TGA all the way

Well everything from the first run is in jars and curing I wont be keeping anything out of the first run. If i was to pick one it would have been the chernobyl that was covered in trichs. But the taste i was looking for wasnt there. It had that earthy taste to it. Its good but i want something with the unique TGA taste. Something that pops out like the other chernobyl smelled like rotten mangos. I will have a smoke report here in another week or so on each plant. But until then i got some other stuff to show.
The Total yield with the 5 Tga plants was 600 grams a little more i didnt weigh the popcorn buds or anything but heres the yields. All yields are just good size buds not the popcorn larf from the bottom.

Chernobyl# 1 110 gs just bud Chernobyl #2 115 gs Ripped Bubba #1 132gs Ripped bubba #2 133 grams

Qush 1 came down 3.5 wks early 80gs Qush #2 115 grams

The average yield was around 120 gs per plant. That was a first run next run should be a bit better. Up Next will be some more TGA. I still have to switch them there all getting too big and im scared im gonna outgrow the space.

In the flowering room 2x timewreck 1x pandoras box, 1x spacebomb, 1x 3rd dimension, 1x vortex 3x Ace of spades and a couple chernobyl 2s for my supersoil expierement.

That room will blow up in the next few weeks just gotta get a zipper door for the room cause i totally am redoing it.


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I just wanted to post some pics of my first attempt at making a bean. I call it Black Afflberry it was made with a black afy female and a unknown male that showed up and looked alright. I used the pollen on a few difft things i wanna see what it did to this really fluffy haze i used the male on see if i can get it to tighten up and hopefully speed up the 12 week flowering time she took. But anyway it was just something fun to do this was all over a year ago i made these beans and planted a few and gave away a few so should start seeing what happend with the male i crossed to them anyway here somes pics. Its not TGA or anything but i figured i would post it up here cause its all organic and grown with subs supersoil. This strain i made came out pretty good it smells really berryish like blueberries or something berry. I was trimming an OG kush last night and thats what the smell was like kinda but more berry than the og i was trimming. anyway here pics got some good colors in her late in the game. Oh yeah those first couple pics are the Chernobyl full melt i made. yum yum


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I notice from a lot of grower wanting to take away the 12 weeks of flowering from all hazes. Not knowing u lose thc when u add weight. An eight week Hz is ok but doesn't do the same thing that an 12 week Hz does
How do you know its not a haze i dont know what the male was. I havent even planted any of the seeds i made from that one yet so I dont really know what it is or where it leans. Ive got the patience to flower a haze out the 12 weeks or whatever i had a few that i flowered for like 15 weeks. I was just fucking around with the first seeds i made. I had been growing for like three months when i did it so there it is.
i think he's saying in his opinion any time you cross haze with a shorter flowering plant to reduce time it loses a lot of the characteristics you grow the 12+ week haze for -- therefore not a haze (in his eyes).
I just wanted to do a little update guys for you all if anyone is interested. I leave in about 4 hrs on an adventure to Amsterdam where i will be attending the Hightimes cannabis cup. Yeah great fun for me i have a judges pass and all the neccesites. When i get back i should have some good pics to post. I will even take a few pics of the buds that some of the coffee shops have entered into the cup.

The first 4 pics are of a Royal Purp Kush I was trimming to hang before i leave and by the time i get back should be good to go in jars or close. The pics after those are when the TGA starts.

Alright anyway pictures time. Pic 1 is my two timewrecks both from seed and both look very similar.
Pic 2 is closes to the camera Space Bomb and furthest from the camera is the Pandoras Box.
Pic # 3 is the Ace of Spades shes a big girl.
Pic 4 is the 3d and vortex.
Pic 5 is another Ace of Spades.
then a pic of the start of a vortex flower.

I cant wait to get back in a week and see what they have done. But until then RIUers and weed nerds be safe. Also everyone check out the school of dank cause i know that if i didnt have this prebooked trip i would have most def made the drive to the school of dank. Enjoy guys and everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving.


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NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICE 600grams is good, not great for 1 1000 and 2 400s but still man you definitely got some premo grade bud, and this next time around Im sure youll do twice aswell if not better :clap:
Got back from the cup in amsterdam and was pleasantly surprised to see that they still got bigger there stretch is over and now its just time for buds.
It shall be a beautiful room of buds in a few weeks first couple pics are the timewrecks x2 the next pandoras box then space bomb and her trichs forming early in week 3 then the big ace of spades then the 3d then vortex then overall


