
Hell, even a blind squirrel will find a nut every now and then...
Just ragging ya dude.. How's everything?
So people must think that it's mostly retards signing the petition and no ones taking it serious. Looks pretty bad for their nation wide website why have that page for the kicks and giggles? Is this a free speech expression thing?
Dog recovered......Kids have straight A's............TEXANS 9-1...........Jar is full.......hahahaha........everythings good bro thx.
So people must think that it's mostly retards signing the petition and no ones taking it serious. Looks pretty bad for their nation wide website why have that page for the kicks and giggles? Is this a free speech expression thing?

It is mostly retards signing the petition. Also, even if it wasn't retards signing it is only 60,000 out of a population of 310 MILLION. 1% of 310 million is 3.1 million. So the total signature count is about 2% of 1% of the entire population. A tiny tiny amount of people.

Also go read a god damn history book. Do you remember back when texas and 10 other states formally declared secession from the united states? The president basically said "fuck you, I will kill you before I let you secede". And he did. It was called the civil war. The federal government is not going to allow fat ignorant texans to petition their way to independence.

Dog recovered......Kids have straight A's............TEXANS 9-1...........Jar is full.......hahahaha........everythings good bro thx.
I hear ya.. I just trimmed a few, put some in jars.. Dogs good, kids are grown and got a plate full of Choc chip hash cookies and fresh gal of milk.. lol Wonder how many of these things your supposed to eat/
Whenever I hear about texas leaving I always think of this cartoon.


  • texas secede cartoon.gif
    texas secede cartoon.gif
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There is a petition for Texas secession that now has over 116,000 signatures and gaining. This petition is Texans asking the American government to "Peacefully Secede from the union, and create its own NEW government.". Many people seem to think this is about racism or Obama, which is simply and utter Bull Shit. True, you cannot deny that racist and anti-Obama supporters will sign the petition, but that has nothing to do with the spirit of Texans. (An Texas may not even secede first. Colorado and Washington are actually on the verge of civil war with the government right now.)

What this petition is about is our RIGHT (allowed to us by the union itself) to secede. Texas was NEVER meant to stay in the union, the only reason we joined the union in the first place is to solidify our existence on world maps, and keep the Mexican government out. This isn't about a single election or a single group that didn't like the outcome of the election (I'm actually proud of America for choosing Obama over Romney, Romney would have done the same thing he's always done when he's the "boss". Cut all government into pieces, and allow only the strongest to survive, whole he make money whether or not any of them survive.

Some people believe this union is too strong, and that the president or laws won't let this happen. But that's not how the country works. The same way marijuana is legal in 2 states but not federally, the same way gay marriage is legal in some states but not federally, Texas WILL secede (as it was always meant to), and the government simply will not acknowledge it. But if they choose not to allow a state its rights and continue DEA, FBI, CIA, etc operations in Texas, the will start a war.

Another thing "patriots" (as I call them) like to say is "Rick Perry heard about this and said he wouldn't do it." First off, in 2009 Rick Perry said "Texas is an independent republic and can leave the union, I will consider that option.". He isn't saying no now because he's against it, he's saying no because he's waiting for 50% of Texas to want it. And even if he never does it, the Texas state constitution says (paraphrased) "If Texans don't like the things their government is doing, they should, and have full right to, take it back. (Destroy the current government and create one by the people).

It starts with this petition (anyone in the United States can sign), it already has enough signatures to force the president to publicly talk about it. After that the governor of Texas will wait for a confirmation of at least 50% of Texas support, then it's real, whether or not the governor supports it.

Here is the petition (please sign):

If Texas Secedes it'll be awesome, we'll have an amazing economy and a new dollar worth more than the US Dollar (because it will be backed by gold, silver, oil, or hash. USD are just paper). Mexicans will consider it Mexico and will flood in, changing Texas politics. There will be new police, judges and officials of all kinds. Counties and cities will be like states, so there will be extreme diversity of law and and explosion of trade between america an Mexico through Texas. And if America cuts off trade, it will still happen, just illegally (but if america cuts of trade, they will be hurting themselves since Texas will still make illegal money, and the American government won't be able to tax or tariff the goods.

Instead of arguing about whether or not this is going to happen, we should start petitioning and thinking on the details so everything can go smoothly. Because it IS happening, in 2-10 years he country of Texas will once again be recognized as a free nation by more than just its citizens.
the federal reserve is not letting anyone leave without paying their debt, and not 1 state can pay it. there not suppose to ...peace
So people must think that it's mostly retards signing the petition and no ones taking it serious. Looks pretty bad for their nation wide website why have that page for the kicks and giggles? Is this a free speech expression thing?

are you really confused with it all

Obama siad the gov will talk about anything that raises 50k in petitions . .thats it . . . . lol

not sure what you expect but im sure its impotent to the topic
Fin, are you going to go back and legalise weed for all of Texas before or after they leave the USA?

I think that you should do it before and stick it to the American Feds. You will be a hero in your new country. You could then run for office and be Texas's Grand Poobah. You do know that in a few years we will bomb you for your oil, and you will be forced to live in a spider hole...the spider holes in Texas are the biggest, nicest pits in the world though...Viva La Texas!
I say they actually poll Texas and see what the people really want, but that won't happen because American democracy is an illusion....and people seem to be just fine with that.
There is no democracy any more.. Think about what you do daily, and then stop and look at how much of that in 1 way or another is controlled or regulated by the government