Texas Growers Unite!

I'm already freaking out about next future televisions/monitors having cameras installed that the gov can peek thru us whenever we want don't do this to me T_T lol

Too late. If you have a webcam, KINECT for your xbox or a camera on your phone, they can already see you.

Hey Beech.
I think about that ALL the time !!! All the thousands of seeds I threw away.
Back when the Columbian Gold was everywhere.
Kinda like all the Hot Wheels we had and trashed. lol
Hindsight is 20/.. Well , You know..

Man I don't buy that 'old weed was better' argument... the older you are and the longer you're a regular smoker, you just don't get as high as you used to. It's brain chemistry. Your brain just thinks high is the norm :) I'm quite sure that today's weed is blowing the doors off of new smokers' brains still and after they've been smoking 10 or 20 years they are gonna miss that OG Kush from back in the day that got them soooooo high lol.
I'm already freaking out about next future televisions/monitors having cameras installed that the gov can peek thru us whenever we want don't do this to me T_T lol

I have yet to find one I can't kill.My cell is a dinosaur so no cool gadgets were ever installed on that piece of shit.
Hows it going fellow texan growers. Srry for the dumb questions. But is it a good time to grow my babies. I checked out another thread where i read that flowering time is around august. But im from the very bottom of tx, by the border, cold season only lasts about 2 weeks down here, Thanks in advance guys.
Hey guys, how's everyone doing? So today I was looking at my plants, and I found bananas! >_< So my girl is hermie'd, on the lowest branches, i got it in 3 parts in the plant, in 2 branches. What do I do? The girls are in day 38 of flowering. I don't know whether I should destroy the whole branch or just the nugs that the bananas are growing on. I'm mad cause I think it happened because my dog nibbled on the leaves on the same branches, and they got stressed :( On the subject, these are feminized seeds, can you make them reproduce?? Cause I don't want fucking seeds.. It'd be nice, but wouldn't that mean the seeds would have a higher chance of hermie'ing?
clip the nanners and continue. I didn't even know sinsemilla existed for the first decade or so of my smoking.

Not the dog, unless he barfed up some coloidal silver. I'm betting stress from being rootbound, but that's just because I know you let em get big. Might just be the genetics too. seeds produced from the herms are going to be herms 99 time out of 100. That doesn't mean it's bad smoking by any means, just you probably would rather grow seedless weed.
Yeah any seeds you get are going to be female and hermie. You can plug/cut'em if you want but you'll have to keep checking constantly since you still have a few weeks for it to sprout new ones :) Also half the time hermie plants do so because you stressed'em out, so be sure and think about whether you did anything that might've done it.. soil disturbance, light disturbance, too much nutes, extreme temps, rootbound... all can make a hermie leaning plant toss nanners. Or it may not've been you at all, but most times I've had a plant throw nanners before I've almost always noticed there was something I did or that I caught that may have caused the nanners. And just because your other plants aren't doing it doesn't mean it isn't stress... some plants just won't herm at all given the same kind of stress (good genetics) :) I had light leaks that have caused nanners in a few plants but not all the rest... some plants just don't want to hermie no matter what you throw at'em. They just wanna bud the fuck out.
Lol thanks for the advice you guys! I don't think its root bound just yet, but its getting there. I don't really care since harvest is next month :) the cold has been fluctuating a lot down here, but its more warm now, it used to get in the 60's in my room, I also tend to feed a large amount, I've been learning that less is more, please don't kill me guys lol
Oh yeah, if you've got big colas and it's in the 60's you need to get a fan or two in there as mold will fuck the inside of monster colas when things get that cool. Just lost about an ounce to it, but think this is a good opportunity to make canna-caps with coconut oil (it's anti-fungal).
I got them from SoS, some where Dinafem and I can't remember the rest. Yeah so I woke up today to find my plant on the floor lol. I can laugh about it NOOOOOOW.. I went to buy some of those sticks to keep them still lol And put some of the drooping branches higher with the help of this velcro string crap that cost $4, very good job it did holding up the plant, the stalk just wasn't thick enough. I can't wait to start on my next grow, I'm ordering from Herbies, keep hearing great reviews. Fuuuuuuuuuuck I just wanna start over guyz!!! So after further inspection on the plants I found they all had nanners but to a different extent each. 2 out of 3 plants I don't mind pushing through till harvest, but I can't say the same about the one that has a bunch of nanners, IMO it didnt have a lot, I found about 2-3 dozen on that one plant, and its not budding as fast as those other 2, not to mention it already pollinated the bottom branches. The other 2 plants seem more ahead, 1 out of the 3 I found about 5-10 nanners? and she's looking gorgeous still, I fear for her life the most. The other one (the one that drooped) had about a little over a dozen, so with those numbers, is that bad??? I think it's a little .. RIGHT?? T_T I'M A BAD MOTHER!!! I want to do better next time I swear <3
Get better genetics next time :) Like I said some won't nanner no matter what you throw at'em :)

There is a possibility those nanners are sterile and won't produce seeds... maybe you'll get lucky. I'm on week 7 with a strain that several people have told me to check for nanners and another that I know can throw nanners around week 7-8... none so far -- just frosty as fuck dank -- yay me!
Idk, I honestly don't think it was genetics, I think it was the temps fluctuating everyday, I don't exactly have great air circulation too, I would tend to overfeed, transplants went shitty, bulbs burning the plants, heat stress period in veg, I think that's about it, but of course they are all important things. Just need to get my hands on some seeds!!! I got half of the air pots i ordered today, I went to go pick them up at the Hydro store I go to, really awesome designs, along with rapid rooters for cloning next grow.
I'm gonna blame the genetics Macto. Some weed won't herm no matter what and some just will. I was just talking about that with a friend because the best indica cut I've had since I lost my northern lights from the late eighties was from a bag seed that hermed every single time when it hit eight weeks. I ran it in a perpetual set up for almost two years at which point I decided I wanted to stop scanning for, and finding, nanners 24/7. GREAT smoke, shitty time growing. Some stuff like the real trainwreck cut herm pretty much every time at the finish.
Lol man I can't escape this fate even online lol. Well yes genetics is very plausible, but I KNOW I fucked up a good bit, so I can't help but feel like it's on me, which I don't mind, just gotta do better next time. Omg I want Big Buddha Cheese seeds NOW!!! Man Herbies has great prices on top strains, it's ridiculous how much SoS charges for strains like G13 and such. What other strains are there that have high yields, indica/sativa, and top potency, and easy to grow? I've been doing lots of strain research, I'm just in love with Cheese, but after that, I want to try another strain!