HEB used to carry lady bug products they have dropped most of them . i don't see any of there products any where else i shopanyone use Lady Bug Vortex potting soil? it's shit. pH problems, and it's fucking hot. it's localized in atx, and is probably better for outdoor applications, just a heads up.
anyone else use any other Lady Bug products?
View attachment 1173736may still be able to salvage part of my outside grow
had to fight off bud worms then the nonstop rain and before that the heat , its been one tough grow season here in corpuswhat's wrong with them that you're having to salvage?
had to fight off bud worms then the nonstop rain and before that the heat , its been one tough grow season here in corpus
Had to take a couple of the ladies down myself,Classic Bud Rot,rain then sun back and forth.shittiest season ever but I'll have enough for myself and thats what counts,,,Peace
looks like i'll get a lb to a lb and a half cured,Had to take a couple of the ladies down myself,Classic Bud Rot,rain then sun back and forth.shittiest season ever but I'll have enough for myself and thats what counts,,,Peace