Tent - 2 bucket DWC


Well-Known Member
They are in a standard cooler nothing flashy bought at wally world maybe 8 GA in the cooler with them...

Humidifier will need to be run in the evening luckily there is a 4 hour setting that I plan on hitting daily once lights turn out. The temps from the exhaust are just too much for what I want in the room right now.

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
You buy one of those red or white 48qt coolers ?
LOL, that's what I have !
I have a little square 5gal I bought for clones/Moms.


Well-Known Member
Okay so was not able to snap any photos today :-(

I was able to PH them and top off with PH'd water to maintain full reservoir. Dropped a frozen water bottle in each reservoir and will have to retrieve in the morning cause lights are out!

I did do some checking on the moms / possible next round of victims LOL

The AK48 is looking amazing! She has 4 main branches arching up after the topping, she's loving the cooler & the roots must be 3' long!

Jock Horror is looking just as good!

I may flower AK48 & Jock right after the new year which means I may have to take some clones or I would have had it vegging for almost 3 months prior to flowering which would make it absolutely MASSIVE!!!

At the rate these ladies are growing they'll be ready for flower in around 4-6 weeks


Well-Known Member
did you get the 400watt setup?
Thanks for reminding me! No it has not yet arrived scheduled delivery date is Thursday. Once she arrives it will be installed and lights moved further from the tops. I will have to watch temps and will probably increase fan speed to compensate for larger wattage light, not sure what the difference in temps will be.


Well-Known Member
I'm at 6" :D

I have a 190 CFM exhaust with carbon filter and 110CFM air intake during lights on negative pressure maintained at all times

It's not air cooled fans pointed from both direction at light though.


Well-Known Member
What does the negative pressure do?
Negative Pressure is also referred to as a vacuum, meaning the air flow exiting the tent is more than what is being pulled in.

This allows for a passive intake through the 3 intake ports with light flaps on the tent during lights off as well as during lights on despite the 110CFM intake fan working.

You always want your exhaust CFM to exceed that of your intake so no air is escaping the tent rather gets pulled through it and then out.


Well-Known Member
I just checked on my ladies. My WW is 920 PPM and the AK48 is 850-875. The AK48 is drinking 3X the amount of water that the WW is. Granted she is slightly larger but I am also thinking because the PPM was too high for them even at 950. I will try and maintain PPM's at 900 and below from now on for optimal growth & nutrient uptake.

Good bud formation in progress :weed:

AK48 Roots

White Widow Roots

AK48 Shots

White Widow Shots


Well-Known Member
This cold front better get here! Humidity is 61% during the day because I do not want to run the dehumidifier and heat up the room. I run her at night in the bathroom with the exhaust fan going :D

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
This cold front better get here! Humidity is 61% during the day because I do not want to run the dehumidifier and heat up the room. I run her at night in the bathroom with the exhaust fan going :D
Exactly !
Yesterday morning that shit was 90% !!


Ahhh that's why my tent was about to implode when i first turned on the exhaust. I have not intake. I just leave one of the light flaps open for intake.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh that's why my tent was about to implode when i first turned on the exhaust. I have not intake. I just leave one of the light flaps open for intake.
Yeah check out the early pages on my thread I did a complete setup and posted photos you can see how I made my air intake fan & it acts as a passive intake when lights go off meaning the fan stops spinning but the air moving out from the exhaust pulls air across the fan and the blades do turn :D


Plants are looking great. +rep

Roots as well. I notice a difference in roots from my dwc to yours. My roots seem to be long and stretchy where your are short and stout. How far do you keep the water from the basket?


Well-Known Member
Thanks blaze!

I started the ladies off in 1" rockwool cubes but they are in 6" net pots with lots of hydrotron below the rockwool, the roots were slow to develop and more or less developed inside the net pot before exiting. My moms are in 3" net pots and have long stringy roots, I think a lot has to do with the constriction on the roots during development and your reservoir type.


Well-Known Member
Well we are 1/3 way done with flower! They'll be done in around another month.

AK48 I was training one of the branches with some twist ties to avoid hitting the tent wall.


AK48 Bud shots

AK48, 3 main branches that were strong enough for flowering

White Widow

WW 2 main branches

White Widow bud shots

Thanks for stopping by!

The 400W HPS / MH is scheduled for delivery today :clap:


Well-Known Member
Well we are 1/3 way done with flower! They'll be done in around another month.

AK48 I was training one of the branches with some twist ties to avoid hitting the tent wall.

View attachment 1237318

AK48 Bud shots
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AK48, 3 main branches that were strong enough for flowering
View attachment 1237308View attachment 1237307View attachment 1237316

White Widow
View attachment 1237313

WW 2 main branches
View attachment 1237306View attachment 1237315View attachment 1237311

White Widow bud shots
View attachment 1237317View attachment 1237312View attachment 1237322View attachment 1237309

Thanks for stopping by!

The 400W HPS / MH is scheduled for delivery today :clap:

Nice Weedler ! I havent seen any buds yet on my end but I only have a week into flowering.