Texas's answer to gun violence

Is Texas fucked up by relaxing it's gun laws?

  • No, everyone should be armed, that will reduce gun violence

    Votes: 14 53.8%
  • Yes, their living in the 19th century still, and should wake the fuck up

    Votes: 12 46.2%

  • Total voters
racial issues,

"Racial issues" are stupid and intentionally used by politicians to distract and divide people . Good and bad people come in all colors. Joe Biden and Donald Trump both strike me as being racists.

Kamala Harris, is a thug, a drug warrior prosecutor that sent people to jail for behaving as if they owned themselves. In any kind of a just world she would be paying her victims back. I believe she is a psychopath who distances herself from personal responsibility for the harm she's caused people.
She's a status seeking sleep around, suck the cock of the establishment so she can get rich and feel the thrill of power when she causes harm to people. A dangerous woman, a perfect Politician who will exploit her gender and darker than white skin to herd "the black vote" and the "woman vote". A useful tool of the overlords who will be rewarded if she maintains and advances their agenda.

Bad people use coercion as a primary means, good people do not. Biden and Kamala Harris are egotistical psychopathic manaics, with good teeth.
Hi there,

I must say the gun law is crazy in the states. Anyone can have a gun. If that law was in the UK I think half of the British population would be wiped out.

Mass shootings as-well people that are mentally disturbed carrying them WTF. That shit is crazy.

Everyone should bring love and peace around the world. Not violence.

I say keep calm and have a smoke .
Kamala Harris, is a thug, a drug warrior prosecutor that sent people to jail for behaving as if they owned themselves. In any kind of a just world she would be paying her victims back. I believe she is a psychopath who distances herself from personal responsibility for the harm she's caused people.
She's a status seeking sleep around, suck the cock of the establishment so she can get rich and feel the thrill of power when she causes harm to people. A dangerous woman, a perfect Politician who will exploit her gender and darker than white skin to herd "the black vote" and the "woman vote". A useful tool of the overlords who will be rewarded if she maintains and advances their agenda.
Nice summation of the exact shit the racist right wing fucktards would have used to troll her in a lame attempt to try to get Trump re-elected.

It would have been fun to see her deconstruct Trump if he would have debated her.
Nice summation of the exact shit the racist right wing fucktards would have used to troll her in a lame attempt to try to get Trump re-elected.

It would have been fun to see her deconstruct him if he would have debated her.

If Kamala Harris bested Trump in a debate, you would be convinced that makes her a good person and you would then be okay with her prosecuting people for acting as they own themselves ?

I’m always amazed how many Americans cling to this 2nd amendment right with such vigour.

Don’t forget my American brothers and sisters, the constitution was written in the 18th century when the republic was new and vulnerable. When the most powerful weapon was a fucking musket. The beautiful thing about the 2nd amendment is it spells out the purpose for its inclusion in the charter of rights.

“A well regulated militia, being necessary for a secure free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed “

The second amendment wasn’t written to protect individuals gun rights. It was written to protect a new and vulnerable country in case of attack.

It’s purpose is no longer relevant as the government is not going to form a militia with armed citizens under any circumstances. Mainly because your assault riffles won’t do shit against a Russian tank!
If Kamala Harris bested Trump in a debate, you would be convinced that makes her a good person and you would then be okay with her prosecuting people for acting as they own themselves ?

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I’m always amazed how many Americans cling to this 2nd amendment right with such vigour.

Don’t forget my American brothers and sisters, the constitution was written in the 18th century when the republic was new and vulnerable. When the most powerful weapon was a fucking musket. The beautiful thing about the 2nd amendment is it spells out the purpose for its inclusion in the charter of rights.

“A well regulated militia, being necessary for a secure free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed “

The second amendment wasn’t written to protect individuals gun rights. It was written to protect a new and vulnerable country in case of attack.

It’s purpose is no longer relevant as the government is not going to form a militia with armed citizens under any circumstances. Mainly because your assault riffles won’t do shit against a Russian tank!
lol for real no country will be able to occupy us, if you think the crazies in the middle east got anything on our insanely heavily armed homegrown nut jobs would not show the world a whole new level of terrorism you would be wrong. It is pain in the ass enough to have our own government that is made up of us to get to do their jobs.
I'm 100 percent 4 square texan and we wont give our guns up to any man. It's best to just leave us and our guns be or risk getting shot! we arent anyone else from any other place and we dont think like yall!! If I own a gun its mine and trying to take it from me is stealing in my eyes . I would go as far as calling it strong arm robbery and I will kill a man for that all day baby. Nobody wants a full mag to the face. So yeah stay in your lane people it's a whole nother world down here made out of mostly real men that dont take no shit. Plus why fuck with the majority were mostly made up of stand up guys. Just my 2 cents fellers
We’re gonna send hillary to murder you and take your guns

Your dick is tiny
I’m always amazed how many Americans cling to this 2nd amendment right with such vigour.

