Well-Known Member
The only reason he made this anti-Obama rant was for attention since nobody likes his music.
30+ MILLION albums sold. Imagine if somebody actually liked his music.

The only reason he made this anti-Obama rant was for attention since nobody likes his music.
No actually it was about gun laws...somethign hes repped for the last 30 yrs... who fuckin cares what Tom Petty says? He prolly doesnt even own a gun.
Yes, something is very wrong with me. I don't love a racist demagogue clown who never made a song I like. Awesome way of thinking, "you don't like something I like, must be something wrong with you..."
Only a tree hugger would think this music was no good
Thats right you do seem like the justin beiber lady gaga type of girl !!!!!!!!
ill agree with you thereOr a fucking retard !!!!!!!!
Or a fucking retard !!!!!!!!
interesting, couldnt have said it better....bravo!First let me start off by saying that I learned alot about myself yesterday. I found out that according to UB I am a stupid conservative from Canada, that likes hockey and taking long romps in the snow. You also stated that I lead you to believe that because of my avatar and handle. Well that doesn't suprise me, because it appears to me that you are easily mislead. (Another words it does not always seem as it appears.) Which brings me to my Plantation remark and back to another thread about the illusion of choice. We have a two party system that wants you to believe you have a choice, when in fact they both believe in the ideology of collectivism. They only disagree on matters of unimportance (gay marriage, abortion..) Things of importance they agree on. You obviously voted for Obama, so how is that change? I am glad he got us out of the wars that Bush started and Gitmo is closed, Bush started the bailouts and BO continued them. See the sheep keep thinking that their votes count and the next president will make a change. And the media helps facilitate the lie. You attack people for using Fox for their talking points, but your talking points come from MSNBC. (and the right left paradigm continues) I do not mind carrying on a mature and intellegent debate with someone, the problem I have with you UB is that if someone disagrees with your ideology you revert to being a tool of the left and attacking them with name calling. I for one will not be drawn into that child like behaviour.
" A Government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always count on the support of Paul."
George Bernard Shaw
Nugent is a douche who's dropped way too much acid.
Shows how stupid you are !!!!!!
Yeah, only stupid people dislike bad music...
See idiot you can not even read what i am responding too.
Ted did not do drugs at all !!!!!
wtf would he need a gun for?
At least his music doesn't suck ass like Ted Nugent's. It is established that Ted Nugent is a coward anyway, as he is a draft dodger. That explains his need for a gun in order to feel like a man but it doesn't explain his belief that he can say anything about what US troops sacrifice for.
Nugent is a douche who's dropped way too much acid.
And more info you are wrong about retard....
Do you know anything about the military.(Not much that is for sure)
Bet you are the real coward....
Any one of those gets you out....Period !!!!!!!!!
A copy of Nugent's Selective Service record shows that he had at separate times both a 1-Y medical deferment and 2-S student deferment.[SUP][56][/SUP]