Tell me everything about LSD.


Active Member
ok i cant spell so o well. ok i took 2 blotters right. It was the most amasing thing in my life. first of i couldent shut up idky but the words kept coming out and even when i did stop talcking i could still hear my self in my head. So it takes like 45 mins to kick in and it happens varry slowly little by little. so me and my freind head into the forst right we wanted to finde this streem that we alwase go to when baked. so we do and at first i couldent even tell it was a stream it looked like the water was standin still sept it was all wavy like when u drop a rock into a lake. So we hange out there for a wile we bolth end of falling in at some point. So we head back to his house right. We where starting to come doun and so we vaped a bowl. For thouse who donte know vapin on a acid come doun brings you right back up. so we had to go give this kid a grinder and we where walckin and all the suden we start runin and i didint know why I just did. It was wierd though cuz i could only control my head the rest of my body moved on its own. So we finde the kid and im parnode where gona get ass raped by like and intire gang no resone just cuz i was tripin so im realy scared. then we finde the kid and a see people coming out frome bhinde trees and im like o shit but they disapeerd thank god. Last but not leest when we found the kid he was rading an invisble bick or atleest that how it looked evently i was able to c the actuly bick but all in all bust trip ever
I have been thinkin about doin lsd this summer, sometimes i will really want to do it and not care what happens but then other days i will get really nervous and reconsider doing it... ive done esctasy about 6 times(about 5 pills per party) shrooms 5 times(about 8 grams per experience) and salvia many many times, one time i took 3 lung hoots in a row and held em all in...what a night..but i was wondering what everyone thought about experiencing with lsd and if i should:joint:
I think the best i could describe acid is literally "everything".
Not sure if any other cidheads know what I mean. think about the word everything next time you fry youll see the clearer picture:dunce::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
my uncle took lsd in college and got scitzophrenia and joined the jehovahs witnesses and then drowned while drunk if thats who u wanna be take lsd im sure itll be fun
Funny thing is I did some reading a while back and was tested for schizophrenia. Turns out it's not actually something you catch it's a genetic thing. People might not become aware they actually have it until they try a mind altering drug like LSD, but even something as little as a cat scratch can set it off. You may feel some of the signs of being schizophrenic when you take drugs, but chances are it's just your reaction to the drug and your not really a schizophrenic. If you're worried you might have the illness you should go get tested. It's a simple blood test.
I think if people over react to a symptom of schizophrenia and think they have the illness it could make them go crazy and if they're treated for the illness and don't actually have it, it could have the same effects.
"Every individual reacts differently to every chemical. Know your Body - Know your Mind - Know your Substance - Know your Source." Erowid.Org


I have tripped on LSD once.

The guy with the acid dipped some blotter in a bottle and handed it to me. I did not have to pay for it but it was GOOD shit. As we sat in the apartment of a guy he knew (along with 5-6 other people) it started. It was not a visual trip - the walls breathed and colours were intensified. More of a trip for the mind, with lots of thinking going on.

The weird thing is that I don't remember much of the trip or what I thought of, but the memories I have are very vivid though. We started tripping 1-2 hours before midnight. In the morning one of the guys offered me some Mephedrone - an RC (reserch chemical) similar to amphetamine. It didn't enhance the LSD-ness but made me feel great.

And as the sun rose I was on LSD and mephedrone, with colors intensified, my mind at peace and loving everyone in the room. The sunset was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. All in all it was great, but as I tried to buy some soda at the local kiosk I was so fried in the brain that I didn't understand what the guy behind the counter tried to do with me when he complained about me not having enough cash at first, LOL.

Then a week or two after, a couple o' days from the start of the semester a full-blown psychosis was triggered: everything turned 180 degrees around as I woke up and thought "I am dead" with a really warm feeling inside. I sneaked out of my house and spent the first 6 hours of my day talking to the trees, trying to travel through electrical wires (not touching them, though that I could think myself to another place through them) and lots of other things, culminating in me almost convincing myself of being able to walk on water. When I got home I had brought with me a bag of clothes and hair dye. This was the first time I've ever stolen something (except for eating candy in a store as a toddler) and I felt so bad about it that I nearly cried and threw the stuff in the garbage.

It all ended with half a year of psychiatric care, lots of medications (you get completely numb and stupid, I do not recommend it unless you really need it) and a very serious depression. The only thing that helped at last was electric shock treatment.

So today I've gained 15 kilograms of weight (skinny as fuck with a huge belly, looks really wierd lol) thanks to the medicines and have a fear of hospitals. Moral of the story: think about it before trying it, if you're mentally unstable/depressed/whatever wait until you feel better before doing it.


Well-Known Member
Way back in 1982 my friend and I did 4 hits each of 4way window pane. The shit would melt on you finger if left to long on it. Anyway, When you moved your head the whole world would smear like a calidascope. lasted for about 2 1/2 days.

Needless to say, that it took me to far from home. But wow !



Well-Known Member
Way back in 1982 my friend and I did 4 hits each of 4way window pane. The shit would melt on you finger if left to long on it. Anyway, When you moved your head the whole world would smear like a calidascope. lasted for about 2 1/2 days.

Needless to say, that it took me to far from home. But wow !

I hate to tell you this but you and your friend were not on acid. It is not physically possible unless you guys kept redosing. People that have done thumbprints (between 200 & 1000 or more hits) only trip for about 18 hours. Your perception might have been changed and made you feel weird for a few days. Did it take a long time to kick in?


Well-Known Member
Is this Ichi the killer with the ever potent Gourdbuster ?

Shhhhhhhhhhhhh. dont give me up bro. lol


Green Xan Man

Active Member
acid is awesome, anyone should try it, but u should have def. have to have a strong mind, whoever said that is right!


lsd in like a vitamin for the senses everyones different, it can delve you into heavens unknown or make you feel happier than youve ever been before. but theres a dark side it can confuse you, or make some little thing freak you out. you can stare off into space and everything can turn into a giant anaglyph. lsd=love sex passion


I have a question here :) ive done microdots before, it was an amazing experience...
I bought some acid tabs, and I want to keep them for a while.. for the special day :D:D:D and somebody said that , it gets weaker over time ? is that true ????

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
LSD is sensitive to light as per the compound ... the media in which lsd is contained ... paper/blotters/candies ... will be effected by moisture. Keep it in a dark moisture free space ... but it will degrade over time not matter what you do.
How long u wanna save that stash ?
If it's not raining where u at .... pretend that it is and eat the things ... ;)


Well-Known Member
Acid is the real in reality! If you want to take horrid doses, then it'll take you out of your mind and make everything foreign. But, if you indulge on the essence of the trip, it'll make everything fit perfect like a jigsaw puzzle. Colors, thoughts, sounds, bias all come crashing into one big melting pot and you can do nothing but merely look at it, fascinated, and propelled to be overwhelmed by it is the most beautiful notion thought possible. You can be laying in your bed, and feel as small as lint on your suit jacket or feel as big as Alice when she took the blue pill. It takes away the impossible and replaces it with the possible; it breaks barriers thats what it does!