Tell me everything about LSD.

My dealer was talking about this drug he has and the recipe has been lost since the cold war or something like that I'll get the name off him soon but I think it was something like Acid
my friend jumped out a window from it...thought he could fly and died. Never doing it...stick to the weed and shrooms man
Do your own research, I recommend checking out Your not gonna find facts here only opinions which are biased. LSD is the most researched synthetic hallucinogenic substance in the world however how it will effect you personally is partially in your own hands and partially beyond your control. But please check out that site and search the LSD vault. As for price, never ever ever pay more then $8.00 a tab, no matter where you are or how heady.
Also I highly recommend you get your doses from ether a trustworthy individual or go find the jamband/rave music scene. Thats where the market is. Pure and cheap.
my friend jumped out a window from it...thought he could fly and died. Never doing it...stick to the weed and shrooms man

your full of shit with your 4 posts..its people like you who give lsd a bad name...go fuck yourself and read a book
i've tripped on lsd before it was intense as hell the first time i had it i had a bad trip cause i didn't know what i was doing, i was taking it to be a big man after sitting there tripping balls for like 5 hours it died down in intensity a bit and i felt like buddah, i felt truly enlightened.

Let me say though mescaline is where it's at, i'm not talking about eating whole cactus either (even though this is also fun) just pure mescaline crystals. I could rant for ages about mescaline but i'll just say in my opinion mescaline is the holy grail of hallucinogens.

Now i'm more experienced to how tripping effects my mind and soul, the only advice i can truly give is not to abuse it or you will have an unpleasant experience take into consideration "set and setting" before you consider taking lsd. Set being how you feel mentally and setting being where you are (are you in a safe place?).
I usually buy mine when I go to music festivals, and meet up with my friend who knows a guy, I pay $7/hit and I'm pretty sure the source is from Canada, and I live in the Southeast of the US so, prices based on regions I really can't help you there. It can get as cheap as $5 and go up to $10 or $12

I wouldn't say I do it all the time, but it's not a rare occasion either. Acid is like nothing I've ever done before ( or have done, since then, rather ) It can really go in any directions, and before you do it, I believe you really need to prepare yourself mentally for it, especially if it's your first time. It's not a drug you can do because you're upset and you just want to escape for a while, because ( based on my experience, you may hear different from other people. ) what you're feeling and what you're thinking can really affect your trip. But in that same aspect, it can be the most amazing thing you've ever experienced. You really make the trip your own, and no two are alike.

Most people say the trip itself lasts 8 - 12 hours, but I have not had one that lasted less than 22 hours ( my longest was 24 ), and I usually only take 2 - 3 hits. I'm not sure what it is about my body that makes it do that, but it does. The first time I took LSD, I kind of started to panic after 14 hours, because I thought it just wasn't going to stop and I was stuck like that forever. 8 - 12 is the norm, but let your friend know it's possible for it to be longer and not to panic, because that's a killer.

I've got a few good stories, but it just seemsl ike too much to type, but if you want to hear them let me know and I can oblige you then.

Hope this kind of helped.
Go in with the purpose of wanting to learn from Acid not just oh I want to get fuckin blitzed. When I went in to my trips with the learning need I had the best fuckin time when I went into a high with the oh lets get fucked up attitude I had a shit trip
To elaborate more on what nongreenthumb said a bad trip on acid or mushrooms or any hallucinogen can really discourage you from doing them again. I've seen people end up convinced they need to go to the hospital when they're really fine and then try and convice the hospital staff that they're the Son of God and try and convince the hospital staff of the same thing. I know a guy who got in a huge fight with his wife, didn't tell my friends and I and came and tripped with us, three hours into the trip he was just sitting there, speaking only in metaphors and trying to get us to drive him to a bridge so we could watch him jump off.

I personally took a ten strip and went to schlitterbahn (a waterpark in texas) and I was pretty much crazy. The hallucinations were so strong and on so many layers that I couldn't distinguish reality from the visuals, when I closed my eyes I saw thousands of people at a waterpark, when I opened them I saw thousands of people at a waterpark only with a lot of differences between the two like rides being in different places, seeing people that I knew couldn't be there. So I tired to figure out which was the real reality for a few hours, trying to hide clues in the scenery in my mind so that I could find out what's real. Then I started to get scared that I might not actually be able to pick reality out of the basket and might be stuck in some scenario my mind created so my mind got more turgid and unclear and the sheer number of people at the waterpark was terrifying to me, and the parents walking by with their kids crying stuck out in my head, I experienced ego-death and thought that I might be dead as well and that's why the kids were crying, and it scared the shit out of me, by this time I was just laid out on a lawn chair still trying to find reality and stuck in-between a bunch of plausible ones with lots of auditory hallucinations of different people, including my parents talking to me, people saying 'You took too much' and all this replaying in a loop in my head pretty much. I managed to find my cd player near my lawnchair although I don't know how it got there, I had Dark side of the Moon in the cd player and I just sat there and listened to it, I already knew every note but I'd never experienced it like this, I can hardly explain how it felt, when the crescendos would hit I'd feel GIANT waves of euphoria and get some amazing 3d closed eye visuals, and then pieces of the lyrics started sticking out to me, as though they were there for me to derive some benefit from, the lyrics in the first song, well not really lyrics, the guy talking says:

"I've been mad for fucking years, absolutely years, been over the edge for yonks, been working me buns off for bands..."

"I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the
most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..."

And then the next song ends with these lyrics:

For long you live and high you fly
But only if you ride the tide
And balanced on the biggest wave
You race towards an early grave.

When I heard them my whole body got that shiver, and then there's one part on the album where I swear someone whispers "If you can hear this you're dying" but then the album gets into more uplifting songs I suppose with Brain Damage and Eclipse, by the time the album was over I had a giant shit-eating grin on my face and I was back to just tripping balls without all the negative thoughts that scared the shit out of me, so I went on some rides and had a ton of fun. The whole reason I had a bad trip at all was because I was stupid and didn't follow one of mine and many other peoples' rules for LSD, I took it when I had a lot of things to worry about and so I focused on those rather than on having fun. All in all the trip lated about 30 hours from the ten hits, and it was one of the most enlightening and fun and scary experiences in my life.

awesome man =]

ps. when i read the bit about dark side of the moon, it came on my music player :P
acid is the fucking shit, but should be taken seriously. the acid that is going around right now where i live is drops on a sweet tart not to bad took 3 a week ago and had so much fun!!!:mrgreen::blsmoke:
Read the Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe, it's about Ken Kesey (who wrote Somtimes a Great Notion) and his troupe of crazy people on acid the "Merry Pranksters" it's a great book and Tom Wolfe really captures the experience better in text than anyone else I've ever read.

I also read a book I can't remember the name of, about the 'families' the controlled acid production in the US in the late 70s and 80s, after the days of people like Owsley Stanley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (a main figure in TEKAT). LSD is a crystal in it's pure form, and apparently they used to store it in small glass vials, and it was mainly distributed through the concert circuits, where people the 'family' had selected sold their product, rules were at least 100micrograms per hit, and no more than $5 a hit ever. So say you wanted to join the family, you became buddy-buddy with the first person, they make sure you're cool, then you get to meet the rest of the family, you didn't get to do any business for a few months while they got to know you. The test at the end of those few months you'd take a glass vial with crystal lsd in it, take the cap off and plug it with your finger, turn the vial over and just let some crystal sit on your finger, turn it back over and put the cap on and now you've probably ingested over a sheet of acid. The family would then guide you through the trip while on lower doses, this whole test or rite of passage was called "Fingerprinting." Once you came down you could become a businessman as long as you adhered to their rules, no more than $5 a hit, and always at least 100 micrograms per hit (they took the crystal with them to the shows and then made the sheets there by dissolving the crystal in grain alcohol and coating the sheets and letting the excess run off and then letting them dry).

Another thing that may be true or may be a myth but is stated as fact in this book is spraying LSD into the mouth of DEA agents at concerts with a squirt gun :)

could you try to find out the name of this book please because id sure like to read it =]

thanks :bigjoint:
Acid is a very fun drug but you must have the right mind for it. If you get paranoid or scared easily i would suggest not taking it or taking a small dose your first time. I would suggest taking Gellies your first time and only like 2. I was at Nelson's Ledges for the 4/20 fest and the acid was in liquid form and GOOD. I hope its just as good for the Spring Hookah fest. Be careful but just remember, its only a drug and its all in your head.
Hey the last acid I took was at noblesville, Indiana dead show, and I'd do it again. Be positive and stay positive if you have something that can bring you down like a girlfriend or a trusted friend bring them along. The acid nowdays is between 40-60 mico grams where as in the 60's is was 100-120 or higher. So dose wise it is small, take one only it will taste like hard water or a silver spoon. Do not go into the trip unless you are willing to relax and spend the next couple of hours expanding your thoughts, it will be great. Good luck
Take the others advice go to a concert and take a weekend to relax and have fun with it.
Fighting the effects of LSD, especially the ego-loss effects at high doses is a sure way to have a bad trip, as it will kick your ass up and down the street all day.

What does everyone think of day-tripping?

I day-tripped the first time I tried acid, I ate the blotter at about 9:30AM and was coming down at 9:30PM. Fucking insane day.