Don’t forget my American brothers and sisters, the constitution was written in the 18th century when the republic was new and vulnerable. When the most powerful weapon was a fucking musket. The beautiful thing about the 2nd amendment is it spells out the purpose for its inclusion in the charter of rights.

“A well regulated militia, being necessary for a secure free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed “

The second amendment wasn’t written to protect individuals gun rights. It was written to protect a new and vulnerable country in case of attack.

It’s purpose is no longer relevant as the government is not going to form a militia with armed citizens under any circumstances. Mainly because your assault riffles won’t do shit against a Russian tank!
The second amendment was to protect the state and to be under the command and authority of the state, it was never about individual rights, but about collective responsibility, an inconvenient fact for many. To take up arms against the government is illegal in a democracy, you attack the people then.

If the government can regulate automatic weapons and limit the calabre of firearms, they can regulate down to single shot muskets if they want, just as the founding fathers intended, or so say the conservative judges. Every citizen who is able, can bear arms in the state national guard or regular military.
lol for real no country will be able to occupy us, if you think the crazies in the middle east got anything on our insanely heavily armed homegrown nut jobs would not show the world a whole new level of terrorism you would be wrong. It is pain in the ass enough to have our own government that is made up of us to get to do their jobs.
I’m not sure but I think you’re agreeing with me. 8)
Hi there,

I must say the gun law is crazy in the states. Anyone can have a gun. If that law was in the UK I think half of the British population would be wiped out.

Mass shootings as-well people that are mentally disturbed carrying them WTF. That shit is crazy.

Everyone should bring love and peace around the world. Not violence.

I say keep calm and have a smoke .
But the beauty of it is that if everyone has a gun who wants to pop off? If you come to neighborhoods with high murder rates you see a increase in respect. because you dont know what someone is packing and you dont want a small thing to turn into your funeral. so people are more cordial when they think theres consequences. hell I chill in 3rd and 5th ward houston im an all country white boy .I wear cowboy boots and show pride in myself and not 1 person tries to test me. I get more respect in an african american neighborhood with high violent crime rate than I do in any rich folks neighborhood. and it boils down to one explanation me and mine carry big ass guns. everyone in the world wont just love each other theres to much hate in people's hearts for one reason or another.most folks will certainly show more respect if not doing so could lead to their death. that's why they call a gun an equalizer. it makes you equal with any man. really were all born equal some people just need a bullet in their ass to be reminded of that. also notice mass shooting only happen in places people arent usually packing heat. You ever hear of the mass shooting at the gun show lmfao naw he would have deadly eyes on him as soon as he racked a shell in the chamber. So yeah the answer to gun violence is make everyone equal to anyone. that will weed out evil sick ass people via the grave. if I sound like I'm being a dick I'm not bubba just trying to shed light and share wisdom old son. In the stead of love I'll take respect on earth any day.
But the beauty of it is that if everyone has a gun who wants to pop off? If you come to neighborhoods with high murder rates you see a increase in respect. because you dont know what someone is packing and you dont want a small thing to turn into your funeral. so people are more cordial when they think theres consequences. hell I chill in 3rd and 5th ward houston im an all country white boy .I wear cowboy boots and show pride in myself and not 1 person tries to test me. I get more respect in an african american neighborhood with high violent crime rate than I do in any rich folks neighborhood. and it boils down to one explanation me and mine carry big ass guns. everyone in the world wont just love each other theres to much hate in people's hearts for one reason or another.most folks will certainly show more respect if not doing so could lead to their death. that's why they call a gun an equalizer. it makes you equal with any man. really were all born equal some people just need a bullet in their ass to be reminded of that. also notice mass shooting only happen in places people arent usually packing heat. You ever hear of the mass shooting at the gun show lmfao naw he would have deadly eyes on him as soon as he racked a shell in the chamber. So yeah the answer to gun violence is make everyone equal to anyone. that will weed out evil sick ass people via the grave. if I sound like I'm being a dick I'm not bubba just trying to shed light and share wisdom old son. In the stead of love I'll take respect on earth any day.
a gun is not an equalizer

your penis is still tiny and unequal