Taking seeds on the airplane


New Member
I am going to order some seeds in the states and fly to panama with them on me. I have heard many different ways to bring it but this is my idea. Since i'm only gonna have 6 seeds i was going to put them inside a nerds candy box. Open one end of the box let some nerds out , then put the seeds in little baggie and seal the nerds back with super glue. I have read that dogs can smell seeds?! Would that be a problem for me? Any help?
Also i was just going to leave the nerds pack in my waist band where they do not pat you down but will the full body scanners do something?
They're seeds. If anyone working at there knows what they are, they are probably growing themselves lol. It's not like they're going to hold you hostage and plant them to see what they really are. I highly doubt dogs can smell seeds. That's kinda silly.
Get some mixed nuts/seed snacks, etc. If you don't need to keep each separate just dump them in there. Don't eat them by mistake!
Dont carry them on you, put them in your bag. You can't take anything through the full body scanners.

Nerds is a good idea. I saw a suggestion in another thread to just put them in a small bag of lentils or something similar.
I just traveled with some in my checked baggage. Took about 25 seeds, just spread them around the bag in different places. It was no problem.

If you are really concerned try doing what used to do to get small amounts of weed on a plane. Buy a variety pack of lindor truffles, open one and cut in half with razor, carve out the center, drop the seeds in wrapped in Saran wrap, put the 2 halves back together(they will stick), wet your fingers and smooth out the seam, wrap it back up and drop it back in the bag. They could open all the candy and not notice it.
Just put em in your checked luggage... all TSA will see is six little dots if they see them at all. Seeds are the last of their concern. I just came back from Florida and threw 10 or so seeds right in my suitcase and checked the bag. Right in the little font zipper pouch, I didn't think much of it. Bottom of a cig pack would work too.
Also i was just going to leave the nerds pack in my waist band where they do not pat you down but will the full body scanners do something?

Scanner will pick up any abnormality it sees, so I wouldn't try to keep anything in your pockets it literally puts a square around what it sees wrong on a spot on your body.
guy guy guys . you don't want to get caught with them. only way to do it before you enter the air plane put them into your mouth. and if they stop and search you then swallow . and after you get onto the plane repackage them.
Put a few seeds each into some cigarettes, replace the tobacco to conceal them and put the half pack into a jacket in your luggage.
Think about how many people throw pills of their prescriptions all in one bag or bottle and never get messed with.