Taking it Outside

Thanks man, I'll probably have to do that. For now....out to the garden.

I have about 18 clones I think I want to move to the Greenhouse. The plan is to throw a handful of CFL's and veg them until maybe September-ish for an x-mas harvest.
A butterfly with a broken wing was feeding in the garden this morning.

I'm not sure what kind of tree this is, but it has funny flowers & also bean-looking pods.
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Our first big garden haul!!
Bush Champion cucumber, jalapeños & our awesome yellow pear tomatoes
Looking good. My wife was being nice this morning and made me a Thai Cucumber Salad to bring to work. She used our Armenian cucumbers and Jalapenos, but she also added a few small chunks of the BIL's Ghost pepper. Guess who's salad is too hot to eat? I can take two or three bites, then have to take a break from it.
Ok guys....sorry for the short break. Trying to decide whether to raise the greenhouse top or try and train the tops to the center. Here's what's happening now:

Everybody is starting to hit the top, save the sweet cheese.



Sweet cheese flowered early but decided to let Mother Nature decide the outcome....ill be glad for some early season smoke


And the greenhouse is undergoing some transitions.

Only plant being light dep-Ed is gigabud (and damn she's thirsty)She was a little neglected but still produced some rock hard buds. She's just ripening up, should be done in a week or so.


Once she gets chopped we'll be adding lights, scrogs, and get some more clones planted.

