buds.
Just to be clear, I meant no disrespect to homebrewer he is a cool cat and has a lot to offer here.

My post was more directed towards the people bashing on bluntmassa1. I agree with you it was civil and informative and i have no qualms over "arguments" like fact i think the most informative posts I've read here on RIU are from people defending their point by being forced to pull out facts and prove they are correct.

Now on a greener note...I do enjoy an indica face-melter every once in awhile, but my bottom bitch is definitely the frosty sativas. I'm thinking of going with JTR on my second seed order, cause it seems like the consensus on that strain is that it's :fire:.

I agree, homebrewer is a very valuable information source and is always welcome in my threads...his Dyna-Gro vs AN and GH threads were invaluable and i wish there were more so i could read through them.

colocowboy, do you have a grow journal with some TGA in it? You seem pretty well informed yourself, glad to have you here. :bigjoint:
I don't, I generally like to keep my head down. It took me a couple years just to go ahead and sign up, I wanted to see the pictures. Been motivated contribute more lately, or something ;)
Thanks for the salutation
I don't, I generally like to keep my head down. It took me a couple years just to go ahead and sign up, I wanted to see the pictures. Been motivated contribute more lately, or something ;)
Thanks for the salutation

I feel ya for sure. haha That was the exact reason i first got my account...all the wondrous bud porn. :weed:

The way i see it is that if enough people here document their grows and setups, and have done it for years without being raided, then I'm not gonna stress over it. Obviously there are things you don't say on a forum like this (address, etc.) but other than that fuck's gonna be legal soon enough and then we can all come out of the tent, so to speak. ;-)
Whats the point of fighting over this? It is obvious that some people live and breathe TGA while some people don't. To each their own. There is no point to bash on someone for simply expressing their opinion. Bluntmassa1 obviously is one of the people who do not dig on TGA and the rest of you bashing him for answering my questions with his opinions do dig on TGA...Now whether Subcool is a "pollen chucker" or a "breeder" is besides the point...i could care less if he was a mythical unicorn with rainbows shooting out of his ass...i was asking about his strains and only his strains. I simply wanted to know what people thought about the strains and if the hermie and pheno variations i have heard and read about were true or if they are just over exaggerated. Now their seems to be enough people that are in love with TGA strains for me to consider them legit...and there are also enough people complaining about nanners and pheno hunting for those complaints to also be legit. Regardless of what anyone says here, i'm gonna make up my own mind about TGA after i try a strain or two (im thinking JTR :blsmoke:) so if you want to bash on someone simply for expressing their opinion, please go measure your dick elsewhere.


Chadster152, with all due respect, look at what I underlined and tell me how bluntmassa could have a opinion on these matters if he has never grown out one TGA strain? My point was not to bash bluntmassa, it was to let you know that his opinion is based off absolutely zero results of his own. He is going off of what he has heard/read somebody else tell him. Go look at his previous post/s history and a good majority of them are giving bad opinions on TGA.

He does hate on TGA and I thought it would be relevant to let the person asking know that he doesn't have personal experience growing TGA and doesn't truly have a opinion b/c what good's a opinion if it's based on zero experience. It's like me trying to tell you about how shitty a product is without ever even seeing/trying it myself. I personally would only want to hear/value opinions from people that have actually used/experienced the said product.

If you notice there have been plenty of people who have experience with TGA that claim hermie's and such (for example the guy's response directly under my first statement). You will/do not hear me say that they are wrong or that they are just bashing TGA and all that. I respect and value the people's opinion who have taken the time to grow TGA.

I am not sitting here trying to claim that with TGA you won't get a herm/mutant, b/c yes it is possible that you could (as it is with any genetics).

What am I saying? I am saying if your running new gear(popping seeds) from anybody you should be looking for herms/nanners IMO b/c only a rookie would take a chance at letting something never before in seen in their garden seed their grow. I am saying that if you get a 10 pack of TGA and get some ladies in the mix that you will more than likely find something that is dank/frosty. It's just like popping any seeds....selection is the key.

If it was as easy as just popping 10 seeds (even from Mr Nice, Sensi, Serious...ect) and getting elites then wouldn't everyone just have the super dank and not want to buy more?

