Texas Abortion Law Ruled Unconstitutional..Federal Judge RULES!


Well-Known Member
woooooooohoooooooo!..an important win..take that bible beaters..a womens body is her own! keep your fingers out of my vajayjay!

In a stunning move, a federal judge Monday ruled that abortion restrictions authorized by Texas lawmakers in July are unconstitutional, and will not be implemented as scheduled on Tuesday, according to court documents obtained by NBC News.

Eric Gay / AP file
Sen. Wendy Davis, D-Fort Worth, filibusters in an effort to stamp out the abortion bill, June 25, in Austin, Texas.

U.S. District Judge Lee Yeakel decided Monday that the regulations requiring abortion doctors to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital impeded on the rights of physicians to do what they judge is best for their patients and would unreasonably limit a woman's access to state abortion clinics.
"The admitting-privileges provision of House Bill 2 does not bear a rational relationship to the legitimate right of the state in preserving and promoting fetal life or a woman's health and, in any event, places a substantial obstacle in the path of a woman seeking an abortion of a nonviable fetus and is thus an undue burden to her," Yeakel wrote in his decision.
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Although Yeakel ruled that Texas could regulate how a doctor prescribes an abortion-inducing pull, he said the law did not permit a doctor to adjust treatment taken in order to best safeguard the health of the woman taking it. He barred the provision of the law mandating that doctors abide the Food and Drug Administration’s procedure for drugs in all cases, according to the Associated Press.
He wrote: "The medication abortion provision may not be enforced against any physician who determines, in appropriate medical judgment, to perform the medication-abortion using off-label protocol for the preservation of the life or health of the mother.”
Yeakel's decision comes four months after Democratic state Sen. Wendy Davis, now a candidate for governor, staged a dramatic 13-hour filibuster against the proposed restrictions, widely considered among the most stringent in the country.

The filibuster forced Gov. Rick Perry to order a second special legislative session for the Republican-dominated Legislature to pass the controversial law.
Last week, Yeakel heard three days of testimony and oral arguments in Austin about the hot-button law, which opponents and abortion-rights advocates had sued to prevent from taking effect.
Those opponents, including lawyers for Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers, contended that the rule that doctors have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of the abortion clinic would force a third of the clinics in the state to shutter.
Phelan M. Ebenhack / AP file
Texas Gov. Rick Perry addresses attendees of the Americans for Prosperity Foundation's Defending the American Dream Summit in Orlando, Fla., Aug. 30.

The Texas attorney general's office, on the other hand, contended that the restrictions protect women and the life of the fetus.
Attorney General Greg Abbott was widely expected to file an emergency appeal of Yeakel's order to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans, according to the AP. Abbott, a Republican, is also running for governor.

In a statement, Gov. Perry said that Monday’s ruling “will not stop our ongoing efforts to protect life and ensure the women of our state aren't exposed to any more of the abortion-mill horror stories that have made headlines recently. We will continue fighting to implement the laws passed by the duly-elected officials of our state, laws that reflect the will and values of Texans.”

"He barred the provision of the law mandating that doctors abide the Food and Drug Administration’s procedure for drugs in all cases"

so the "law" of the Controlled Substances Act can be ignored if a single judge declares it violates his personal opinions and agenda?

but the same "law" is still constitutional, when applied to dope.

yeah. that sounds about right.

welcome to the New Hypocrisy of the courts.
"He barred the provision of the law mandating that doctors abide the Food and Drug Administration’s procedure for drugs in all cases"

so the "law" of the Controlled Substances Act can be ignored if a single judge declares it violates his personal opinions and agenda?

but the same "law" is still constitutional, when applied to dope.

yeah. that sounds about right.

welcome to the New Hypocrisy of the courts.

i think it's pretty fucked that a women cannot make choices about her own body in Texas..the only ones who want it this way are the pubsters and their so-called "values"..like a women who has an abortion has no values..who are "they" to say..texas men yammering and yapping like the little dogs u are..i have a friend who's opening up a restaurant in Palo Alto..Mexican i think..he's an investor from Columbia and wants a staff of all white people..he says he has special treatment for you white boys..and yes the #5 does come with refried beans..

