Ted Nugent

hillary rosen states that ann romney has never worked a day in her life, cue the fake outrage from republicans.

ted nugent calls for democrats' heads, not a peep.

and what plantation would that be, oh exalted one.

do expand on your canned conservative talking point, i beg you.

I do not think that I ever said I was conservative. But you keep believing in the left right paradigm. And speaking of talking points I think you need to go watch MSNBC some more!!
I do not think that I ever said I was conservative. But you keep believing in the left right paradigm. And speaking of talking points I think you need to go watch MSNBC some more!!

what an articulate and detailed description of this "plantation" you speak of! you sir, you are worthy of a pulitzer!

i never said you were conservative. i said you used a canned conservative talking point.

if i had to choose a label of best fit for you, it would be 'inarticulate mouth-farting douchebag'.
Hey deprave, they named a thread after me................Ted Nugent! I love me some Cat Scratch Bachmann!
Nope, Chuck Testa


I vote we make him the new "Motor City madman"
what an articulate and detailed description of this "plantation" you speak of! you sir, you are worthy of a pulitzer!

i never said you were conservative. i said you used a canned conservative talking point.

if i had to choose a label of best fit for you, it would be 'inarticulate mouth-farting douchebag'.

Thanks, he does need a label. Maybe Ass hat wasn't quite sufficient.

Douche canoe captain wearing ass hat.jpg
Qualifications of Ted.

1. Mr. Nugent is personal friends with Glenn Beck. Of course Palin and Beck are buddies, as indicated by her authorship of the story of Glenn Beck in the same Time Magazine article.2. Mr. Nugent has repeatedly served as a member of the Board of Directors of the National Rifle Association.

3. Mr. Nugent has had a very colorful personal life. He lacks a college education, so he, Todd Palin, Glen Beck, and Rush Limbaugh have a common bond. By his own account Nugent has urinated on a nun. He stopped all forms of personal hygiene for a month and showed up for his draft board physical in pants caked with his own urine and feces. In 1978, when Ted was 30, he was involved romantically with a 17 year old girl. (At that time he was about 13 years older than this teenager. That is about the same age disparity between him and Sarah Palin.) He has been married to two other females (both were older than the 17 years old when they married). Despite being married to Shemane Nugent, Ted fathered a child out of wedlock with a woman with whom he had a "brief relationship" in New Hampshire.
4. Famous quotes by Mr. Nugent include:On Apartheid:
Apartheid isn't that cut and dry. All men are not created equal. The
preponderance of South Africa is a different breed of man. I mean that with
no disrespect. I say that with great respect. I love them because I'm one of
them. They are still people of the earth, but they are different. They still
put bones in their noses, they still walk around naked, they wipe their
butts with their hands. -- Detroit Free Press Magazine​
On Hillary Clinton:

"Toxic cunt. This bitch is nothing but a two-bit whore for Fidel Castro."​
NewspaperOn Women:

"I met a couple guys in line yesterday who go, 'Write something to my girlfriend, she won't let me go hunting.' I wrote her something and I said, 'Drop dead, bitch.' What good is she, trade her in, and get a Dalmatian. Who needs the wench?"​
--WRIF FM Radio, Detroit, MichiganHe also called Senator Dianne Feinstein a "worthless whore."On Homosexuality:
A "despicable act" performed by "guys that have sex with each other's anal
Hannity and Colmes
On Animal Rights:
In a 1992 radio interview, Nugent referred to Heidi Prescott of the Fund for Animals as a "worthless whore" and a "shallow slut," asking "who needs to club a seal, when you can club Heidi?" Following this remark Mr. Nugent was sued and ordered by a court to pay $75,000.

On George Bush:
Mr. Nugent moved from his home in Michigan to Crawford Texas where he could hunt and be closer to George Bush. I know George and Laura bought a home in Dallas. I thought they just liked the Mavericks and the Cowboys, but now I understand that there may be security issues in Crawford.

On Barack Obama:
During a concert in 2007, while Barack Obama was campaigning for president, Nugent said to the audience "Obama, he's a piece of shit. I told him to suck on my machine gun." In the same interview, he said regarding Hillary Clinton," I was in NY and I said hey Hillary--you might want to ride one of these into the sunset you worthless bitch." In an interview with Royal Flush Magazine, Nugent was asked about his views of U.S. President Barack Obama, and he responded: "I think that Barack Hussein Obama should be put in jail. It is clear that Barack Hussein Obama is a communist. Mao Tse Tung lives and his name is Barack Hussein Obama. This country should be ashamed. I wanna throw up."
On Healthcare:

He also claims he is an expert on the healthcare bill, because "I kill pigs". He elaborated, saying that "communist, Mao, Che agenda of the communist, Mao, Che fans in the White House. They're pigs, Neil! We gotta kill the pig.


John Edwards cheating on wife with cancer-classy!

Barack Obama sr. already having a pregnant wife when knocking up Barack Juniors mom-classy!

Muslim president trying to destroy America-classy!
and what plantation would that be, oh exalted one.

do expand on your canned conservative talking point, i beg you.

