
If Texas secedes, it will be BAD for Texas. They will regret it and then everyone else will laugh at them and they will be made into an example.
Oh, and the only reason Texas wants to secede is because Obama won again. A lot of texans are so shallow and live a pathetic existence that something as minor as skin color makes them want to give up their citizenship. Don't expect to come back in later when the state is full of illegal immigrants. Now the KKK has a new race to target.
LOL..No shit..

yea i used to work for a moving co. we moved a family from roseville ca to haslett tx. the old house in cali was a 3/2 1 story on a 2500 sf lot and they paid 764k for it. the house they moved to was a brand new 5/3, 2 story on a full acre with a pond and dude said he paid 125k for it. cali is some bullshit
You really think no TX = No guns? LOL

Oh huge quantities of civilian-owned weapons. But I'll take one Abrams against a thousand guys with Winchesters. The Mexicans probably operate Russian tanks, so ... five hundred. Civilian weapons are of almost no use against a modern army, and for all the crap we sling at Mexico from our patriotic high horse, their military is modern. cn
Finshaggy never ceases to amaze me. My official prediction for how this will go: Texas: OMG You are so unfair! I HATE YOU! As soon as I am 18 I am out of here!!!!!! Obama: STFU and do your god damn homework texas, you aren't going anywhere. EDIT: wtf? why is it scrunching everything into 1 line? Can I not make new paragraphs?
So are you saying Mexico's military is better than a majority of America's.
Texas does not = majority of America's military. The US of A will be taking all their military toys back if Texas doesn't want to play anymore, leaving nothing but privately owned small arms to defend against Mexico's modern military. Like I said, rifles/pistols < tanks, fighter planes, grenade launchers, missiles, etc. etc.
The Obama Administration will slowly lose all support, Texas will start the chain reaction. You have got to be the stupidest fuck ever if you think the other petitions won't reach max signatures once Texas does. The Obama Administration is working on removing firearms from possession of Americans, coincidentally....right?
The Obama Administration will slowly lose all support, Texas will start the chain reaction. You have got to be the stupidest fuck ever if you think the other petitions won't reach max signatures once Texas does. The Obama Administration is working on removing firearms from possession of Americans, coincidentally....right?
You also have to be a pretty stupid fuck to think the federal government will let a state secede simply because 25,000 people have signed a petition. No one is going anywhere. Texas is not going anywhere, and in fact dad might ground them if they don't shut the fuck up.
A couple hundred thousand signatures mean nothing, the population of the USA is almost 313 million. Let the racist crybabies stress themselves out over something completely irrelevant.
You also have to be a pretty stupid fuck to think the federal government will let a state secede simply because 25,000 people have signed a petition. No one is going anywhere. Texas is not going anywhere, and in fact dad might ground them if they don't shut the fuck up.
You do realize that once the max signatures are in, the President has to publicly respond to it......and then when he does, the people who don't know how/don't want to use a computer will learn how to sign it. There's no ignoring it then.