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This is cool shit! Subbed up! Are you mainlining or how are you runnin the show as far as training goes?
Right now im topping the ones that sub says grow best topped and trained. I train the plant into four growing branches and tie them down to get wide around like a bush. Then before flowering or a week in after the stretch has taken its course somewhat and i get an idea about what branches will get light good keep those anything on the bottoms i cut off too force the hormones too the tops. I dont Clean the bottoms up as much as some people but i do a good bit of it. The reason for this leaving a little larf at the bottom is just some extra for the hash thats my thing. Thats most of the reason i dont mainline because you get alot more little stuff and trimming. I like the big fat buds that you get and the less trimming work but i dont mind that part. The Ace of Spades i didnt top any of them and the one thats almost 5 ft tall i had to bend the top down. Keep in mind these are all plants from seeds pretty much except a qush and a few chernobyls that im running again as clones to see what supersoil works better in my two mixes one is the 707 and the other is the roots original. These plants here are the biggest i think ive grown yet these are much bigger than the last round so im looking forward too a good harvest. Right now im running them under 1600 watts of hps im soon gonna add in three LED grow ufos that i got awhile ago in a good package deal try to get a comparison if its worth puting my 400 hps back in i have three laying around im not using right now so gonna see the leds do there a bit cheaper and less heat than the 400 hps. Right now im just going through a few plants at a time through the TGA stuff of each genetic it should be a good show here in a months time. Looking for those keepers.
Sweet! I just got a new tent. It's the secret jarden Dr90t or some shit. It's a 3x3 with a removeable box. I'm just gonna find a jillybean that I like and run it till I get a good indica that way I can have an indica and a sativa growing at all times.
Nice looking flowers. Tell us about your Amsterdam trip. Was there anything that surprised you about Cup or the Coffee Houses?
The coffee shops were ok the quality of the bud differed from shop to shop. I will say some of the better stuff i found was at greenhouse but that was to be expected. The cup and expo itself was pretty lame. The one thing i cant get over is the Red Light District there. The girls down there are so fucken hot. I would like to think of myself as someone that is well schooled in the beautiful women department. I have lived in Florida south florida actually and there is no shortage of beautiful women there. Same thing with Vegas theres a good bit of gorgeous women there too. So i would like to think that ive seen quite a few beautiful women. Ive been to a good number of strip clubs in both South Florida and Las Vegas and would have to say South Florida had the hotter dancers. But down in the red light district there are some women that are soo unbelievably gorgeous. Think Playboy hot thats what im talking about not some second class hustler kinda nasty hot. There was a romainian girl that could have easily been the hottest girl i have seen in my life. This girl was close to perfect in all standards of beauty. She was a gymnast when she was younger so she had a hard body nice toned 6 pack abs.

Anyway enuff about the Red Light girls. The expo this year at the cup was way smaller than its been in years past. Alot of the regular vendors that put out the most money and have big booths ( Greenhouse seeds, Barneys Farm) Didnt have anything this year. Some of the cup entry stuff i tried was ok the hash wasnt all that impresive after you have made your own wax or full melt bubble. I may post some pics up although i really didnt take that many most of the pictures i did take where of the bud that was entrys in the cup.

I spent some Time at the Cali Connection booth that was right alongside the DNA guys and chatted with them for awhile about how the cannabis cup will now be having the premier cups in the states now.. They all seemed kinda dissapointed with the turnout as well. To me it looked like a end of 25 years of cups.

A few closing thoughts and feelings on the european peeps. I hope i can say this without sounding like a dick. First we as Americans dont roll tobacco in with our joint unless you live in the ghetto and your homeless and someone gives you some roaches. Over there they said they do it because the cannabis is too strong. I was rolling my big king joints with straight cannabis and a few that had a good bit of hash in them. I was smoking these big joints of straight cannabis and coughing a good bit. Thats what i like when i cough and get a good head rush. I dont hold back the cough either i let it go really blow up. I have gotten good head rushes from coughing attacks and seem too get much higher if i have a good ass kickin hit. Anyway these little puss cake euro boys where trying to tell me it was too strong for me and too add some tobacco. I told these little wankers that too strong and cannabis together doesnt go in my language. I challenged them too smoking straight up joints full of cannabis with no tobacco so they could get the full flavor. Dont be afraid to choke a little bit its good for you. The next night i came back to the motel after everything closed down and wouldnt you know it all the little euro boys where out there smoking straight joints and all choking there lungs out. It was a good thing to see.

I could go on and on about my trip but i will leave it at that for now. Amsterdam is a wonderful place its awsome to be able to roll into a coffee shop buy a gram or two and roll yourself a jay and smoke it up with some tea. I will most def go back again for the RLD. A good number of people will go through life without ever being able to say they have poked a chick as hot as some of those girls. You live once i feel so i have no qualms about the girls of the RLD there people that are doing a job. Like you go to a chef to make you a steak like a pro. You go to a prostitute to do what she does. Ive had a few extremly hot girlfriends in my life that where almost 10s like 9.5s but a few of the Red light girls make them look like dogs. I love the different nationalities that are found within the district. Russian, hungarian, romanian, Italian, swedish, czech, brazilian and more even.
I already started LSTing my timewrecks and chernobyls before I saw sub recommended topping'em -- oops! :) Guess I'll see how LST does with them. They get big main stems when you LST them so far (like the stems have gotten 2x-3x wider than before I tied them down) so I'm thinking if I can make LST work with them it's gonna work a lot better than topping -- but sub probably knows best and i'll be sorry ;) we'll see. luckily if it turns out to be a mistake I can always top the next 15 i sprout :)
I already started LSTing my timewrecks and chernobyls before I saw sub recommended topping'em -- oops! :) Guess I'll see how LST does with them. They get big main stems when you LST them so far (like the stems have gotten 2x-3x wider than before I tied them down) so I'm thinking if I can make LST work with them it's gonna work a lot better than topping -- but sub probably knows best and i'll be sorry ;) we'll see. luckily if it turns out to be a mistake I can always top the next 15 i sprout :)

Na you wont be sorry... Your still training them into more than one main cola and thats the point behind LST'ing, topping, FIMing, mainlining.... its all just a means to getting more than one cola thats all... As long as you do your best to keep them all the same height and let the secondary branches fatten up some before flipping you definitely wont be sorry thats for sure..... depending on how big your going I'd say minimum the size of a pencil on the secondary/cola branches if you can.... Both of those strains yield good just give them enough veg time and train them proper and you'll be more than happy.....
I actually did top everything the first round without looking at what subcool suggested. The Chernobyls did fine with the lst and topping combined. One of the qush's from the first round didnt like being topped so its gettn run again without being topped. I have noticed that the more indica dom plants are the ones better left untopped and trained a little bit. I just bend the tops over every couple of days not like a supercrop crack the stem bend but just bend it over a bit and make it work its way back up and let the bottom branches grow. I do like topping tho and training it into 4 arms tying them down somewhat and letting them bush out and become a nice canopy.