Ted Nugent

Musicians/bands who don't do drugs (again, no meaningful order):

Ted Nugent, Justin Beiber, Lady Gaga, Kanye West, Nsync, Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, I think I made my point.

Abondon should know, he tried snortin' crank off Beibers cock, but he said no. Kayne West took him up on it, though!

I'll stop now. But, don't change one of my quotes again.
, Justin Beiber, Lady Gaga, Kanye West, Nsync, Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears..........arent these the major music choices of the typical american?.....in canada we listen to real music....fuk yankee doodle pop crap~
Abondon should know, he tried snortin' crank off Beibers cock, but he said no. Kayne West took him up on it, though!

I'll stop now. But, don't change one of my quotes again.

I returned your trolling with trolling, get over it.

FYI ad hominem is fallacious. Did you notice how charitable it is that the arguments are focused on how shitty his music is and not on how worthless he is as an American? Did you notice how I didn't draw conclusions with out premises? DO YOU KNOW WHAT LOGIC IS?
, Justin Beiber, Lady Gaga, Kanye West, Nsync, Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears..........arent these the major music choices of the typical american?.....in canada we listen to real music....fuk yankee doodle pop crap~

canadian billboard's number 1 last week was justin bieber. fail. he's also canadian.........double fail.
Then your fucktard self would know a 1-Y or a 2-S keeps you from going....

Your mom should have swallowed the load that made you for sure !!!!!!!

I know that the official records won't reflect the details of what actually happened because the military is professional. I know that because of my military experience.

I know that the official records will not give details about how he stopped all forms of personal hygiene a month prior to the draft board and showed up with his clothing caked in urine and excrement. I know that this is what actually happened because he said so himself.

Now please, be cordial. I am using logic to explicate your arguments and being polite. The mean things you are saying are just not necessary.

It started with your uninformed attacks against me in another thread, accusing me of partisan loyalty as a liberal (I'm voting for Ron Paul). I haven't attacked you at all, I have only addressed your points logically. It is typical that facts offend people who only understand name calling. Don't be a dick bro.
I see it differently. I was being nice to you until you joined with Buck to jump my case. I am fine with you.

To be fair, I don't like his "music" either.

Well, our bantering seemed to be more in fun, you seem like you can take it, you also showed that we can agree. I won't engage someone that way if they are just hateful, like Mindmelted.
Well, our bantering seemed to be more in fun, you seem like you can take it, you also showed that we can agree. I won't engage someone that way if they are just hateful, like Mindmelted.

The funniest part is we are voting for the same candidate! LOL!!
Well, our bantering seemed to be more in fun, you seem like you can take it, you also showed that we can agree. I won't engage someone that way if they are just hateful, like Mindmelted.

You and your dumbass brothers in arms ub and the likes are the only ones who see me that way.

Cause YOU !!! Like uncle fuck like to pounce on the dumbest stuff to correct folks on.

Your point of veiw is not mine and like UB, YOU like to belittle that....