Texas Growers Unite!


Well-Known Member
Awesome. I plan to have my babies in the ground, at their new homes within the week. I'm doing it guerilla style. :) Anything to watch out for while they are young? I've left seedlings out overnight before, and come back to the babies completely fallen over. Looked like a bug got them right at the base.
Yeah they cost way too much for that shit.They have to be a certain size before I let em play in the yard and even then i powder them with sevin dust.I quit using the dust the 5th week into flower and by then anything that gets on em passes out.:blsmoke:

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
big fan of the 7 dust here as well, too bad it doesn't kill squirrels, lost 18 seedlings to those fur coat wearing rats , all six of the seeds MOG fronted me , now i have 4 papaya and 6 KC brains mind bender coming up


Well-Known Member
Guess I am going to have to put a 24 hour guard on my last mog seedling.

Would love to do some clone swappin.... Get a little more variety going. Currently have mogs baby, and 2 other mommies from attitude..

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Awesome. I plan to have my babies in the ground, at their new homes within the week. I'm doing it guerilla style. :) Anything to watch out for while they are young? I've left seedlings out overnight before, and come back to the babies completely fallen over. Looked like a bug got them right at the base.
Seedlings should be a certain height before you put them outside, and you also have to 'harden them off' before leaving them outside for good.

Search the forums, maybe start a thread in the outdoor growing section, and google the book The Cannabis Grow Bible by Greg Green. You're going to have a lot of questions along the way so I'd start reading now.


Guess I am going to have to put a 24 hour guard on my last mog seedling.

Would love to do some clone swappin.... Get a little more variety going. Currently have mogs baby, and 2 other mommies from attitude..
this is MOG's seed???
here is mine;

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
How does it look like a male? Looks like a fine plant to me.
You're right, it looks like a very fine male. lol

Over time you get better at spotting these things. Hey I could be wrong, but if I had to bet on one or the other, i know here my money would be.


Active Member
I've had plants that I for sure though would be male, turn out to be female. I do understand what you're saying though. I think that plant could go both ways though.

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
can you tell? i think it is.
i have 1 a definitive female, and then this one i have been thinking is a male, here are 2 pics of the previous plant.
sorry for the palm pre pics. best i have.

and the for sure female;
Yeah I think it's going to be male but wait until it shows to be sure. You never know sometimes.

Oh and you prob should just upload your pics to RIU instead of linking cause I know your full name now from your photo account. lol Unless you're in a 'legal' state of course.


Well-Known Member
It looked like a female to me. I can get a close up of her but she is in the woods.... and yall will have to wait.


Active Member
can you tell? i think it is.
i have 1 a definitive female, and then this one i have been thinking is a male, here are 2 pics of the previous plant.
sorry for the palm pre pics. best i have.

and the for sure female;
dude, photobucket?? not smart man, you need to delete that post ASAP for your own safety


Active Member
Man, this sore throat is killing me. Ive had it for going on a month now. Went to the doctor a few weeks and got some anti biotics, but stopped taking them as soon as my sore throat went away. ( I drink alot, and didnt feel like taking a 10 day break) Now it's back with a vengeance :[


Active Member
YEAH. I can barely talk, and its always real bad when I wake up. I'm going to have to quit sleeping with the fan blowing on me or something.. Good thing I had a little smoke to wake up with this morning, I feel alot better after a bowl.


Well-Known Member
i think its a sinus infection man. whatever it is it aint right lol. i thought my ears were gonna blow up. i feel for ya man