Tent walls


Well-Known Member
Anybody got any tips the tent sucking sir in has made my growing foot print maybe 100mm each side smaller20240729_022220.jpg
Don't know if opening like plug wire holes up the top of the tent ..know to make my intake area bigger
I think this is the first grow I've noticed this
Suppose makes my light super effiecnt

Blue brother

Well-Known Member
Get a bigger intake, there's no need for this much negative pressure, I see it all the time though, it only needs to be sufficient so smells don't escape, when your tent is sucked in this much you're greatly reducing the ability of your equipment to control your environment, I bet if you had a bigger intake you would even be able to turn your exhaust down abit and still maintain the same environment.

I do understand why people do this cos it's scary to think smells might escape but it really isn't necessary, ANY level of negative pressure will do the trick

hope this helps


Well-Known Member
I 3d printed some corner clips from Thingiverse, they allow you to snap in wooden dowel that run around the tent about half way up.