EDIT: did they proof the copy above?..sheeeeesh!
i think it's pretty fucked that a women cannot make choices about her own body in Texas..the only ones who want it this way are the pubsters and their so-called "values"..like a women who has an abortion has no values..who are "they" to say..texas men yammering and yapping like the little dogs u are..i have a friend who's opening up a restaurant in Palo Alto..Mexican i think..he's an investor from Columbia and wants a staff of all white people..he says he has special treatment for you white boys..and yes the #5 does come with refried beans..

EDIT: did they proof the copy above?..sheeeeesh!

Appeal To Emotion
Red Herring
Ad Hominem
Special Pleading
Argumentum Ad "El Papanatas"

nice work. you successfully deflected the argument from "judge says laws are only important when they support his agenda" to "republicans are trying to enslave women, and this racist idiot serves Refritos with his Burrito con Rata."

i think it's pretty fucked up that an asshole on the bench can exempt his selected special constituency from any existing law based on his own agenda, and you think nothing is wrong with that.

"He barred the provision of the law mandating that doctors abide the Food and Drug Administration’s procedure for drugs in all cases"

read that again. he struck down a provision of a law which would require people in the medical trade to abide by the federal law which already requires their compliance, because they are ignoring it and the feds arent prosecuting it.

the adamant insistence that abortion be unencumbered by any regulation (the ONLY thing apparently which should be so free) results in cases like this one:


the requirement that abortion providers have admitting privileges at local hospitals is NOT a huge burden. it would have prevented Kermitt Gosnell's atrocities at the least, but whats a few more lives thrown on the pyre of your righteous indignation about a medical practice which has been controversial for OVER THREE THOUSAND YEARS!
i think it's pretty fucked that a women cannot make choices about her own body in Texas..the only ones who want it this way are the pubsters and their so-called "values"..like a women who has an abortion has no values..who are "they" to say..texas men yammering and yapping like the little dogs u are..i have a friend who's opening up a restaurant in Palo Alto..Mexican i think..he's an investor from Columbia and wants a staff of all white people..he says he has special treatment for you white boys..and yes the #5 does come with refried beans..

EDIT: did they proof the copy above?..sheeeeesh!

Sky, I can't take seriously a person who consistently refers to a singular female person as "a women". I'm sorry, but that pegs my moron-detection meter. I certainly forgive typos, everybody makes those sorts of mistakes. Please repeat elementary school starting with Kindergarten.


Sky, I can't take seriously a person who consistently refers to a singular female person as "a women". I'm sorry, but that pegs my moron-detection meter. I certainly forgive typos, everybody makes those sorts of mistakes. Please repeat elementary school starting with Kindergarten.



that was a cheap shot on typos.

it was beneath you bro.

This legislation did not prevent you from getting an abortion, it just made sure the doctor was qualified and had the ability to get you admitted to the hospital if something went wrong.

Maybe they shouldnt require people to get PHD's before doing abortions too eh? Maybe we can somehow figure out how to do them in a drive through... Do you want fries with that Ma'am?
that was a cheap shot on typos.

it was beneath you bro.

If those were indeed typos I would agree with your assessment. They were not. There are only two possibilities:
1. Schylaar really does not know the proper use of "woman" and "women"
2. Schylaar is intentionally referring to, "a women" for some sort of trollish or cutesy reason. I don't discount this possibility as it fits with her/his annoying use of the pseudo-word "sesh".

She/he has referred to "a women" in multiple threads. I wonder if she can read cursive?
welcome to the New Hypocrisy of the courts.

my wife knew that you capitalized random shit like that just based on a short description of your megalomania.

this thread promises to be a fun filled romp through puddles of "libertarian" tears.

This legislation did not prevent you from getting an abortion, it just made sure the doctor was qualified and had the ability to get you admitted to the hospital if something went wrong.

Maybe they shouldnt require people to get PHD's before doing abortions too eh? Maybe we can somehow figure out how to do them in a drive through... Do you want fries with that Ma'am?

right and since the great state of texass now only has ONE abortion facility for the ENTIRE state thanks to the pubsters and rick the dick..the doctors then had to get admitting priviledges at a hospital which, is virtually impossible..i'd rather deal with voter suppression at least i'm in control and have the ability to can change it..

