I needed 2 kits for 1 whole grow with a 4 x 2 tray and a 18 gallon reservoir . I could have used a bit mor awsome blossom and BC boost.Same question about technaflora nurtrients. I am looking at a 25 gallon res. and am wondering if the briefcase kit is enough for a whole harvest. I dont want to burn those suckers up on my first attempt.
I mix mine full strength with RO water, and the PPM come out right in line with what the chart says. +- 100ppm or less if you are following the mix directions exactly and you have high ppm, perhaps your water has high ppm before you add the nutrients. the water coming out of my RO/DI unit has a TDS reading of 0. I've been using the recipe for success chart, and it works great. I really like the technaflora products.
It depends on the water. I use RO and need the boost grow bloom and magical. The little extras help but can be replaced cheaper. Instead of thrive alive I use Superthrive. And instead of Sugar Daddy I use blackstrap molasses.I'm on my first grow, and I've getting told by people online that I don't need all those extra's that the "Recipe For Success" calls for (ie. Sugar Daddy, Magical, Thrive Alive). I keep hearing great things about Thrive Alive, but not really anything on Sugar Daddy. I'm also batteling some root rot, and was told anything with "Sugar" or molasses is bad for root rot. But then I read that Sugar Daddy has all the necessary amino acids that plants use.
So what's the deal? Would I be able to do a great grow with just the Boost and Grow/Bloom? Are the additives really necessary? Can they hurt?