TGA is not for everyone and I understand that, but I would never ever go into a thread about any breeders seeds that I haven't grown and give a opinion on their company/seeds without ever even growing a single bean. That's asinine to say the least. Bluntmassa is constantly in TGA threads throwing out his 2 cents when he doesn't have a fucking clue and after a while it starts to become annoying.

Now here's some of MY frost Chernobyl from TGA grown from seed (plus plenty more in my albums/profile/threads). She was a freebie from the tude'.

And here's a explanation of what started me on using TGA.



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how am I hating T ray I said closet breeders can get some great pheno's in plain english. but tga are not real breeders their not breeding for certain traits their crossing one good pheno to another and selling it. now tga is not the only company that does this you got rare dankness, calli connection, etc sure they all get good results but their is no breeding going on. so get your facts right I won't buy poly hybrids that breeders put no effort into I would rather have the original f1's. so I'm not just talking about your beloved tga as their the same as most new pollen chuckers.
how am I hating T ray I said closet breeders can get some great pheno's in plain english. but tga are not real breeders their not breeding for certain traits their crossing one good pheno to another and selling it. now tga is not the only company that does this you got rare dankness, calli connection, etc sure they all get good results but their is no breeding going on. so get your facts right I won't buy poly hybrids that breeders put no effort into I would rather have the original f1's. so I'm not just talking about your beloved tga as their the same as most new pollen chuckers.

That is simply not true, both TGA and CC are working specific lines into IBL I'm sure that RD colorado is too. Your entitled to your opinion and with all due respect just because your saying it with conviction doesn't make it true. Just because they sell marker points in their work doesn't negate the work done. Obviously you have a chip on your shoulder.
That is simply not true, both TGA and CC are working specific lines into IBL I'm sure that RD colorado is too. Your entitled to your opinion and with all due respect just because your saying it with conviction doesn't make it true. Just because they sell marker points in their work doesn't negate the work done. Obviously you have a chip on your shoulder.

Where are you getting this info from? This thread is about Vortex which is Genius x P75 x Romulan x Cindy99. That doesn't sound worked, that sounds like an accident.

T-ray brought up Chernobyl which is Train Wreck x Trinity x Jacks Cleaner x Space Queen, where is this 'work' you speak of? According to their site, only 1 out of 25 'strains' is a BX.
That is simply not true, both TGA and CC are working specific lines into IBL I'm sure that RD colorado is too. Your entitled to your opinion and with all due respect just because your saying it with conviction doesn't make it true. Just because they sell marker points in their work doesn't negate the work done. Obviously you have a chip on your shoulder.

what lines are tga working in to Ibl? just curious cause i havent seen sub say anything like that on the forums.
Obviously you have a chip on your shoulder.

no I've just read books on breeding and I know those companies are not breeding their making crosses. when a company is puting out new strains all the time its pollen chucking check out tom hill he has 3 strains hes been around longer then tga but he only has true breeding strains like deep chunk which is in a shit ton of hybrids. why do you think serious seeds, sensi seeds and mr. nice are not puting out new strains every year its because they are breeding and why don't you see these guys breeding polly hybrids if they are so good like yall say every breeder would be doing it wouldn't they. but their not shantibaba has been working with landraces recently I'm sure if crossing clone only's was that good he wouldn't bother with a landrace but he's only been breeding for about 20 years I'm sure subcool, swerve and moonshine know more about
Where are you getting this info from? This thread is about Vortex which is Genius x P75 x Romulan x Cindy99. That doesn't sound worked, that sounds like an accident.

T-ray brought up Chernobyl which is Train Wreck x Trinity x Jacks Cleaner x Space Queen, where is this 'work' you speak of? According to their site, only 1 out of 25 'strains' is a BX.

Subcool himself will tell you vortex is part of his Apollo 13 cubing project that's where! Your reading the progeny all the way out, the cross is Apollo 13 x Spacequeen. Don't believe me go ask him!
only thing i've seen him make BX's of are his Spacebomb (f3 or bx not sure), A13bx, The flav(romulan x SQ[C99xRomulan] bx?) and Pandora's box (JC x SQ) x (SQ[C99xRomulan])

In addition to Spacebomb he has been working Jacks Cleaner, I understand the BCS is a candidate but there are issues. Most of this stuff is public info fellas.
**According to Subcool he is just "really picky about the results" therefore these projects take a lot of time.
how am I hating T ray I said closet breeders can get some great pheno's in plain english. but tga are not real breeders their not breeding for certain traits their crossing one good pheno to another and selling it. now tga is not the only company that does this you got rare dankness, calli connection, etc sure they all get good results but their is no breeding going on. so get your facts right I won't buy poly hybrids that breeders put no effort into I would rather have the original f1's. so I'm not just talking about your beloved tga as their the same as most new pollen chuckers.