DD..i left the "d" in privileges for just for you:mrgreen:
my wife knew that you capitalized random shit like that just based on a short description of your megalomania.

this thread promises to be a fun filled romp through puddles of "libertarian" tears.

nothing random about it at all.

Titles, Proper Names and several other Nominators are supposed to be capitalized, or did you miss that class in The Grammar Police Academy?

admittedly i dont abide by the rules for capitalization all the time, but likewise i dont complain about other's grammar or spelling unless it impedes comprehension.

you really are Shit One arent you (note how your title is capped?)
right and since the great state of texass now only has ONE abortion facility for the ENTIRE state thanks to the pubsters and rick the dick..the doctors then had to get admitting priviledges at a hospital which, is virtually impossible..i'd rather deal with voter suppression at least i'm in control and have the ability to can change it..

DD..i left the "d" in privileges for just for you:mrgreen:

ONE abortion clinic for the whole state? i find that difficult to believe.


Protip: dont believe the word sof some asshole with an agenda. it is rarely the truth, example: Bucky's entire body of work.
i've answered this question before on another thread..it is your responsibility to go back and look for my response when you ask a question of me, as i always answer..i'm not gonna post this again:smile:

sesh A "session" in which one smokes cannabis sativa through the use of a bong with a collective of friends.
Hey mate, fuck school, lets go have a sesh!

sesh An abbriviation of the word session, may relate to drinking, smoking pot, excessive computer gaming or anything else that lasts a prolonged period of time.
Yo, u in for the sesh

Sesh An abbreviation or short form of session.
"Time to sesh the Mill Creek gap!"

Sesh otherwise known as session- When two or more participants smoke a shit load of weed over a certain period of time, always resulting in each and every one of the smokers being extremely stoned.
"alright mate, that was a fat sesh we had last night, must have smoked at least an ounce"

"yeah man! I still feel battered now!"

"you got any skins?"

"yeah man!"

"nice one, i've got a jiggy on me now"


sesh Abbreviation for session.
Wagging sesh.
Training sesh.
Make-out sesh.

Sesh Sesh or Session is a set period of time in which the person or persons involved smoke mass amounts of chron.
Example: "Yo Mike! Let's go sesh at Matt's place. I hear he has a new eight piece huka!"

Sesh A shortened way of saying "session".
Im having a weed sesh tonight.

What sesh is next?

ONE abortion clinic for the whole state? i find that difficult to believe.


Protip: dont believe the word sof some asshole with an agenda. it is rarely the truth, example: Bucky's entire body of work.

ONE..yup..research it..thanks to dick perry..there gonna get that state just like they want teaparty at the thunderdome when the zombie apocalypse hits..ted cruz plays mel gibsons part..
ONE..yup..research it..thanks to dick perry..there gonna get that state just like they want teaparty at the thunderdome when the zombie apocalypse hits..ted cruz plays mel gibsons part..

i provided citation for MANY abortion clinics in texas, where is your citation for there being only one?
Schylaar, I can live with "sesh". I admit that it grates on my nerves and I don't really know why, exactly, but the continual misuse of "woman" and "women" REALLY is annoying. Just answer a couple of simple questions and I will drop the issue: do you know the proper use of "woman" and "women", i.e. is your continual use of the term "a women" an intentional act? If it is intentional, then... why?
Schylaar, I can live with "sesh". I admit that it grates on my nerves and I don't really know why, exactly, but the continual misuse of "woman" and "women" REALLY is annoying. Just answer a couple of simple questions and I will drop the issue: do you know the proper use of "woman" and "women", i.e. is your continual use of the term "a women" an intentional act? If it is intentional, then... why?

i provided citation for MANY abortion clinics in texas, where is your citation for there being only one?

stop playing dumb.

republicans normally HATE regulations, until they recently realized that they can legislate enough unnecessary regulations that it forces abortion clinics to close.


this is not new to just texas, either.


i guarantee you that 1 is a genrrous number, texas state legislatures would go on regulating abortion clinics unnecessarily until there were ZERO left.