Taking Schuette to the mat.


Well-Known Member
This is stupid how can they ruin this guys life, destroy his family and incarcerate him, unless We allow them to do so. Voting new reps into office won't help, new judges or prosecuters will not help either. Sitting on forums bitching will do nothing to initiate change. Calling or emailing your congressman? Not gonna do a goddamned thing. BUT, we have the ultimate power to change the outcomes. WE can let everyone off on these charges without spending a minute behind bars, WE can defy these unjust laws, defy the will of an unjust law enforcement and penal system, as well as the wishes of a corrupt judicial system.

WE the people can do this LEGALLY. Actually our rights to judge BOTH the facts in a case as well as the law its self are both constitutionally protected, and actually predate the constitution itself. YOU can become the change you wish to see, WE have this power already, but when people do not exercise it it is useless. The goddamned state cannot incarcerate anyone without YOUR consent.



It doesn't make a goddamned bit of difference what the hypocrite lying fuck Obama says, or what law enforcement says, or what the judge says, ultimately the decision lies with YOU/US, as to whether or not someone is convicted or acquitted.


Well-Known Member
Lawyers and their parsing of words HAVE NO PLACE in science. The EPA of the 70-80's was established by thousands of scientists whom worked hard to clean the air we enjoy today (see China 2015 vs Cleveland 1970). Yet now that organization is equivalent to the 14th largest law firm in the world and trying to create a market selling carbon credits to politicians and corporations (aka regulatory capture) ...