Temp issues


Well-Known Member
Ok my mates new set up has come. Running a 250w Cfl inside a dr60 with a 4inch outtake and passive intake with the bedroom windows open and his temps are still saying its at 86f? Any ideas? Surely a cfl doesn't give off alot of heat I sometimes run mine in a cupboard with no fans and have no problem also that size outtake came with the kit so should be fine right.


Thats pretty high. I had a lot of temp probs recently, fucking nightmare. What temp is it in the room? and is the passive intake letting in enough air?


Well-Known Member
His got the windows open in the bedroom and we've got snow on the ground it's that cold lol


Well-Known Member
This is with a cfl I borrowed him the actual set up he brought as a package came with a 250w hps but I said I always use a cfl to start em


Well-Known Member
Surely you haven't touched the ballast of the CFL when it has been on for a few hours. Where are you measuring the temperature? And how is the air circulation inside?


Well-Known Member
I have but it's no where near as hot as when I've touched my hps lol. Reading the temps from the level of the soil. No fan inside moving air around as thought wouldn't be needed yet. Also thought this will only lower temps abit not gonna be enough when a 250w hps is put in.


Well-Known Member
strange :) add an intake and maybe a 6" desk fan on the inside for better cooling. temps are always lower with a cooltube when using hps :)


Well-Known Member
So his gonna need an intake? I can't believe the temps are so high when running a cfl yet the package came with an hps? All the bedroom windows open aswell when it's ice cold out I'm in bed ill because of it and snow on the ground. Think that's a joke annoys me because its his first set up/grow and just folked out all his money being a young kid thinking it'll run fine. I honestly don't see how the temps can be so high


Well-Known Member
I have but it's no where near as hot as when I've touched my hps lol. Reading the temps from the level of the soil. No fan inside moving air around as thought wouldn't be needed yet. Also thought this will only lower temps abit not gonna be enough when a 250w hps is put in.
Not as hot as HPS - but the bigger CFL ballasts can warm things up a bit, especially if things are a bit sealed an insulated. I think air circulation - heat or not - is important even in the early stages. If you got a fan, it is worth a shot. Hopefully you have a cool tube or similar and can increase the exhaust power.

p.s. A large CFL - but still, that does seem high. Seriously - the fan would be the easiest thing to try first. Circulation is always good.


Well-Known Member
Ok ill have him get a fan I just always felt the cfl was cooler but then my hps is a 600. I'm quite pissed off for the guy if honest I know his probably annoyed n thinking hell never get growing. Bloody sold with this package so it should work right? 250w inside a dr60 ain't unheard off?


Well-Known Member
Large cfls can get very warm in a tight space. If he leaves the door open in the room/tent with a large 40cm fan blowing air from outside in 24/7 ,fans cost very little to run, this will drop temps 10 deg to a more suitable range. The 250w will need a cooltube with hot air ducted and pushed out the window otherwise in summer it will get over 100 in there.