The coffee shops were ok the quality of the bud differed from shop to shop. I will say some of the better stuff i found was at greenhouse but that was to be expected. The cup and expo itself was pretty lame. The one thing i cant get over is the Red Light District there. The girls down there are so fucken hot. I would like to think of myself as someone that is well schooled in the beautiful women department. I have lived in Florida south florida actually and there is no shortage of beautiful women there. Same thing with Vegas theres a good bit of gorgeous women there too. So i would like to think that ive seen quite a few beautiful women. Ive been to a good number of strip clubs in both South Florida and Las Vegas and would have to say South Florida had the hotter dancers. But down in the red light district there are some women that are soo unbelievably gorgeous. Think Playboy hot thats what im talking about not some second class hustler kinda nasty hot. There was a romainian girl that could have easily been the hottest girl i have seen in my life. This girl was close to perfect in all standards of beauty. She was a gymnast when she was younger so she had a hard body nice toned 6 pack abs.
Anyway enuff about the Red Light girls. The expo this year at the cup was way smaller than its been in years past. Alot of the regular vendors that put out the most money and have big booths ( Greenhouse seeds, Barneys Farm) Didnt have anything this year. Some of the cup entry stuff i tried was ok the hash wasnt all that impresive after you have made your own wax or full melt bubble. I may post some pics up although i really didnt take that many most of the pictures i did take where of the bud that was entrys in the cup.
I spent some Time at the Cali Connection booth that was right alongside the DNA guys and chatted with them for awhile about how the cannabis cup will now be having the premier cups in the states now.. They all seemed kinda dissapointed with the turnout as well. To me it looked like a end of 25 years of cups.
A few closing thoughts and feelings on the european peeps. I hope i can say this without sounding like a dick. First we as Americans dont roll tobacco in with our joint unless you live in the ghetto and your homeless and someone gives you some roaches. Over there they said they do it because the cannabis is too strong. I was rolling my big king joints with straight cannabis and a few that had a good bit of hash in them. I was smoking these big joints of straight cannabis and coughing a good bit. Thats what i like when i cough and get a good head rush. I dont hold back the cough either i let it go really blow up. I have gotten good head rushes from coughing attacks and seem too get much higher if i have a good ass kickin hit. Anyway these little puss cake euro boys where trying to tell me it was too strong for me and too add some tobacco. I told these little wankers that too strong and cannabis together doesnt go in my language. I challenged them too smoking straight up joints full of cannabis with no tobacco so they could get the full flavor. Dont be afraid to choke a little bit its good for you. The next night i came back to the motel after everything closed down and wouldnt you know it all the little euro boys where out there smoking straight joints and all choking there lungs out. It was a good thing to see.
I could go on and on about my trip but i will leave it at that for now. Amsterdam is a wonderful place its awsome to be able to roll into a coffee shop buy a gram or two and roll yourself a jay and smoke it up with some tea. I will most def go back again for the RLD. A good number of people will go through life without ever being able to say they have poked a chick as hot as some of those girls. You live once i feel so i have no qualms about the girls of the RLD there people that are doing a job. Like you go to a chef to make you a steak like a pro. You go to a prostitute to do what she does. Ive had a few extremly hot girlfriends in my life that where almost 10s like 9.5s but a few of the Red light girls make them look like dogs. I love the different nationalities that are found within the district. Russian, hungarian, romanian, Italian, swedish, czech, brazilian and more even.