Teacher fired for breaking up fight.


Well-Known Member
so you co-opt their racist language then?

good job.
While I don't know the liberals running NYC, i'll just take your word those fucks are racist.

Manic frenetic Buck is here tonight, gonna be a shitshow. Maybe you should have a drink or ten Buck


Well-Known Member
you made them your words though.
By repeating their words? Whatever man, you need a drink.

Hey is this one of those nights where you follow me around quoting every post I make, say something idiotic to get a response and think you are being clever? good times.


Well-Known Member
By repeating their words?

i disagreed with their racist terminology, so i said "people of color".

apparently you felt satisfied repeating their dumbass assertion that they are somehow magically able to discern criminals with the naked eye alone, and thus only ever target criminals, thus you said "criminals of color".

if you disagree with something or thing it's racist, it's a good idea to say so rather than submit to the racist.


Well-Known Member

i disagreed with their racist terminology, so i said "people of color".

apparently you felt satisfied repeating their dumbass assertion that they are somehow magically able to discern criminals with the naked eye alone, and thus only ever target criminals, thus you said "criminals of color".

if you disagree with something or thing it's racist, it's a good idea to say so rather than submit to the racist.
Thank you, I'll do better. Let's drink on it. I won't even pretend to know what's in the hearts and minds of those liberals, so I'll ask you from now on. Is a PM ok, or you want me to ask here?


Well-Known Member
Thank you, I'll do better. Let's drink on it. I won't even pretend to know what's in the hearts and minds of those liberals, so I'll ask you from now on. Is a PM ok, or you want me to ask here?
do you really need my help in identifying racist language? are you that accustomed to it based on your conversations in every day life by now?

sheesh. get some new friends.


Well-Known Member
do you really need my help in identifying racist language? are you that accustomed to it based on your conversations in every day life by now?

sheesh. get some new friends.
Everyone needs your help Buck. Don't leave me out just because you don't like my politics. Without you and your twenty thousand posts crying RACIST we wouldn't know just how bad the world is.
Fight the good fight man, let me buy you a drink.


Well-Known Member
can you name one black supremacist we have had on this forum?

because i can list quite a few white supremacists that still frequent this forum, just in case you are feeling lonely.
No I can't but I'm sure you can, seems you know all the racists, and a black supremacist would have to be a racist too.


Well-Known Member
you know you're responding to a fellow racist who won't even dispute that denial of service to blacks caused harm, right?

or was that lost on you?
mud people......lol. I can't even do this shit with a straight face :)

racist.jpgmy nigger.........I love you even in the depths of your penisness.


Well-Known Member
By repeating their words? Whatever man, you need a drink.

Hey is this one of those nights where you follow me around quoting every post I make, say something idiotic to get a response and think you are being clever? good times.

He does the same thing to me. It's always good for a laugh.


Well-Known Member
I'll agree with Bucky, in this. language is a sinister, insidious thing. sometimes we change our language, and it changes behaviors and thinking. resume trolling. thank you for your time :)


Well-Known Member
"people of Color" comes from the Left, funny enough. an attempt to isolate all those mean ole Col. Sanders. the People of Color, can join with Women, and topple the White Patriarchy. I'll watch from my bunker, and shoot any survivors that crawl my way.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
since when do people have the right to harm others?

They don't. Nor do they have the right to make other people use their justly acquired property or body in ways they prefer not to.

You insist that indifference to a person is the same as initiating aggression (actionable harm). That can only mean you don't believe that individuals can truly own property or you give a pass to your coercive government to do things to people and their property that individuals cannot morally do.

Since I know you do believe that individuals can own property, I'm left with the idea that you want government force to be applied to people that leave others alone and remain on their own property who hold different beliefs than you do. THAT is why you share the same mindset as a prohibitionist. You think the initiation of force by a coercive government against an otherwise peaceful person is acceptable.

I know you've been trained to think that a racist has NO rights, but their right to control their own body and their property is the same as yours and mine Comrade. Conversely a racist, like you, like me, have no right to control others property, neither does your nanny state.
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