You are too hilarious.I am saying that you are a tried and true TGA hater and your opinion is nothing, but negative about TGA. The funniest part of all is you have no experience with tons of assumptions about a company you have started zero seeds from. You want to know where's the TGA hate huh? You do know that you can look at your post history right?

Here's a prime example bro.

This was just 8 days ago.

Bluntmassa in this thread....

thats bullshit dj's seeds hermie a lot I know a guy who did damn good with blueberry no problems with herms. on the other hand I've heard of more about hermies with tga than any other company. for the most part its the newbies fucking with tga.
tga sucks worst company out of the U.S.A.

You tell me that's not hating and next thing you know you'll be on Fox news working in the "No Spin" zone.

no I've just read books on breeding and I know those companies are not breeding their making crosses. when a company is puting out new strains all the time its pollen chucking check out tom hill he has 3 strains hes been around longer then tga but he only has true breeding strains like deep chunk which is in a shit ton of hybrids. why do you think serious seeds, sensi seeds and mr. nice are not puting out new strains every year its because they are breeding and why don't you see these guys breeding polly hybrids if they are so good like yall say every breeder would be doing it wouldn't they. but their not shantibaba has been working with landraces recently I'm sure if crossing clone only's was that good he wouldn't bother with a landrace but he's only been breeding for about 20 years I'm sure subcool, swerve and moonshine know more about

Your about a goofy dude, Shanti has been breeding for a lot more than 20 years! Subcool has been breeding probably that long though. Hell I have been breeding that long, but of course you knew that too right. Of course you know enough about botany that you talk back and forth about what you "heard", your full of shit that's about all. You got nothing boyo! You talk like you are some big shit, I have seen nothing that would even give the impression you know half of what you comment on. Just like your above comment about "they don't put out new strains because they are breeding", that is absurd. If the strains are locked down what is to breed? What book did you read that said that Swerve isn't doing what he said he is which is cubing elite cuts to seed. Again, where did I hear that? Right from swerve, he is right here in the forum go ask him.

You won't because your a fool on a fools quest to prove his self a fool!
You are too hilarious.I am saying that you are a tried and true TGA hater and your opinion is nothing, but negative about TGA. The funniest part of all is you have no experience with tons of assumptions about a company you have started zero seeds from. You want to know where's the TGA hate huh? You do know that you can look at your post history right?

Here's a prime example bro.

This was just 8 days ago.

Bluntmassa in this thread....

You tell me that's not hating and next thing you know you'll be on Fox news working in the "No Spin" zone.


well the part about being the worst company in the US was kinda a joke as you can see the smiley face dumb dumb and did you read that thread I was refering to when subcool said dj shorts seeds are crap and then says his are better after he grows 3 females and makes them all herm and says that strain is junk. I've smoked blueberry grown locally it was not junk and the grower had no herms so either subcool sucks at growing or he porpously hermed those plants just to sell more seeds.

so ya it is fucked up when a closet breeder runs his mouth about a real breeder makes his seeds herm just to sell more of his own seeds. so ya subs a punk bitch he reads off his breeding notes on youtube he got from dj shorts book and then bashes a top breeder who gave him all the tips he knows. but you just keep paying that closet breeder t-ray we don't wanna see subcool on welfare.
Subcool himself will tell you vortex is part of his Apollo 13 cubing project that's where! Your reading the progeny all the way out, the cross is Apollo 13 x Spacequeen. Don't believe me go ask him!

In regards to taking strains out past the F1 generation, subby stated in one of his nerd videos that one can take out a cross to the F4 generation and beyond but after all that time and work that's been invested, what you're left with is something not as 'good' as the F1 generation (that's his opinion). You and I don't need to ask sub anything, the info is on his site. He offers a collection of hybrids and poly hybrids crossed to one another. Is that good or bad? Depends what your goals are.

In regards to 'working with landrace', again he states he doesn't want to put the work in.