Temporary Insanity on Hallucinogens?


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

Just got done tripping 40mg 4acoDMT amazing trip deep mind fuck and i learned alot.

Has anyone you know ever gone crazy, like batshit he needs to be knocked out/taken to the hospital crazy?

-At one point i was shrooming and some kid i didnt know was there and he took 4g shrooms and was on adderal/alcohol.

Long story short he started saying random stuff then started going crazy screaming bloody murder (its 3am in an apartment) and trying to hit/destroy any thing/body he could.
The girl who rented the apartment called the cops who ended up tasing him twice and then taking him to the hospital.

-Another time one of my friends tripped LSD and went crazy same thing saying incoherent things, being super violent and breaking stuff. He was with other friends who ended up taking him back to his house where his parents watched him/calmed down.

-And last night a friend of a friend took a massive dose of 2cE and same thing started going crazy/saying random shit and destroying stuff. His friends took him to his parents house and then to the hospital.

Why does this happen? ive tripped to the point i couldnt talk but never have i gone crazy, yet plenty of people who trip hard have lost their shit and gone crazy.

Anyone else had experience like this or care to speculate what might make you snap? i would guess just going down the wrong path in your mind.
And what would you suggest to do when it happens? I think if it ever happens again im just going to choke the person out, no physical damage and then they wont hurt anyone/themselves.


Undercover Mod
A kid I knew in college ate an eighth of shrooms and freaked. The ambulance took him voluntarily to the hospital and he ended up stabbing a male nurse in the chest with a stelleto knife.

Rodart Cockburn

New Member
Umm.... Jesus fuck BALZ. :)

I have no idea why certain people just can't take it. The adderall and liquor mixed with shrooms kind of makes a bit a sense, or at least I can see how it would agitate someone. But I really don't know.

I too have been so high all I can do is widen my eyes further and smile like a nut.

Of course it could just be the type of person, with a particular realm of experiences.



Active Member
In all honesty, you could retell your stories, and replace shrooming with just drinking, and they wouldn't be any more outrageous, would they?

I've done far stupider, reckless, aggressive, dumb, etc. etc etc. shit while drinking. It got me arrested.

I've taken shrooms after 30 hours of no sleep and on adderall, and was completely at peace.

Substances that alter your mind have the potential to release emotions and responses that we can normally repress, or at least keep under control.


Well-Known Member
I know a guy who has taken the most acid, at once and over time I have ever known anyone take (apart from over the internet). He is a completely sane person with a good sense of humour and lots of skills like theatre and juggling. He said he was sent to a mental institute twice with the whole stray jacket thing after heavy lsd trips.

He told me acid was his recreational drug of preferance. He just loved to trip all the time, just drop some acid and sit in the armchair and relax type thing. He never had a bad trip from lsd but I never asked in detail what was behind going to the mental institute, lol Anyways, he told me to take mescaline and psilocybin instead of acid. He also said he quit the acid he loves so much for 2 reasons.
Firstly, because of flashbacks which have partially subsided after 5 years of quitting. Secondly, on one of his acid trips with his favorite trip buddy, the buddy completely lost his mind and was repeatedly trying to kill himself while medics were trying to stop him from doing so, in front of this guys eyes while he was tripping. He said he would never touch lsd after that day and seeing his buddy in that state.

Now why do these crazy flipouts happen, my opinion is

The wrong approach to the drug/experience
Too high a dose!
Wrong atmosphere to trip in
Mixing drugs!


Undercover Mod
Former TC3 student stabs nurse

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Stephens, accused of stabbing nurse (Cortland Police)

Print Story
Published: 10/14/2009 10:47 am

Updated: 10/14/2009 8:57 pm

Cortland (WSYR-TV) - A Tompkins Cortland Community College student stabbed a nurse while being treated for an overdose at Cortland Regional Medical Center Wednesday.

According to TC3, 18-year old Alex Stephens was visiting friends on the campus Tuesday night. One friend called police to report that Stephens had overdosed on a narcotic drug. TC3 Public Safety responded, and Stephens was brought to CRMC by ambulance.

At CRMC, Cortland Police say that Stephens became unruly and pulled a folding knife from his waistband. He stabbed a male nurse once in the chest.

According to police, the nurse was treated and then transported to University Hospital, where he is listed in fair condition.

Police say that their investigation revealed that Stephens had withdrawn from classes earlier in the week and had been using psilocybin mushrooms earlier Tuesday evening.

Stephens is charged with assault and criminal possession of a weapon. He is in police custody pending arraignment in Cortland City Court.

The investigation is ongoing and anyone with information is urged to contact Lt. David M. Guerrera at (607) 758-8307 or Sgt. Patrick C. Sweeney at (607) 756-2661.



Well-Known Member
Hallucinogens are an almost surefire way to accent/trigger latent psycological problems that would only have become problematic over the long run or under severe stress.


Well-Known Member
I think thats called a "bad trip" right???
I almost had one before .... and ive seen my ex gf have one..
Usually this occurs in a uncomfrtable enviroment, situation, or just randomly for odd reasons...
So id reccomnend people be somewhere thats fun and happy like disneyland or the park...with people who are fun to be around ....and that u trust....
Just like anything u could have an anxiety attack ..but on acid or shrooms its hard to rationalize whats real and whats not....
I feel i have been almost to the threshold of having a bad trip... but i quickly snapped out of it....
Maybe i have a strong hold on reality ... atleast thats why i thinkl i never went mental all the 30 or so time i tripped....

