Well-Known Member
I'm still liberal and progressive and I still hate the GOP.
I'm still conservative, and I hate both Dems. AND Repubs.
I'm still liberal and progressive and I still hate the GOP.
You even post dumb pics like he does.....
hillary rosen states that ann romney has never worked a day in her life, cue the fake outrage from republicans.
ted nugent calls for democrats' heads, not a peep.
Romney has lost the women vote guy. Just like Ron Paul never had a chance in getting the GOP nod...seems like I was so right about thatYeah, and Hillary Rosen is a wealthy lesbian. How would her opinion on child rearing have any merit?
The Dems started this "war or women" food fight. It looks like it might back fire on them.
Yeah, and Hillary Rosen is a wealthy lesbian. How would her opinion on child rearing have any merit?
The Dems started this "war or women" food fight. It looks like it might back fire on them.
i take it yur not a hunter?one good song..stranglehold ..the guy is a total douchebag ..kills anything that moves
one good song..stranglehold ..the guy is a total douchebag ..kills anything that moves
We have a two party system that wants you to believe you have a choice, when in fact they both believe in the ideology of collectivism.
They only disagree on matters of unimportance (gay marriage, abortion..) Things of importance they agree on.
You obviously voted for Obama, so how is that change?
IBush started the bailouts and BO continued them.
See the sheep keep thinking that their votes count and the next president will make a change.
You attack people for using Fox for their talking points, but your talking points come from MSNBC.
I do not mind carrying on a mature and intellegent debate with someone...
the problem I have with you UB is that if someone disagrees with your ideology you revert to being a tool of the left and attacking them with name calling. I for one will not be drawn into that child like behaviour.
why this is better? Watchin animals starve to death cuz there to many?
Go make your peta donation, ill go make a venison steak
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collectivism? like, we have to work together to achieve things?
holy shit, i agree!
When I asked you if you were a socialist UB you went off the deep end, and accused me of calling you names.(go figure that one Do you remember that?
Here is the defination of collectivism.
Collectivism: 1880, in socialist theory, from collective + ism. Related: collectivist (1882 as both N and Adj) collectivization (1890)
As far as the rest of your latest response goes it was just the same old tired bullshit that you always revert to, and as I stated I will not be drawn into your childish behaviour. Have a wonderful evening!!
lol, the sad little zamboni has to resort to cherrypicked definitions. that way it sounds more "socialisticky" and therefore bad. because we all know from watching fox news that socialism is the end of the world, and mentally-handicapped-wombat thinkers like zamboni are doing so well at bleating the message whenever they can.
Collectivism is any other philosophic, political, religious, economic, or social outlook that emphasizes the interdependence of every human being.
not going to bother with the way i destroyed the rest of your inane, mouth-farted blubbering? i thought you loved "intellegent" debate.