Test run-The Cool Cab


Here we grow, using the Cool Cab http://www.sunlightsheds.com/cool-cab.htm

She was not cheap, 3.5 K Canadian! Delivered pretty quick, 4 days.
Right off the bat the power receptor to the fan broke, and the water pump blows(replaced). Sunlight sheds replaced bad parts very quickly and have excellent customer sevice.

It does come with everything you need. Setup is a snap. Looks pretty cool.

I'll drop my clones in and fire it up with pics tonight.
Holy Cripes that website builds that box up pretty well! Lookks like the shit
Its nice that they actually have customer service and replaced the crappy parts. The MOON DUST was no bueno :(
two questions though is that top "clone" shelve light proof from the other chamber? and is there no airflow to it?


Holy Cripes that website builds that box up pretty well! Lookks like the shit
Its nice that they actually have customer service and replaced the crappy parts. The MOON DUST was no bueno :(
two questions though is that top "clone" shelve light proof from the other chamber? and is there no airflow to it?

The top chamber is light proof and there is no airflow per say but the cabinet does have two fans "blowing in" and one "sucking out" so I don't think clones would have any issues up there. We shall see!


Two points/critisims so far. This MF is NOOISY and on hardwood vibrates a lot. I added a little post engeneering by placing the unit on a shock absorbing rubber mat and that helped. The back is just a very thin sheet metal and they have mounted two huge fans on it to cool the light, The metal bends and the fan blades go off centre making a clanking sound. I re inforced it. All in all so far I am very impressed.
This guy throws heat as well! I have it upstairs and notice at least a 5 degree temp increase when I walk up. This is in a 500 SqF room, I can only imagine the heat if I put it in a closet :O.


So I continued with the nutes as above for week two. Excellent growth. It clearly states to start flowering at about 12 inches and I'm close to that so I took cuttings to test the cloning chamber as well.

I'll switch to flowering early next week.

Week 2 complete.



I forgot to mention the two empty "slots", one is clearly seen in the front and another is buried in the back. Two cuttings just could not compete with the very small space and got very little light so they were removed.

I'm not sure if this thread is in the wrong place or if I am wasting my time here. I wonder why so few responses???


Active Member
No, great. I'm following every word you write. I was looking to get the same box so I'm interested in your experiences with it.

The air outflow, how wide is it? I'm thinking of venting the system to the outside by attaching a duct to the exhaust flanges (if there are any.) If not, I could screw on a plate with the flange over the exhaust hole. I would imagine the hole to be 4 or 5" diameter.

Did you get the CO2 option? I was wondering what it was that generated the CO2 and if refills had to be obtained from the company. The same with the reverse osmosis device. How much water can it process in an hour, or can it handle a continuous flow?

Your plants look great. What strain are you growing?


No, great. I'm following every word you write. I was looking to get the same box so I'm interested in your experiences with it.

The air outflow, how wide is it? I'm thinking of venting the system to the outside by attaching a duct to the exhaust flanges (if there are any.) If not, I could screw on a plate with the flange over the exhaust hole. I would imagine the hole to be 4 or 5" diameter.

Did you get the CO2 option? I was wondering what it was that generated the CO2 and if refills had to be obtained from the company. The same with the reverse osmosis device. How much water can it process in an hour, or can it handle a continuous flow?

Your plants look great. What strain are you growing?
You could easily vent the sucker outside but why? It comes with the carbon filter and there is no smell unless you get right up to it. It's a standard dryer vent so 5" I think.
I purchased RO water for my house so I just use those 5 gallon suckers.
I did not go with CO2.
I am almost ready to harvest and I'm sure the big question will be yeild so I'll post that and for sure post another pic before I harvest.

The cool cab is great for what it is intended to do, stealth growing. You would walk right past the room it's in with the door open and not look twice or smell twice. You pay for that of course but for it's intended purpose the cool cab rocks.
Power consumption is fair, about the same as a refrigerator. $30 a month.

The best feature IMHO is the CC incorporates all the best growing techniques in one compact stealthy unit.


Active Member
Yield is everything. I don't need to be extremely stealthy, living in a state where medicinal users are allowed to grow their own. Nevertheless, I have opted to grow indoors and a cabinet is perfect.

The reason I want to vent is because of temperature. They (i.e. BC Northern Lights) say that venting decreases the flowering chamber temperature by 5 degrees. Lower temps, tighter buds, they also say. The difference between your box and others that I am considering is essentially that yours allows moving the light to get close to the plants while other grow boxes I've seen have their lights at a fixed distance. In all cases, however, the light is always separated from the plants by a sheet of glass, or, as in your box, a glass tube.

Actually, there is an esoteric debate going on whether glass absorbs some of the useful wavelengths, but I'll leave that until I get my own successful grow going :lol:

Another thing that interests me is the density in the grow tub. The Cool Cab tub has 14 grow sites, but the tub looks cramped for adult plants. Your young ones look great, but it will be interesting to see how many you can nurse to flowering. The BCNL Bloombox, which is an alternative, has only 9 plant sites and the distance between them is far greater. I wonder what the optimum density is. Your grow will reveal a lot.


Well-Known Member
I am very interested to see how this comes out..Man, I kicked that cool cab idea around for over a month..Anyway, so, how many plants do you have in there?
So how is the flowering coming along? I'm contimplating purchasing the cool cab and have a few concerns: yield ( is this expensive cabinet going to be worth the time and money), setup ( how easy/quick bc this will be my first hydro grow attempt), heat ( i live in the south u.s but will buy a portable room a/c if I use hid lighting), has anyone had any experience with the LED UFO's offered as an option?

Jay Budz

Nice set up for sure! If you haven't already I would cover those empty pot holes over so that the light doesn't shine into the res...no good.:)