I can understand how a bad trip can occur....
One time i was by myslef , my friend had just left and my trip was almost over , and i was just about to leave my room when i saw a bug or too or something flying behind me ...
I did a double take and when i turned around the second time ther was about a thousand spiders loooking att meee...
I fucken dived out the room head first .... and kicked the door shut....
But i came to my senses and quickly relized i was tripping hard...so i brushed it off...
Aftrer all thats what lsd does it distorts your senses ....

I heard once this guy took some much acid that he thought he was a glass of orange juice...
And that he wouldnt leen over cause hes was afraid that he'd spill.....

I dont do acid anymore.... or any hard drugs.... but its fun too do ... a couple times ..just for the experience....
I had some of the best times of my life.... allot of time just laughing for hours....
This wares off eventually ..... atleast for me ..... so stop before it gets wierd would be my advice.....


Well-Known Member
I think thats called a "bad trip" right???
I almost had one before .... and ive seen my ex gf have one..
Usually this occurs in a uncomfrtable enviroment, situation, or just randomly for odd reasons...
So id reccomnend people be somewhere that fun and happy like disneyland or the park...with people who are fun to be around ....and that u trust....
Just like anything u could have an anwiety attack ..but on acid or shrooms its hard to rationalize what real and whats not....
I feel i have been almost to the threshold of having a bad trip... but i quickly snapped out of it....
Maybe i have a strong hold on reality ... atleast thats why i thinkl i never went mental all the 30 or so time i tripped....

I can understand how a bad trip can occur....
One time i was by myslef , my friend had just left and my trip was almost over , and i was just about to leave my room when i saw a bug or too or something flying behind me ...
I did a double take and when i turned around the second time ther was about a thousand spiders loooking att meee...
I fucken dived out the room head first .... and kicked the door shut....
But i came to my senses and quickly relized i was tripping hard...so i brushed it off...
Aftrer all thats what lsd does it distorts your senses ....

I heard once this guy took some much acid that he thought he was a glass of orange juice...
And that he wouldnt leen over cause hes was afraid that he'd spill.....

I dont do acid anymore.... or any hard drugs.... but its fun too do ... a couple times ..just for the experience....
I had some of the best times of my life.... allot of time just laughing for hours....
This ware off eventually ..... atleast for me ..... so stop before it gets wierd would be my advice.....
I can only say, things will never be wierd enough. FOR ME


Well-Known Member
A kid I knew in college ate an eighth of shrooms and freaked. The ambulance took him voluntarily to the hospital and he ended up stabbing a male nurse in the chest with a stelleto knife.
Damn :/
And thats what im talking about these arent huge doses. If i have 2 or three beers im not going to be going crazy out of my mind destroying everything. But ive seen experienced users take a "normal" dose of LSD or shrooms and go batshit insane.


Well-Known Member
Former TC3 student stabs nurse
Police say that Stephens became unruly and pulled a folding knife from his waistband. He stabbed a male nurse once in the chest.
Well a guy who carries a knife on campus, I wouldn`t expect much else when he is tripping to be honest... And looking at his face he has a discomforting serious look too lol

He would just stab someone while drunk or something anyway... Peace love & happines is the approach when you take a psychedelic, not that thought in the back of your head saying I have a knife and if someone fucks with me thats it!


Undercover Mod
From what I was told by someone who was with him before he went on the ambulance he was holding his head screaming oh my god repeatedly.


Well-Known Member
I don't like these human cogitations, What defines a sane person?
It all depends on the person, How safe is your mind? Do you trust yourself... Can you subject yourself to a safe mental space, or would this cause alarm.

Not even you have the key to the door that is manifested within you, but for some reason it has been opened countless of times.
Can you be locked out? Yes. Can this door remain open. Absolutely. Is there windows? Yes! Sometimes Windex :)


Well-Known Member
I don't like these human cogitations, What defines a sane person?
We all have to accept that the concept of sanity is derived from comparing a person to other people. The problem is, people use it without realising that fact and I think thats what your on about Karmapuff.

Even when we look at animals, we use the word "normal behaviour". This too, can`t be applied without comparing to other animals. Same sort of thing...

But most of the people around us will use the concept of sanity without realising its their own relative version, thats what I have problems with!

And all the shit people do to each other while high on something is because we don`t trust each other in this world :) Righfully may I add, and thats the problem!

I also quite like this unrelated quote : "In the 60's we took LSD to make the world look weird. Now we take Prozac to make it look normal" :D

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
We all have to accept that the concept of sanity is derived from comparing a person to other people. The problem is, people use it without realising that fact and I think thats what your on about Karmapuff.

Even when we look at animals, we use the word "normal behaviour". This too, can`t be applied without comparing to other animals. Same sort of thing...

But most of the people around us will use the concept of sanity without realising its their own relative version, thats what I have problems with!

And all the shit people do to each other while high on something is because we don`t trust each other in this world :) Righfully may I add, and thats the problem!

I also quite like this unrelated quote : "In the 60's we took LSD to make the world look weird. Now we take Prozac to make it look normal" :D
I appreciate clarity in your thought .... not bad for self coined 'atheist' !

Also realize that as much as WE are alike .... some have tapped into things and have different potential .....
What is Odd or Normal ??




Active Member
Hallucinogens are an almost surefire way to accent/trigger latent psycological problems that would only have become problematic over the long run or under severe stress.
This is why you smoke while you take the hallucinogens, makes you, as my friend would say, swishly.


Well-Known Member
actualy pot is in my and some friends' experience normaly culpable in bringing on darker mushroom trips.