First let me start off by saying that I learned alot about myself yesterday. I found out that according to UB I am a stupid conservative from Canada, that likes hockey and taking long romps in the snow. You also stated that I lead you to believe that because of my avatar and handle. Well that doesn't suprise me, because it appears to me that you are easily mislead. (Another words it does not always seem as it appears.) Which brings me to my Plantation remark and back to another thread about the illusion of choice. We have a two party system that wants you to believe you have a choice, when in fact they both believe in the ideology of collectivism. They only disagree on matters of unimportance (gay marriage, abortion..) Things of importance they agree on. You obviously voted for Obama, so how is that change? I am glad he got us out of the wars that Bush started and Gitmo is closed, Bush started the bailouts and BO continued them. See the sheep keep thinking that their votes count and the next president will make a change. And the media helps facilitate the lie. You attack people for using Fox for their talking points, but your talking points come from MSNBC. (and the right left paradigm continues) I do not mind carrying on a mature and intellegent debate with someone, the problem I have with you UB is that if someone disagrees with your ideology you revert to being a tool of the left and attacking them with name calling. I for one will not be drawn into that child like behaviour.

" A Government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always count on the support of Paul."
George Bernard Shaw
Qualifications of Ted.

1. Mr. Nugent is personal friends with Glenn Beck. Of course Palin and Beck are buddies, as indicated by her authorship of the story of Glenn Beck in the same Time Magazine article.2. Mr. Nugent has repeatedly served as a member of the Board of Directors of the National Rifle Association.

3. Mr. Nugent has had a very colorful personal life. He lacks a college education, so he, Todd Palin, Glen Beck, and Rush Limbaugh have a common bond. By his own account Nugent has urinated on a nun. He stopped all forms of personal hygiene for a month and showed up for his draft board physical in pants caked with his own urine and feces. In 1978, when Ted was 30, he was involved romantically with a 17 year old girl. (At that time he was about 13 years older than this teenager. That is about the same age disparity between him and Sarah Palin.) He has been married to two other females (both were older than the 17 years old when they married). Despite being married to Shemane Nugent, Ted fathered a child out of wedlock with a woman with whom he had a "brief relationship" in New Hampshire.
4. Famous quotes by Mr. Nugent include:On Apartheid:
Apartheid isn't that cut and dry. All men are not created equal. The
preponderance of South Africa is a different breed of man. I mean that with
no disrespect. I say that with great respect. I love them because I'm one of
them. They are still people of the earth, but they are different. They still
put bones in their noses, they still walk around naked, they wipe their
butts with their hands. -- Detroit Free Press Magazine​
On Hillary Clinton:

"Toxic cunt. This bitch is nothing but a two-bit whore for Fidel Castro."​
NewspaperOn Women:

"I met a couple guys in line yesterday who go, 'Write something to my girlfriend, she won't let me go hunting.' I wrote her something and I said, 'Drop dead, bitch.' What good is she, trade her in, and get a Dalmatian. Who needs the wench?"​
--WRIF FM Radio, Detroit, MichiganHe also called Senator Dianne Feinstein a "worthless whore."On Homosexuality:
A "despicable act" performed by "guys that have sex with each other's anal
Hannity and Colmes
On Animal Rights:
In a 1992 radio interview, Nugent referred to Heidi Prescott of the Fund for Animals as a "worthless whore" and a "shallow slut," asking "who needs to club a seal, when you can club Heidi?" Following this remark Mr. Nugent was sued and ordered by a court to pay $75,000.

On George Bush:
Mr. Nugent moved from his home in Michigan to Crawford Texas where he could hunt and be closer to George Bush. I know George and Laura bought a home in Dallas. I thought they just liked the Mavericks and the Cowboys, but now I understand that there may be security issues in Crawford.

On Barack Obama:
During a concert in 2007, while Barack Obama was campaigning for president, Nugent said to the audience "Obama, he's a piece of shit. I told him to suck on my machine gun." In the same interview, he said regarding Hillary Clinton," I was in NY and I said hey Hillary--you might want to ride one of these into the sunset you worthless bitch." In an interview with Royal Flush Magazine, Nugent was asked about his views of U.S. President Barack Obama, and he responded: "I think that Barack Hussein Obama should be put in jail. It is clear that Barack Hussein Obama is a communist. Mao Tse Tung lives and his name is Barack Hussein Obama. This country should be ashamed. I wanna throw up."
On Healthcare:

He also claims he is an expert on the healthcare bill, because "I kill pigs". He elaborated, saying that "communist, Mao, Che agenda of the communist, Mao, Che fans in the White House. They're pigs, Neil! We gotta kill the pig.


Wow, what a worthless draft dodging son of a bitch. Supporting Apartheid is going too far.
The only reason he made this anti-Obama rant was for attention since nobody likes his music. Does Top Petty ever say stupid shit in public?
The only reason he made this anti-Obama rant was for attention since nobody likes his music. Does Top Petty ever say stupid shit in public?
No actually it was about gun laws...somethign hes repped for the last 30 yrs... who fuckin cares what Tom Petty says? He prolly doesnt even own a gun.